
  • 网络downsizing
  1. 国外控制政府行政成本的经验启示有管理企业化、优化政府职能、机构精简、成本责任明确、实行绩效预算。

    Administrative cost of foreign control of the government to manage the experience of enlightenment government enterprise to optimize functions of the government downsizing , cost of specific responsibilities , the implementation of performance budgeting .

  2. 基层政府机构精简难度大;

    The difficult in simplification of the basic government apparatus ;

  3. 许多组织已经经历了裁员和机构精简。

    Many organizations had already experienced downsizing and delayering .

  4. 从帕金森定律看我国政府机构精简

    Analysis of Simplify Government Agencies from the Parkinson Law

  5. 省级地震系统机构精简人员分流的尝试与探讨

    Study on the administrative structure simplification and its staffs reassignment in provincial seismological Department

  6. 这同时也说明,乡镇改革仅仅在机构精简上做文章是不够的,最关键和最核心的是从根本上改变乡镇政府的性质、切实转变它的职能。

    More importantly , the core issue of the township reform actually is to transform its nature and functions .

  7. 其基本要求是:职能定位更加科学、机构精简更加合理、行政运行机制更加规范。

    Its basic request is : Working talent fixed position more science , organization simplifies more reasonable , administration circulate mechanism more norm .

  8. 民营出版企业相较于国有出版企业具有机构精简、劳动效率高、成本控制管理非常到位等优势。

    Compared with the state-owned publishing enterprises , the private ones have the advantages of organization simplification , high working efficiency , cost management .

  9. 随着互联网的出现与迅速发展,信息技术步伐的加快,办公平台信息化是目前企事业单位提高办公效率和机构精简改革趋势的一个要求。

    With the rapid development of Internet and information technology , the information of office platform is one request for the establishing enterprises to improve the office efficiency and retrench the structure .

  10. 施工企业普遍采用项目法施工,实行项目经理负责制、缩编机构、精简人员、降低成本、提高效率已经成为建筑界人士的共识。

    The construction enterprises carry out construction according to item method . Carrying out responsible system of project manager , reducing staff , reducing cost and enhancing efficiency have become the common recognition of building industry .

  11. 机构进行了精简,如今人们非常清楚整个程序是如何运作的。

    The structures have been simplified and it is now well known how the process works .

  12. 部分政府机构对企业精简人员安置不当,积累了社会矛盾。

    The personnel part government organization is cut down to enterprise has been arranged for not thinking that , has accumulated social contradictions .

  13. 南宋的政治制度基本上是沿袭北宋,但行政机构比北宋精简集中,适应于新形势下的专制主义中央集权。

    The political system in the Southern Song generally followed its Northern Song counterparts . But the administrative organizations were streamlined and re-struc-tured to accommodate the new practice of autocratic centralization of power .

  14. 首先,进行职能界定、机构调整、人员精简以及实施机构改革;

    First step is to define function , adjust organizations , reduce staff , and implement organization reform .

  15. 当行政权力退出之后,市民社会和市场有能力接管了,我国行政机构就可以跳出精简膨胀再精简再膨胀的怪圈。

    After political power withdrawal , the civil society and the market had ability to take over control ; our country administrative machinery might jump out " the simplification - inflation - simplified again - inflates again " the strange circle .

  16. 经过十几年的改革,吉林省经济和社会发展取得了显著成绩,具体表现在:乡镇集群效应显现;行政机构和人员得到精简;权力寻租现象减少。

    After more than ten years of reform , economic and social development in Jilin Province has made remarkable achievements , in particular in : rural cluster effect appeared ; administrative structures and personnel to be streamlined ; the power to reduce rent-seeking behavior .

  17. 我国县级政府机构改革不仅仅是撤并机构、精简人员,还需要和政府职能转变结合起来,把建设公共服务型政府作为机构改革目标。

    At county level and agencies , streamlining government institutions are not only withdrawal , you also need to combine and transformation of government functions , as the objectives of the reform of building public service Government .

  18. 当前,我国县级政府机构改革过程中,虽然存在机构和人员精简难的问题,但这是发展中遇到的问题。

    At present , in the course of reform in government organization at county level of our country , although there are problems about organization and personnel streamlining , these are problems in development .

  19. 了解帕金森定律有利于我们认识到机构改革屡次不彻底的根本原因,并为机构精简这场革命的胜利指明道路。

    It can help us realized the essential reasons repeatedly defeated to the organization reform , and indicate the path to victory of revolutionary for simplify government agencies .

  20. 设计了精巧的工件翻面机构,使得实现工件表面缺陷的双面检测机构的结构精简紧凑。

    Design out one finished device to turn part , which makes two-side inspection machine more exact and more easily .

  21. 政府机构改革要顺利实现改革目标,首先必须立足于三个基点:削减机构,精简人员;

    In order to achieve the object , the reform of the governmental institutions must be based on three points : to cut the institutions and reduce the personnel ;