
  1. 预备役军官履职能力考评体系及激励机制研究

    Study of Assessment System Below Task Fulfiling Capability and Incentive Mechanism for Reserve Officers

  2. 一个学期后考察学生德育、智育、体育和综合能力考评情况。

    After one semester , the students will be evaluated on the aspects of moral , intelligent , physical education .

  3. 另一方面,这些经销商能力考评活动是与厂商的商务政策和管理要求紧密相关的,在行业内是秘而不宣的。

    The other reason : dealers'ability evaluation activities is closely relate with manufactory 's the business policy and management requirements , it is secretive in the industry .

  4. 通过绩效考评确定风险投资项目经理的基于目标管理的业绩考评和基于360度绩效考评的能力考评方法,对方法的应用以一实例加以说明;

    Upon " Performance Appraisal " to confirm performance appraisal methods based on the management by objective and 360 degree performance appraisal method , then the practical case is adopted to explain these methods ;

  5. 中层管理人员绩效考评就是对他们日常工作中表现出的工作业绩和各项能力进行考评,以期得到一个公平公正、准确合理的考评结果。

    Performance appraisal for the middle managers is to check out their achievement and ability in their jobs , and to get the correct result to their performance appraisal .

  6. 因此建立一套客观合理的、针对高校高水平运动队教练员综合能力的考评机制迫在眉睫。

    Therefore the establishment of a set of objective and rational evaluation system which can reflect the true comprehensive capacity of high-level college sports teams coaches is very important .

  7. 基于该模式,论文构建了不完全逆向物流供应商的评价指标体系,体现了在仅将物流、仓储业务外包时,协调能力成为考评指标的特点。

    With this model this chapter creates an incompletely criteria system for reverse logistics provider evaluation . That demonstrates the cooperation ability of the provider became a vital criteria when enterprises only outsource logistics and warehouse business .

  8. 依据国家对干部普遍适用的考评内容转化成能力情状的考评指标要素,突出考评能力为本的核心。

    Based on the index factors of transforming assessing content into capability situation , the paper gives prominence to ″ capability is principal ″ .

  9. 能力导向观念指导下的高职教学改革的思路是:以能力为中心设计课程体系,以能力为目标改进教学方法,以能力为标准考评教学效果。

    In order to carry out ability-oriented teaching , the following reform is necessary : course design should center on the ability , the reform of teaching method should aim at the ability and the criteria of teaching assessment should be ability-centred .