
  1. 改进政府目标考评方式保障新农村建设目标实现

    Improving Evaluating Method of Government Annual Working Target to Ensure Rural Area Development

  2. 目标考评是现代化医院管理的重要内容。

    Objective and assess management is an important method in modern hospital administration .

  3. 医疗目标考评的公平性。

    And the fairness of medical target evaluations .

  4. 绩效考核评价的方法众多,目标管理考评法在选煤企业有广泛的应用基础。

    There many methods to evaluate plant achievements , among which the evaluation method of target management has a certain basis on its wide application in coal preparation enterprise .

  5. 临床科主任目标责任年度考评的实践与体会

    Practice and experience of implementing annual object management for clinical department director

  6. 运行机制主要包括目标机制、考评机制、激励机制和领导机制。

    The operation mechanisms include : the objective mechanism , the check and appraisal mechanism , the incentive mechanism , the leadership mechanism , etc.

  7. 本文的第四章根据以战略为导向的岗位绩效指标体系的应用过程对其进行分析,主要针对其在设定、实施、考评岗位绩效目标,及考评结果中的应用进行分析。

    The fourth chapter of this article according to analyse to the application process of strategic oriented of post performance index system . Mainly according to it in the strategic management , the employment advertise selects , the performance management and the drive mechanism application carries on the analysis .

  8. 通过绩效考评确定风险投资项目经理的基于目标管理的业绩考评和基于360度绩效考评的能力考评方法,对方法的应用以一实例加以说明;

    Upon " Performance Appraisal " to confirm performance appraisal methods based on the management by objective and 360 degree performance appraisal method , then the practical case is adopted to explain these methods ;

  9. 第四部分,运用铁路多经系统集团发展战略目标分析确定绩效考评指标体系,通过运用绩效考评指标理论和发展战略理论对铁路饭店进行分析,选择了考评体系原则;

    In the fourth part , the performance review system is determined by applying the railway group development strategy , railway hotels are analyzed by using the performance review indicators and the theory of development strategy , and related principle for the review are selected .

  10. 该系统通过将企业战略有效地转化为每个岗位的可实现目标,并对岗位目标进行考评来实现企业的绩效考评。

    It aims at converting the business enterprise strategies to realizable targets of every post , evaluating these targets to realize performance appraisal .

  11. 公共部门目标管理吸收了私营部门目标管理方法以及新公共行政学关于责任管理的理念,它包括目标制定、目标实施、目标考评三阶段。

    Public management by objectives adopts the methods of management by objectives used in personal sector and the ideas of responsibility management of new public administration .