
  1. 最后从企业的角度分析了技能与能力薪酬体系在实施中可能遇到的问题,并初步提出了解决问题的对策措施。

    Finally , it analyses problems that companies may face when applying the pay system and presents some countermeasures to solve the problems .

  2. 在这一基础上,对公司实施能力薪酬体系之于企业保持竞争优势、促进企业快速发展、吸引人才、满足研发人员成长需求等方面做了分析和研究。

    On this basis , the company implement ability and compensation system on the enterprise competitive advantage and promote enterprise rapid development , to attract talents , satisfy r & d personnel growth demands of significance were analyzed and studied .

  3. 看重能力的薪酬体系,使春斗失去了已有的魅力。

    The salary system of values ability , make " spring dou " lost existing charm .

  4. 本文在总结归纳国内外研究现状的基础上,从企业薪酬思想演变过程的角度论述了基于技能与能力的薪酬体系产生的必然性。

    This paper summarizes previous study in this field and demonstrates the necessity of skill and competency-based pay system .

  5. 对是基于职位还是基于能力的薪酬体系的特征进行论述,指出基于能力的薪酬体系将是今后国有企业发展的方向。

    In discussing the feature of salary management on the position , or on the ability , the article point out that salary management system on the ability is the new direction in the development of business enterprise .

  6. 作为实际执行的岗位绩效工资系统,是建立在绩效系数和基数的基础之上的,反映职工岗位和能力的差异的薪酬体系。

    As the actual execution pay system based on post and performance , which are founded on performance coefficient and base , the salary system reflect differences between jobs and personal ability .

  7. 在对公司薪酬体系的设计过程中,结合公司研发人员的特点建立能力模型,并对其能力进行评价,将宽带薪酬与能力薪酬体系相融合,形成了适合于公司研发人员的整套薪酬制度。

    On the company compensation system design process , combining the characteristics of the r d personnel build capacity model , and its ability to evaluate , will broadband compensation and compensation system combining ability , formed suitable for r d personnel package of salary system .

  8. 以基于能力的人力资源管理理论和员工素质模型为基础,提出了技能与能力薪酬体系的设计思路和方法。

    Then , it presents the process and methods to design skill and competency-based pay system .