
  1. 运用人工神经网络、博弈论和对等比较原理对企业国际结算风险进行了论证分析,提出BP算法下的前馈型人工神经网络风险预测模型。

    Third , it analyzes the international settlement risk through ANN , game theory and reciprocity comparative principle , and brings forward the forecast model of the BP neural network .

  2. 德国福伊特公司国际结算风险及防范研究

    The Risk and Precaution of International Settlement for Voith Paper Company

  3. 企业国际结算风险研究

    A Research on International Settlement Risk of Enterprises

  4. 企业国际结算风险管理。

    International settlement risk managements in enterprises .

  5. 目前,对国际结算风险的研究主要集中在进出口企业结算方式的探讨,并形成了一定的风险分析与防范方法,但是对国际结算中最重要的结算风险研究较少。

    Currently , scholars ' research of the risk in international settlement is primarily about the international settlement ways , which produce certain ways of risk analysis and risk protection , but put little emphasis on international settlement risks .

  6. 本文的核心是国际结算的风险管理,在这个问题上笔者进行了认真思考,提出了自己的看法。

    International settlement risk management forms the core of the paper , to which the author has given serious thoughts and has put forward independent views .

  7. 论文根据风险管理的相关理论和风险管理的基本知识,提出了国际贸易结算风险的概念和风险管理的意义,并对各种国际贸易结算方式的流程和优缺点进行了阐述。

    The paper uses the risk management theory to bring forward the concept of the international trade settlement risk and the meaning of risk management , and summarize the strength and weakness of different settlement methods .

  8. 因此,本文主要对国际结算产生的风险进行研究。

    This paper focuses on risks generated in international settlement risks .

  9. 外贸企业国际贸易结算的风险及防范

    Risks and their prevention in international trade settlement of import and export enterprises

  10. 从两起商业单据丢失事件看国际结算方式的风险商务与结算

    Cases and Analysis of Risk Relating to Loss of Shipping Documents Commercial Affairs and Settling Accounts

  11. 国际结算方式中主要风险的防范

    Precautions against the Main Risks in the International Accounting Methods

  12. 如何防范国际贸易结算中的风险成为一个亟待探讨的问题。

    How to be on guard the risk of international square accounts will be discussed and some helpful viewpoints are put forward in this article .