
  • 网络Market Coverage;the market coverage rate
  1. 产品的市场覆盖率、占有率、产品销售量、销售额等指标在行业处于领先地位。

    Its market coverage , market share , product sales , sales rate and other indicators are all in the leading position in the industry .

  2. 地级市的电影院也开始犹如雨后春笋般在近几年迅速开始崛起,大量电影院开始在这些二三线城市建立,电影院线不断扩大其市场覆盖率促使了电影市场的复苏。

    Prefecture-level city cinema like mushroomed rapidly in recent years have begun to emerge , a large number of cinema began to be established in the second and third tier cities , the cinema line continues to expand its market coverage to promote the recovery of the film market .

  3. 部分产品全国市场覆盖率高达80%以上,是国内工程机械行业具有一定影响的新兴公司。

    The market share of some products in national markets is as high as80 % . It is now a famous high tech enterprise in domestic construction machinery industry .

  4. 实际上,新兴市场的利息覆盖率已有明显改善,因新兴市场的利率已大幅下降。

    In fact their coverage ratios have improved significantly as interest rates in emerging markets have come down dramatically .

  5. 文章就如何加快县级盐业公司建设,尽快完善和规范其管理运行机制,发挥它在占领盐业市场、提高碘盐覆盖率、实现经营效益等方面的作用畅述自己的观点。

    Tihs paper expounded the personal views on how to fasten the construction of county level salt companies , improve and standardize their management operational mechanism , and exert their functions on occupying salt market , increase the coverage percentage of iodized salt , and realize management benefit .

  6. 渠道的效率高低在于渠道模式的选择。渠道模式的选择与目标市场特点、分销成本、管理方式、市场覆盖率要求、对中间商的激励程度等因素密切相关。

    High or low efficiency depends on the choice of marketing channel pattern , which is closely related to target market features , distribution cost , management method , market coverage requirement , extent to encourage middleman , etc.

  7. 二者的整合过程就是对信息流、物流、资金流、目标市场和服务电子科技大学MB人硕士论文等核心要素进行整合协调,以期达到效率和市场覆盖率的最大化,同时避免冲突失控。

    The integration process of two channels is to integrate and harmonize the core element include information stream . Logistics streams .