
  • 网络competence-based education;competency-based education;competency based education;CBE;CBE CBE
  1. 能力本位教育模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on CBE

  2. 能力本位教育与培训(Competency-basedEducationandTraining,简称CBET)是当今世界各国职业教育与培训改革的方向。

    Competency-based Education and Training ( CBET ) is presently a new direction in the reform of vocational education and training in many countries .

  3. 基于能力本位教育模式的3S技术应用人才培养

    Training to be Person with 3S Technique Ability Based on Competence Education Mode

  4. 利用能力本位教育思想构建参与式体育教学模式的研究

    On Forming a Participation PE Teaching Model with Quality Competence Concept

  5. 借鉴国外职业教育模式实施能力本位教育

    Learning foreign vocational educational modes and implementing vocational competence-based education

  6. 就业导向下能力本位教育目标的推论

    Inferences from competence - based educational objective for employment

  7. 高职英语教学中现代教育技术的运用浅析高职英语教学中的能力本位教育

    The application of modern educational technology of English teaching in higher vocational school

  8. 建构主义学习理论和能力本位教育理论对本教改均有很强的指导作用。

    The theories of competence based education and constructivism effect this reform strongly .

  9. 高等职业教育中的能力本位教育与素质教育

    Competence - based Education and Quality - oriented Education in Higher Vocational Education

  10. 能力本位教育是世界职业教育改革的主要方向。

    Competency-based Education is a mainly direction of vocational education reform all over the world .

  11. 教练员岗位培训中的能力本位教育

    The Competence-Based-Education in Coach Position Training

  12. 能力本位教育是一项系统工程,教学是其中的重要部分。

    Competency-Based education is a systematic engineering , among which teaching is one of the most important parts .

  13. 首先,对应用型本科人才培养模式的相关概念进行界定,以及对本研究的理论基础&人本主义教育思想和能力本位教育思想进行阐述。

    First , related concepts are defined , and the study elaborates theoretical bases-the humanistic education and competency-based education .

  14. 高职院校创办“学生创业园”是职业能力本位教育思想的具体体现。

    " Students Starting Enterprises Zone " in Vocational Colleges is the specific reflection of the educational thought of professional ability standard .

  15. 当前我国的幼儿园教师培训可以依据以下几条原则尝试引进能力本位教育培训模式:培训、实践与研究相结合;

    The present training could follow the principles below to introduce the CBET : the training , practice and the research should be combined ;

  16. 国外能力本位教育存在已久,它源自于重视能力获得的教育思想。

    Competence based education of foreign countries has been for a long time . It is derived from educational thinking of recognizing having activities .

  17. 第二章论述了国外职业教育的培养目标&能力本位教育的内涵,随着社会经济发展而发生深刻变化的过程。

    The second chapter discuss the cultivation target of foreign vocational education , and the profound change of the meaning of Competency-Based Education along with development of the society ;

  18. 论文首先对国外高等职业教育与能力本位教育的课程设置进行考察,分析其课程设置特点,为我国高等职业教育课程设置提供借鉴。

    The thesis firstly studies the curriculum provision of Vocational Higher education in foreign countries and the Competency Based Education , analyzes their characteristics with reference to their counterpart in China .

  19. 在国外,校企合作的模式研究颇为成熟,如德国的双轨制,加拿大的能力本位教育,新加坡的教学工厂模式,美国的社区学院等。

    Some researches on school-enterprise cooperation mode have been carried out abroad , such as double-track pricing system in German , competency based education in Canada , teaching factory in Singapore and community college in America .

  20. 能力本位教育作为世界各国职业课程体系改革的指导思想,具有先进的能力观和完整的课程观,为我国中职计算机网络专业课程体系研究提供了值得借鉴的经验。

    Competency-based vocational education as a curriculum reform guiding ideology in different countries , the ability to view advanced and complete curriculum for the grade of the curriculum system of computer networks provide the experience is worth learning .

  21. 能力本位职业教育与培训的本土化研究

    Research on the Localization of Competency - based Education and Training

  22. 高职高专能力人格本位教育理念初探

    The Concept and Substance of Personality-based Capability Educational Research in Vocational Colleges

  23. 在课程改革方面,倡导能力本位的教育与培训。

    On reform of curriculum initiating education and training based on ability standard .

  24. 构建能力本位职业教育模式的思考

    Reflections on the Construction of Competence-oriented Vocational Education

  25. 近年来,能力本位的教育思想逐渐融入高等职业院校的英语教学理论研究和实践中。

    Recently , the competence orientation has been embedded into the research and the practice of English teaching and learning in higher vocational colleges in China .

  26. 通过整合学术性课程与实践性课程,使理论与实践在课程结构上融为一体等理论假设基础上,提出理论与实践一体化教学模式的设想:把能力本位的教育理念作为指导思想;

    On the basis of combination of theoretical curriculum and practical curriculum , and the theory and the practice in curriculum structure , author puts forward the mode of the theory and practice unified teaching .

  27. 本文在深刻理解能力本位职业教育内涵、教学模式内涵和剖析中等职业教育已有的教学模式存在的不足的基础上提出了任务发现创新教学模式。

    A new teaching mode named " task-discovery-innovation " is brought forward based on understanding the essence of vocational education based on CBE and the essence of teaching mode and analysis of traditional teaching mode 's shortage .

  28. 中等职业学校的数学课程应突出体现基础性,普及性,和发展性,使数学教育面向全体学生,要以生存和发展,能力本位的教育教学思想作为指导思想。

    Mathematics course of the secondary vocational school should reflect outstandingly basic , popularization , and development . It also should make mathematics education face all students , and " survive and developing , ability standard " education teaching thought should be taken as guidelines .

  29. 作为新生事物的护理硕士专业学位的教育模式尚属探索阶段,基于能力本位职业教育理念,护理硕士专业学位研究生的临床能力水平是反映其培养质量的关键。

    As a new thing , the Master of Nursing Specialist still is in a stage of exploration . Based on the concept of Competency-based education , the level of clinical competence of postgraduates of MNS is the key to reflect their quality of education .

  30. CBE是指以能力为本位的教育理论,也是在国际上被广泛应用和流行的一种新的教育模式,倍受社会和企业的欢迎。

    CBE is a new education pattern which is widely used in the world .