
  • 网络WBS;KPI;objectives;Target decomposition
  1. 进而从知识、技能、价值观三个层次上将MBA商业伦理教育目标分解为可衡量、易评价的子目标。

    The sub-objectives of the education are determined by breaking down the education objectives from the three levels of knowledge , skill , and value .

  2. 关键绩效指标法(KPI)是绩效考核的一种量化的管理指标,它把企业的战略目标分解为一系列具体可操作的工作目标。

    The Key performance indicators ( KPI ) are the quantitative management indicators in performance appraisal , which decomposed into a series of specific operational objectives of the enterprise strategic goal .

  3. 基于目标分解与SVM的目标识别方法

    Target Identification Method Based on Target Decomposition and SVM

  4. KPI(keyperformanceindicator)是把企业的战略目标分解为可运作的远景目标的工具。

    KPI ( key performance indicator ) is a kind of tool that the strategic target can be disassembled to perspective goal that can be operated .

  5. 利用WBS结构,将目标分解到可以控制的工作包中。

    With WBS ( work breakdown structure ) method , distribute the objective to controllable work package .

  6. 结合收益和组织规则提出了一种Agent组织的递归模型,并讨论了Agent组织的目标分解、收益计算和组织规则形成等问题。

    In this paper , a recursive model of agent organization is proposed based on role utility and organizational rules . The goal resolving , utility calculation and rule formation of agent organization are also discussed in this paper .

  7. 由于复杂散射体的随机取向导致其回波具有一定的波动性,利用目标分解理论对全极化SAR图像进行分类时,分类结果会出现一定程度的错分现象。

    Scatter targets of complex terrain surfaces with random orientation product random fluctuating echoes . This leads to a confused classification by directly using target decomposition on full polarimetric SAR ( PolSAR ) image .

  8. 而由企业战略目标分解而来的企业级KPI是基于企业使命远景、外部环境影响及内部运营情况制定的,以此作为固定资产投资管理的导向,能为固定资产投资提供管控的依据和目标。

    And the KPI derived from the corporation strategy is built on the base of the corporation mission , exterior influences and internal operations .

  9. 本文针对近期进行的十一五期间单位GDP能耗降低20%的目标分解工作进行探讨,并提出了分解模型及分解计算方法。

    This article discusses the decomposition of energy intensity per GDP reduction by 20 % all over the country in the 11th Five-year Plan period , and offers a model for decomposition and a calculation method .

  10. 方法采用目标分解和系统分析描述HPIS。

    METHODS : Based on objective management and system analysis , the framework of HPIS was described .

  11. 对此,设计了目标分解单,提出了详细的计算方法、分解步骤和目标检查原则等。在研究中,综合运用了关键成功因子法(CSF)、层次分析法(AHP)等。

    For the sake of these , designed goals analysis table , brought forward detailed calculation method , step , examining principle , , applied synthetically CSF ( Critical Success Factors ) and AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) during studying course , as so on .

  12. 在采用特征序列识别的基础上,本文利用目标分解,在D-S信息融合理论的基础上对分解所得识别信息进行融合,从而得到一个准确的识别结果。

    On the base of characteristic sequence recognition , the recognition information was obtained making use of decomposing target , and combined the recognition information through decomposing based on the D-S information fusion theory , so a more accurate recognition result can be obtained .

  13. 基于Krogager目标分解法,将各距离分辨单元的极化散射矩阵分解为3个简单散射体的散射矩阵,分别代表球形散射体、二面角散射体和螺旋体散射体的散射机理。

    Krogager 's target decomposition scheme is used to decompose the backscattering matrix of each range cell into three elementary scattering matrices , which represent sphere , diplane and helix the scattering mechanisms .

  14. 企业网络协同制造中目标分解的时序约束

    Time-sequence constraint of project disassembly in the networked cooperative manufacturing system

  15. 本论文就是对战略目标分解这一课题进行研究。

    The paper has just studied strategic goals ' analysis .

  16. 极化雷达目标分解方法用于岩性分类

    Lithological Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data with Target Decomposition Method

  17. 北京市危旧房改造的多目标分解模式

    Mode of goal decomposition in old and dilapidated housing renewal of Beijing

  18. 乃至你还能把一个目标分解成数个“小目标”。

    You can even break the one goal done into smaller parts .

  19. 尝试将目标分解算法用于高分辨率极化目标的识别。

    This paper applies target decomposition theory to high resolution polarization target classification .

  20. 极化目标分解及其在图像分析中的应用

    Polarimetric target decomposition and application in image enhancement

  21. 湖区水资源综合开发的多目标分解-聚合模型

    A multiobjective decomposition-aggregation model for comprehensive exploitation of water resources in plain lake areas

  22. 极化目标分解在目标分类中的应用

    Application of polarimetric target decomposition in target classification

  23. 第六,把大目标分解

    Number Six : Break the big goals down

  24. 基于目标分解的极化雷达飞机识别法

    Target decomposition-based polarimetric radar aircraft recognition method

  25. 首先基于资源依赖的业务目标分解预制角色类,以简化角色的确定过程。

    First , a resource-dependent goal decomposition to identify roles is discussed in this paper .

  26. 目标分解技术在植被覆盖条件下土壤水分计算中的应用

    Evaluate Usage of Decomposition Technique in Estimation of Soil Moisture with Vegetated Surface by Multi-Temporal Measurements Data

  27. 企业的发展战略流于表面形式,没有切实有效的行动计划和目标分解。

    The development tactic is built on the inanition surface instead of any realistic plans or analysis .

  28. 高校质量监控目标分解过程的四要与四控

    " Four Wants " & " Four Controls " of Decomposed Process of College Quality Control Objective

  29. 与其始终将注意力放在遥远的终点,不如将你的目标分解成较小的步骤。

    Instead of focusing on the finish line in the distance , break your goal into smaller steps .

  30. 基于可能度满意度的系统目标分解方法

    The Method of Systematic Project Analysis on the Basis of the Degree of Likelihood and That of Gratification