
  • 网络institutional unit;Organizational Unit
  1. 收支帐户[国民核算]:表明常驻机构单位收入和支出的帐户。

    Income and outlay accounts [ national accounts ] : Accounts showing the receipt and disbursement of incomes by resident institutional units .

  2. 住房租赁法律制度主要是调整国家、机构单位、个人将房屋出租给他人居住、使用并收取租金的法律关系。

    Rental housing legal system mainly adjust to the legal relationships referring to national , institutional units and individuals who rent house to others and charge rent .

  3. 机构单位必须摆脱那一套官僚作风。

    Organizations must cast off those bureaucratic practices .

  4. 财产性收入是指金融资产或有形非生产性资产的所有者向其他机构单位提供资金或将有形非生产性资产供其支配,作为回报而从中获得的收入。

    Property income refers to the income earned by the owner of financial assets or tangible non-productive assets through providing other outfits or entities with capital or tangible non-productive assets to use .

  5. 这项在22号公布的、对中国2.1万多名白领的调查结果显示,由于经济发展的下行压力,他们对职业生涯发展的信心已经降到了三年来的最低水平,特别是那些在国有企业和政府下属机构单位工作的人。

    The survey , released on Monday , polled more than 21000 white-collar workers in China . It found that their confidence in career development had reached the lowest level in three years , especially for those who work in State-owned enterprises and government-affiliated organizations , due to downward pressure on the economy .

  6. 主要建议如下:1.继续享受原科研机构事业单位优惠政策。

    The continuing availability of preferential policy for research institutes ;

  7. 负责烟草控制事务的机构和单位,如国民总体幸福委员会和总检察院等,派代表出席了发布会。

    Tobacco-control stakeholders and agencies , such as the Gross National Happiness Commission and the Office of the Attorney General , attended the launch .

  8. 凡属本办法规定范围内的单位,均应当向社会保险经办机构办理单位和在职职工失业保险登记手续。

    All the units that fall within These Procedures shall register unemployment insurance for the units and their employees in the social insurance administrative center .

  9. 设立控烟机构的单位与没有设立控烟机构的单位,其职工吸烟率有统计学意义,设立控烟机构的单位职工吸烟率较低。

    The current smoking rate of employees in the medical institutions which had established the organization to control smoking was lower than that in the controls .

  10. 未经中国人民银行批准可以经营支付结算业务的非银行金融机构和单位,不得办理支付结算业务的代理。

    Those non-banking financial institutions and entities not approved by PBC to operate payment and settlement business , shall not handle agency of payment and settlement business .

  11. 针对对基层管理部门、设计、施工、招标、咨询机构等单位如何做好清单计价模式下建设工程造价管理工作提出了一些建议。

    This paper discusses ways of managing construction costs under the model of valuation with bill quantity , which concerns grassroots administrations and various architecture , construction , bidding and consulting firms .

  12. 在此基础上,我国需要改变目前广播电视机构事业单位的身份,明确其企业法人的地位,放松广播电视的产权规制,以形成有效的竞争格局、培育有竞争力的广播电视实体。

    In this base , China should change radio and TV agencies ' current status , establish their corporate legal person status and relax radio and TV property rights regulation in order to form a pattern of effective competition and cultivate competitive radio and TV entities .

  13. 2006年,中国电信把JX电信定为集团组织机构创新试点单位,先后实施了一系列组织结构设计的探索和试验,在一定程度上提高了企业机理运作的协调性。

    In 2006 , China telecom established JX telecom as the experimental unit of group organizational structural innovation , and conducted a series of experimentation about organizational structural design . These actions improved the coordination of corporate operation to some extent .

  14. 如果是政府机构,贵单位的职能是什么?

    If government , what is the role of your group ?

  15. 由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻的管辖区。

    A precinct in which law enforcement is the responsibility of particular police force .

  16. 市场管理机构及经营单位能够全部实行计算机统一管理;

    The market administration office and the operation entities can all be under uniform computer management ;

  17. 评价机构提请建设单位要严格按照程序执行,做好防台工作。

    Assessment organization asks the owner to implement strictly as per procedures to to anti-typhoon work well .

  18. 班级是学校机构的基础单位,是教育系统中最基本的结构形式。

    The class is the basic unit of the school institutions and the most basic structural form of education systems .

  19. 社会保险经办机构对缴费单位的社会保险费缴费基数每年核定一次。

    Social security agencies shall check and verify the bases of social insurance premiums of the payers once a year .

  20. 电力监管机构对本单位人员使用执法证的情况实施监督管理。

    An electricity regulatory institution shall conduct the supervision and administration of the use of enforcement certificates by its own functionaries .

  21. 商用密码产品发生故障,必须由国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修。

    The malfunction of the commercial password products shall be repaired by the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution .

  22. 责令施工单位立即采取措施保护事故现场,同时向项目管理机构和相关单位报告;

    Oblige construction company to promptly take measures for protecting accident scene and meantime report to project management organization and competent authority ;

  23. 管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻。

    A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force .

  24. 小组面试这种方式久已被学术机构、政府单位和非赢利组织所采用,这些机构部门倾向于在所有面试官达成共识的基础上做决定。

    Group grilling has long been popular among academics , government agencies and nonprofit organizations & sectors that prefer decisions by a consensus of constituencies .

  25. 随着超级杂交早稻的发展,超级杂交早稻种子质量越来越受到各科研机构和应用单位的关注。

    With the development of early super hybrid rice , the quality of seed has been attracting more and more attention of research and application institutions .

  26. 擅自转让商用密码产品或者不到国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修商用密码产品的。

    To presumptuously transfer the commercial password products or not to repair the commercial password products in the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution .

  27. 同时也对我国科研机构等相关单位提出了期望,希望国产高分断能力的塑壳断路器能尽早问世。

    Meanwhile , it also put forward the expectation towards relevant scientific and re-search institute , hoping homemade MCCB with high-rupturing capacity could be developed early .

  28. 在线考试系统可以为学校、教育机构和事业单位等提供无纸化、标准化的考试机制,是教育信息化的重要内容之一。

    Online examination system can provide paperless , standardized examination mechanism for schools , educational institutions and public institutions , and it becomes an important part of education information technology .

  29. 以一学术机构为描述单位,兼顾人事、制度诸因素,或是动态把握学术史发展脉络的一条方便途径。

    Probably , simultaneously attending to factors such as personnel matters and institution regarding an academic organization as a description unit is a convenient way for dynamically grasping the thread of academic history .

  30. 单位犯罪的主体排除国家机关;单位分支机构能够成为单位犯罪主体,单位职能部门一般不能成为单位犯罪主体;一人公司不能成为单位犯罪主体。

    Unit crime subject exclude state organs , Unit branch can become the unit crime subject , unit functions can be unit crime subject , One company cannot become the main unit crime .