
  • 网络year-end assessment
  1. 高等院校图书馆员年终考核之我见

    My Opinion on Year-end Assessment of University Librarians

  2. 政策建议1.改革人事制度,乡镇卫生院人事制度可实行全员聘用制或合同制管理,考试上岗,年终考核制度,实现能者上庸者下的竞争机制。

    It should be reformed the personnel system and implemented national engaging or contract management system , at the same time , pushing position competition and the year-end assessment in township hospitals 2 .

  3. 职工年终考核综合评价方法探讨

    Probe into the Method of Comprehensive Evaluation on Employees ' Year-end Assessment

  4. 年终考核时,学生的统考合格率提高到93%。

    By year 's end , my students had achieved a93 percent pass rate .

  5. 四维考核法:一种易于实践的高校图书馆窗口部门职工年终考核办法

    Four-Dimensionality Checking Measure & A Kind of Easy Year-End Checking Measure for the Librarian of Service Departments of the University Library

  6. 把自夸的功夫留给年终考核吧,而且提及成功时要有目的比如说商量薪水时。

    Save the boasting for your year-end review and always note your successes with a purpose as in , say , while negotiating salary .

  7. 营销中心对其全体成员薪酬考核采取基本年薪+年终考核+销售提成+团队奖金+福利+津贴的薪酬结构。

    When assessing salaries of sales staff , the marketing center takes the salary structure including annual basic salary , bonus and performance review , sales commissions , team commissions , welfare and allowance into consideration .

  8. 在二级学院管理人员绩效考核模式的构建过程中要将日常考核与年终考核相结合,部门绩效与个人绩效相结合;360。

    In the secondary faculty performance appraisal system , the daily appraisal should combine with the annual appraisal ; the personal appraisal should combine with the department appraisal ; and the 360 ° appraisal should combine with KPI appraisal .

  9. 国有和民营上市公司通常对高管采用薪酬与业绩挂钩、年终考核制度、年薪制或者股权激励计划等激励方式来调动高管的工作积极性以提高公司业绩。

    Executives of private enterprises often use performance-related pay , year-end performance appraisal system , the annual salary system , or equity incentive plans and other incentives to mobilize the enthusiasm of the working executives to improve company performance .

  10. 再次,本文确定了研发人员绩效考核主体,明确了月考核、项目考核和年终考核三种形式的考核周期,并加强了绩效考核指标体系中结果沟通与反馈。

    The paper identifies the main R & D staff performance appraisal , a clear monthly assessment project assessment and year-end appraisal three forms of appraisal cycle , and to strengthen the performance appraisal system results in communication and feedback .

  11. 二是不断提升四大国有商业银行的职工素质,为职工的年终考核设立一套行之有效,能很好的将激励和约束机制融合一起的制度,提高经营效率。

    Second , to continuously upgrade the quality of workers in the big four state-owned commercial banks , and to establish an effective year-end assessment for this workers and a good incentive and restraint mechanisms will be a great progress to improve operational efficiency .

  12. 谷歌(Google)新任首席执行官拉里•佩奇增加年终奖考核标准。

    New Google CEO Larry Page just upped the ante as far as workflow goes .

  13. 最后结合当今国企治理机制的改革热点,提出高层管理人员的年终绩效考核方案和虚拟股份、股票期权等长期激励机制。

    Finally , this paper proposed long term incentives and virtual stock for executives .

  14. 根据外教教研室制定的教学评估体系,接受外事办对外教进行的年终业务考核和等级评定。

    In accordance with teaching evaluation system , the foreign teachers should accept the assessment at the end of school year from FAO .

  15. 在现代的企业管理中,我们越来越多地听到考核这个词。干部任职资格的考核,企业的年终绩效考核等等。这说明考核越来越成为企业管理的一部分。

    During the modern enterprise management , more and more we hear the word ' appraisal ', such as leader qualifying appraisal , year-end performance appraisal and so on , which show that the assessment is increasingly becoming a part of enterprise management .