
ɡuó jiā xínɡ zhènɡ xué yuàn
  • National School of Administration
  1. 中国国家行政学院的政治学研究员KongXinfeng表示,反腐纪录片可以对年轻一代的人生观产生积极的影响。

    Kong Xinfeng , political researcher with China National School of Administration , says anti-graft documentaries can a positive influence the young generation 's outlook on life .

  2. 欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐在国家行政学院的演讲

    EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso 's Speech At China National School of Administration

  3. 她以班里第一名的成绩毕业于法国国家行政学院(ÉcoleNationaled’Administration),而那里是未来法国总统和总理的训练场。

    She graduated at the top of her class at the É cole Nationale d'Administration , the training ground for future French presidents and prime ministers .

  4. 溥敦获得过一个政治学学位,他敏捷的头脑又让他进入了法国精英学校&国家行政学院(EcoleNationaleD'Administration)就读。

    Mr Bouton gained a degree in political science and his agile brain won him entry to the elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration .

  5. 把握特点,营造高质量的教学环境&国家行政学院工程设计简介

    On the Design of the National College of Administration

  6. 我不能保持它回家,我还以为我需要一个长期的国家行政学院举办。

    I couldn 't keep it home , I thought I needed a Nia Long .

  7. 曾任法国国家行政学院,巴黎高商、高等商学院、管理学院社会科学教授。

    Former Social Science Professor in ENA and in the College of Administration of HEC Paris .

  8. 所以开始我没有想到会被国家行政学院的这群培训学员所感动。

    I did not expect to be touched at the emotional level by a group of trainees at the National School of Administration .

  9. 奥朗德在国家行政学院时和塞格莱娜•罗雅尔坠入爱河,当时她还是个年轻的激进分子。

    It was while he was at the ENA that Hollande fell for S é gol è ne Royal , a young radical .

  10. 国家行政学院教授汪玉凯表示:目前这种运动式反腐是不可持续的。

    The current campaign-style fight against corruption is not sustainable , says Wang Yukai at the Chinese Academy of Governance , a training institution for cadres .

  11. 首当其冲的是正在国家行政学院学习的谢亚龙,他在28日登上了前往的飞机。

    Is the first to be affected are the National School of Administration study of Xie Yalong , 28 , he went to board the aircraft .

  12. 目前正与国家行政学院合作建设国家行政学院教学与科研基地;

    In collaboration with Chinese Academy of Governance ( CAG ), at the moment , a CAG research and training base is being built up within CIRD .

  13. 国家行政学院教授竹立家表示,因为有着特殊的身份,政府官员在网络上的言论须谨慎。

    Zhu Lijia , a professor from the Chinese Academy of Governance , said government officials should be careful on the Internet due to their special positions .

  14. 国家行政学院教授刘旭涛认为,招录农民是公务员考试的一项重大突破。

    " It would be a breakthrough to recruit rural residents ," Liu Xutao , a professor with the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Governance , told China Daily on Monday .

  15. 但来自国家行政学院的竹立家则表示,政府已有意逐步取消公务员在医疗及住房方面所享有的特权。

    However , according to Zhu Lijia , from the Chinese Academy of Governance , there has been a trend of phasing out public servants " privileges in medication and housing .

  16. 去年夏天,北外校领导问我是否愿意参加由中外教师组成的教学团队,到国家行政学院去教一群中国的高级官员。

    Last summer I was asked if I would join a select group of Chinese and international teachers from Beiwai to teach a group of senior government officials at the China National School of Administration .

  17. 国家行政学院社会和文化教研部专家马庆钰称,“山寨社团”有时甚至利用政府支持的协会的真实名称、从其官网复制内容以吸纳会员。

    These societies sometimes even use the real names of government-backed associations and copy content from their official websites to appeal to members , said Ma Qingyu , an expert on social and cultural studies with the Chinese Academy of Governance .

  18. 国家教育行政学院体育馆结构设计

    Gymnasium Structural Design of State Education Administration College