
  • 网络team structure;Team-based structure
  1. 项目的技术、团队结构和时间计划非常有益于在不阻碍进度的情况下合并RUP和其他工具。

    The project 's technologies , team structure , and schedule were very conducive to incorporating the RUP and other tools without impeding progress .

  2. McConnell认为,软件开发团队结构应当遵循工程世界的模型,即技术顾问为工程师们提供的支持。

    McConnell believes that development team structure should follow a model from the engineering world , in which technicians provide support for engineers .

  3. 通常,一个RationalTeamConcert过程模板包含了多个工作项模板,并且定义了多个角色、一个团队结构,以及一个基本的项目管理结构。

    Typically , a Rational Team Concert process template contains several work item templates and defines several roles , a team structure , and a basic project management structure .

  4. Sprint团队结构产生了一种途径,可借以更好地理解客户对产品的使用情况。

    Formation of Sprint team creates an avenue for better understanding of the product usage by the customer .

  5. 文章“CreatingidealSOAteams”(请参见参考资料)说明了如何更为有效地设计团队结构以及业务分析人员在SOA项目中的角色。

    The article " Creating ideal SOA teams "( see Resources ) explains how to structure your team more effectively and the role of the business analyst in your SOA project .

  6. 介绍风险及可操作性研究(HAZOP)的定义、适用范围,分析了HAZOP的团队结构和职责,还对进行HAZOP的一般准则作了讨论。

    The definition and application range of hazard and operability study ( HAZOP ) are expounded together with the analysis of its team structure and responsibilities . The general norms of HAZOP are discussed as well .

  7. 基于角色的虚拟团队结构评价研究

    Evaluation of the Virtual Team Structure Based on the Role Theory

  8. 团队结构能够将团队之间的沟通路径数目最小化?

    Does the structure minimize the number of communication paths between teams ?

  9. 团队结构是否能将团队保持在一起的时间延至最长?

    Does the structure maximize the amount of time that teams will remain together ?

  10. 然而,我们应该如何评价我们的团队结构是否最高效呢?

    However , how do you validate that you have the most efficient team structure ?

  11. 在开始研讨会上,针对下一个版本讨论并制定了团队结构。

    During the kickoff , the team structures were discussed and mapped out for the next release .

  12. 将团队结构与架构相结合

    Align team structure with architecture

  13. 一个架构影响团队结构

    An architecture influences team structure

  14. 而这个概念还被应用到团队结构、社会模式、业务模式等等。

    But the concept has also been applied to team structure , social patterns , business patterns , etc.

  15. 小班教学和团队结构是小学教育团队的特色。

    Class sizes are small and a team structure is a feature of the organisation of the junior school .

  16. 具体包括研发组织的岗位分析评价,研发组织团队结构和人员职责界定。

    Specifically includes R D organization position analysis appraisal , R D organization team structure and the personnel responsibility limits .

  17. 团队结构是否将必须同时属于两个团队的人员数目降到最低(而且避免有人同时属于三个团队)?

    Does the structure minimize the number of people required to be on two teams ( and avoid having anyone on three )?

  18. 第三章主要介绍除雾器产品留样成本项目界定和项目改进团队结构。

    The third chapter introduces the defining of the cost project of the defogger and the team structure of the project improvement .

  19. 运用统计学有关方法对影响安徽上市公司绩效的高层管理团队结构特征进行建模分析。

    With statistic methods , the model for factors affecting top management team of Anhui listed companies is set up and analyzed .

  20. 传统的金字塔式的组织结构已不能适应环境的要求,许多组织正在进行扁平化和团队结构的变革。

    Traditional tall organization structure can not meet the new environment , many organizations are changing their structure through flat structure and team-work .

  21. 他们可能已经在面试中出现过了,但以防万一,确认一下团队结构还是值得的。

    It 's likely they 'll have been in your interview , but it 's worth checking the team structure just in case .

  22. 矩阵结构、团队结构、虚拟组织、无边界组织四种形式是企业组织结构未来变革的主要趋势。

    The four forms of matrix structure , team structure , virtual organization and boundaryless organization are the main trends of such transformation .

  23. 面对中国的各种并购机会内向型、外向型以及国内企业之间的,投资银行应当如何设计自己的中国银行业务团队结构呢?

    Given all the M & A opportunities , inbound , outbound and domestic , how should investment banks structure their China Banking teams ?

  24. 对五家典型创业型企业的创业者(或总经理)访谈案例的分析表明:关于创业成功,可有核心技术、团队结构和战略定位三大关键因素;

    The study on the key factors of entrepreneurial success summed up three key factors : the core technology , team structure and the strategic positioning ;

  25. 体制创新、科技平台、领军人物、团队结构、团队精神构成创新团队建设的四大要素。

    Systematic innovation , scientific and technological platform , leading figures , team organization and team spirit constitute the factors for the construction of innovative team .

  26. 下面是与分层模式相关的两个具体构件:初始团队结构和初始配置管理数据存储结构。

    There were , however , two concrete artifacts associated with the layers pattern : the initial team structure , and the initial configuration management data-store structures .

  27. 结合团队结构和架构您的项目团队的组织应该反应出正在构建的将团队活动流水化的预期系统架构的结构。

    Align Team Structure With Architecture The organization of your project team should reflect the desired architectural structure of the system you are building to streamline the activities of the team .

  28. 经营状况不好,企业管理者往往会选择对外积极开拓市场,而对内则是重点完善内部管理、稳定公司团队结构,人力资源管理者和公司管理层会非常注重核心人才保留计划。

    When operation performance of enterprise is not good , professional managers will often choose to explore new market externally and to improve the internal management and make the team and organization structure stable .

  29. 最后,分析了文化对构建团队结构、解决团队冲突以及增强团队内聚力等演化阶段的影响,并提出了管理建议。

    Finally , the cultural impact upon the three phases of team evolution process , such as establishing team structure , conflict resolution , and cohesion enhancing is analyzed . And managerial suggestion is also raised .

  30. 组织激励策略和团队结构的各维度都分别影响团队创业精神的几个指标,其中团队结构中的目标依存维度对团队创业精神各维度都具有较强的预测力。

    Motivation strategy and team structure have an significant influence on team entrepreneurship , the former can predict the latter to a certain extent . The goal dependence in team structure can predict every dimension of team entrepreneurship .