
  • 网络Open market operation;Open-Market Operations
  1. 公开市场业务在美国运用的最为成功,尽管公开市场业务并非为美联储最先使用。

    The Federal Reserve System performed the open market operation successfully .

  2. 中央银行的间接调控与公开市场业务

    Indirect Regulation and Open Market Operation of the Central Bank

  3. 公开市场业务、公告操作与国债规模

    Open Market Operations , Open Mouth Operations and Quantity of Treasury-Bond

  4. 中国中央银行公开市场业务操作研究

    The Research on the Open Market Operation of China Central Bank

  5. 我国公开市场业务若干问题研究

    Study on Some Problems about Open Market Operations of China

  6. 论央行公开市场业务操作的制度性缺陷及其对策

    Institutional Deficiencies of Open Market Operations of the Central Bank and Countermeasures

  7. 公开市场业务有效性的实证检验

    Empirical test of the effectiveness of the open market operation

  8. 公开市场业务可以灵活精巧地进行;

    On the other hand , open market operation has some disadvantages .

  9. 浅议我国公开市场业务的拓展

    A Brief View of Development of Our Country 's Open Market Operation

  10. 为此,一是要完善公开市场业务操作目标;

    Therefore , first to perfect the operation target of open market business ;

  11. 刍议公开市场业务在我国的发展和完善

    Development and Perfection of Open Market Operation in China

  12. 接下来,文章分析了我国公开市场业务影响债券市场的现状。

    Then the article analyses the present situation of influence in our country .

  13. 论我国公开市场业务的财政约束政务公开

    On the Financial Restrictions of Open Market Operation in China Governmental Affairs Publicity

  14. 我国公开市场业务操作工具的多元化选择

    Diversification of Open Market Operation Instruments in China

  15. 我国公开市场业务操作对象选择

    Objects Selection of Open - market in China

  16. 公开市场业务:问题与对策

    Open - Market Business : Problem and Countermeasure

  17. 公开市场业务存在一定的局限性;

    The open market operation has its limitation ;

  18. 公开市场业务实践与货币政策操作方式转变

    The Conduct of the Open Market Operations And the Shift of Monetary Policy Instruments

  19. 中国人民银行公开市场业务交易系统的设计与实现

    People 's Bank of china Opens Design and Implementation of Its Market Business Transaction System

  20. 四是扩大公开市场业务,完善以间接调控为主的货币调控机制。

    Expanding open market operations and improving money control mechanism that mainly relies on indirect instruments .

  21. 公开市场业务是中央银行最重要的一个间接货币政策工具。

    The business of open market is most important indirect monetary policy tool of central bank .

  22. 中美公开市场业务运行基础的比较分析

    Market Operation between China and America

  23. 而受我国金融市场的限制,公开市场业务也难以发挥其应有的作用。

    Limited by our financial markets , open market operations are difficult to play its due role .

  24. 实证证明我国的公开市场业务对债券市场有一定的影响但影响效力并不是很大。

    These conclusions have manifested our country open market operations truly inflect to the bond market rate .

  25. 首先从公开市场业务的操作原理入手,深入分析了其产生的宏观经济效果。

    Proceed with operating principle at first , analyses its effects of macro economy produced in depth .

  26. 货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。

    Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation .

  27. 以美国为首的发达市场经济国家主要通过公开市场业务来调控基础货币和利率,中国央行的公开市场业务自1998年以来也得到了快速发展,已成为央行日常货币政策操作的主要政策工具。

    Open market operation is the main instrument to control base money and interest rate in developed countries .

  28. 针对金融机构持有13000亿元各种债券的情况,要大力发展公开市场业务。

    With the1.3 trillion bonds held by financial institutions , the central bank will expand open market operations .

  29. 公开市场业务与货币政策有效性&1997后中国货币政策传导梗阻的症结探析

    Business of Open Market and Monetary Policy Effect-Analysis on the Reasons of Chinese Monetary Policy Conducting Obstruct after 1997

  30. 随着金融市场化步伐的加快,公开市场业务操作的时机日臻成熟。

    With the quickening of financial market construction , the time comes to adopt the open market operation policy .