
  1. 在市场型组织文化中,组织公民行为的组织参与维度、公民美德维度、生活上帮助同事维度和积极主动维度的表现都明显好于其他三种类型的组织文化。

    The Market displays better than the other three types on participant behavior , civic virtue , initiative behavior and helpful behavior .

  2. 最后,本文依据系统组织理论和市场驱动型组织理论,构建了提升我国MBA教育的市场适应性模型,并在此基础上提出了有针对性的微观策略和宏观政策建议。

    In the final part , based on system organization theory and market driven organization theory , this paper constitutes a model of promoting the adaptability of China 's MBA education , and also gives some microscopic tactics and macroscopic policy advice .

  3. 结合中国企业的现状和特点,为国内企业向市场驱动型组织转型提供了一套系统的解决方案。

    Provide the systematical solution of how to become a market-driven organization for the Chinese enterprises .

  4. 近年来,市场导向型组织文化与企业绩效之间的关系成为了实践界和理论界关注的焦点。

    Nowdays , the relationship between Market-oriented organizational culture and corporate performance has become the hot pot of the academic and practical research .

  5. 相对于销售驱动型组织,现在仍然很难见到一个真正的市场营销驱动型组织。

    It 's still very rare to see a truly marketing-driven organisation , as opposed to a sales-driven organisation , says Mr Doctoroff .

  6. 构建了我国高水平单项体育赛事联合分权组织结构模式,明晰了该模式下的政府型、混合型和市场型三种组织结构类型。

    In this dissertation , the author establishes an organization structure model of joint decentralization and the three structure types under this model : the governmental type , the mixed type and the marketing type .

  7. 本文依据银行类金融机构与非银行类金融机构资产的相对比值,将金融组织结构分为两种类型:银行主导型金融组织结构和市场主导型金融组织结构。

    In this paper , according to the relative ratio of banking financial institutions ' assets and non-bank financial institutions ' assets , Financial organizations will be divided into two types of structure : the bank-based financial institutions structure and market-based financial institutions structure .

  8. 第五,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛和2005年北京国际马拉松赛组织的案例分析,提出了对我国市场型和混合型组织结构模式的启示。

    Fifth , from the sample analysis of the CBA league in the 2004-2005 seasons and the 2005 Beijing international Marathon Game , the author puts forward the detailed proposals on the sports events organization structure of the market-oriented type and the mixed-oriented type .

  9. 企业集团作为介于单体企业和市场之间的中间型组织,是一种特殊的组织形式。

    Enterprise Group as " middle organization " between enterprise and market , is a special form of organization .

  10. 具体分析了东华公司的生产运营模式,销售管理系统,国际市场拓展和学习型组织建设。

    This dissertation analyses concretely the model of operating and marketing management and digging national market and the learning organization of Donghua .

  11. 并且应以工程项目管理、目标市场开发、学习型组织培育以及公司文化建设为工作的重难点。

    And the company should be based on project management , target market development , learning organization cultivation and company culture construction as the most important and difficult job .

  12. 考察了出口涉入程度和出口市场环境、出口企业市场驱动型组织学习以及新产品绩效之间的关系。

    The relationships among export involvement and export market environment , market-driven organizational learning and new product performance of exporting firms are empirically examined in this study .

  13. 国有独资商业银行国际贸易结算业务营销应选择以中国大陆和香港为主要市场,向全球辐射的战略,采用客户型、市场型的组织、管理模式。

    Fourth , in foreign trade business marketing , state-owned banks should choose the strategies , which select china continent and Hongkong as main target market and expand to the whole world , establish market-directed and customer - directed organization structure and management model .

  14. 同时,比较详尽地规划、阐述了针对隆辉新产品市场营销应采取的策略:完善组织,使之符合市场导向型组织的要求、建立平衡计分卡评估系统、定价策略、质量控制策略;

    At the same time , the author interpret Lafe marketing strategy : optimize organization to meet marketing orientation requirement 、 establish Balance Scorecard system 、 price strategy , quality control strategy .

  15. 第三部分更加深入地阐述了市场驱动型文化、能力和配置的本质,为中国企业建立市场驱动型组织奠定更加扎实的理论基础。

    In part three , I explore the essence of market-driven culture , ability , configuration to build a solid theoretical base .

  16. 这种分析是按照市场不确定分析,企业有限理性和异质性分析,面向市场的试错型企业组织学习分析,面向竞争对手的效仿型企业组织学习分析四个方面展开的。

    The analysis is based on four aspects which include the analysis of market uncertainty , the analysis of enterprises ' bounded rationality and heterogeneity , the analysis of market-oriented trial and error enterprises learning organizations , and the analysis of rivals-oriented imitative enterprise organizational learning .