
  • 网络Target marketing;targeted marketing;stp
  1. 因此,从事目标营销(targetmarketing)工作的电脑厂商必定能够更有效地服务好顾客。

    So , The computer manufacturers engaged in target marketing can certainly serve their customers more effectively .

  2. 破坏性创新产品的目标营销战略研究

    Research on the Target Marketing Strategy of Destructive Innovation Production

  3. 实验表明挖掘顾客数据的特异性将有助于解决目标营销问题,文中采用的方法是有效的。

    Experimental results show that peculiarity of customers supports useful information to solve the targeted marketing problem .

  4. 详细说明目标营销的三个主要步骤:市场细分、市场目标化和市场定位。

    Define the three steps of target marketing : market segmentation , market targeting , and market positioning .

  5. 现代市场营销的核心是目标营销,而目标营销成功的基础是科学的市场细分。

    The core of modern marketing is target marketing , and the successful target marketing is scientific market segmentation .

  6. 实施以大客户为中心的目标营销是制冷设备生产企业的明智选择。

    The target marketing of implementing " take big customer as the center " is wise choice for the refrigeration enterprise .

  7. 第二章,营销管理理论,阐述目标营销和市场营销组合策略的相关理论。

    In the second part are mainly about marketing management theory to elaborate the theory of target marketing and marketing mix strategy .

  8. 内容包括国际市场调研,市场定位、市场细分与目标营销策略,国际产品策略,国际定价策略,国际营销渠道策略和国际促销策略。

    It refers to the international marketing research , STP , international products , international pricing , international marketing channel and international promotion .

  9. 正如任何的目标营销(企业博客是营销手段),它需要直接思考,以及始终如一的组织和运营方式。

    Like any targeted marketing ( and blogging for companies is marketing ), it needs to be thought through , organized and delivered consistently .

  10. 20世纪50年代,市场细分理论诞生后,针对细分市场的目标营销开始被很多工业品生产企业广泛应用。

    The 1950s , after the birth of market segmentation theory , the target market segments for marketing began to be widely used in many industrial products companies .

  11. 它给企业带来目标营销计划的有效执行、顾客服务的改善、营销成本的降低等方面的直接利益,进而间接地提高企业总体经营绩效。

    It can bring firms direct benefits ( i.e. , targeted marketing program , improved customer service , and reduced marketing cost ) first and , in turn , lead to indirect outcome ( i.e. , business performance ) .

  12. 当然,目标营销仅有贡献大客户企业主要的订单源是不够的,目标客户还应包括:忠诚老客户得人心者得天下;

    Certainly , the target marketing has only " contribute the big customer - Main order source of business enterprise " is not enough , target the customer should still include : honest old customer - the popular conquer the world ;

  13. 通过研究分析,本文认为蓝潮服装公司应结合自身内外部营销环境,采用如下营销战略:细分市场,目标营销;提供差异化营销品,挖掘需求;

    Through research analysis , the author thinks that the Blue Tide company had better adopt the marketing strategy as follows : segmenting market , targeting marketing , distinctive marketing , excavating demand , improving products , prolonging life period , setting up marketing alliance etc.

  14. 通过对目标营销主要步骤的阐述以及市场上一些知名企业案例的分析,为一些刚进入或准备进入市场的企业提供了一些具有应用价值的参考建议。

    Based on the exposition to the key step of the goal marketing and the analysis of some famous enterprise 's cases on and market , the paper has offered some references with using value to propose for some enterprises that just entered or planned to enter the market .

  15. 第三部分简单介绍了本文所借鉴的市场营销理论、企业战略理论、目标市场营销理论以及SWOT分析法等相关理论基础。

    Part three , introduces marketing theory business strategy theory and SWOT analysis .

  16. 接下来,结合所学相关市场营销理论,如STP、4Ps等对SIM公司的目标市场营销策略、营销组合策略进行分析,最后为SIM公司今后的发展提出了相应的市场营销解决方案。

    Thirdly , the writer uses the marketing theories she learned , such as " STP " & " 4Ps " to study the target marketing strategy and marketing combination strategy of SIM . Finally , a marketing management solution for SIM is put forward .

  17. 目标市场营销策略;

    The tactics of market survey , target market market ing ;

  18. 然后分析了组织营销和目标市场营销理论。

    Theories of organizational marketing and objective marketing are analyzed .

  19. 运用目标市场营销理论促进现代远程开放教育的发展

    Promoting the modern remote education development with target marketing theory

  20. 报业竞争中的营销目标与营销策略组合

    Newspaper Competition : Distribution Aim & Its Tactics

  21. 体育产业目标市场营销及对策

    Sports Industry Goal Market Marketing and Countermeasure

  22. 基于数据仓库的目标市场营销支撑系统的设计与实现

    Based on the Data Warehouse to Support the Objectives of Marketing Systems Design and Implementation

  23. 目标市场营销是现代战略营销的核心,分为三个步骤:第一步是细分市场。

    Target marketing has three steps .

  24. 高校人才就业可以采用人才定制、品牌效应、差异化和目标化营销方式。

    University talents employment can use talent customization , brand effect , differentiation and actualizing marketing methods .

  25. 服务目标市场营销战略

    Service target marketing strategy

  26. 文章利用定性与定量相结合的方法,给出了目标市场营销决策系统的设计思想和决策过程。

    This paper discusses the guideline and decision procedure of objective marketing decision system using qualitative and quantitative methods .

  27. 营销策划即是为消除营销目标与营销现状之间的差距所作的努力。

    Marketing plan is to dispel the efforts made of the disparity between the marketing goal and marketing current situation .

  28. 因此产业市场营销又称为企业对企业营销。体育产业目标市场营销及对策

    The demanders and suppliers of products are commercial enterprises or other organizations . Sports Industry Goal Market Marketing and Countermeasure

  29. 第二节主要集中论述了两者在目标、营销费用、销售信用以及市场机会认识上的矛盾与分歧。

    Section two summarizes the contradiction and divergence . Mainly on the goal , expense , sales credit and market opportunity .

  30. 第三章引入了国际营销的理论概念并做了讨论研究。国际营销涉及国际市场营销环境、国际目标市场营销、国际市场进入方式和国际市场营销组合战略。

    Chapter 3 cites the international marketing theory , including the marketing environment , market segmentation , types of entrance a foreign market and the marketing strategy .