
  1. VMI中基于期权的供应商风险管理

    Risk Management of Vendor Managed Inventory Based on Options

  2. 构建了供应商风险预警的逻辑模型,并建立了基于SAP环境的供应商风险预警系统。

    Constructed early warning logic model for suppliers risks , and established supplier risk early warning system under SAP environment .

  3. 基于BCP的LEX公司供应商风险管理研究

    LEX Supplier Risk Management Research Based on BCP

  4. 本研究针对SAP环境下的石化企业,以海量历史数据为依据,综合运用分形理论、网络层次法、模糊粗糙法及马尔卡夫链理论对供应商风险进行分析及预测。

    This study is based on the large amount of historical data of petrochemical enterprises using SAP , integrated using fractal theory , analytic network process , fuzzy rough law and Markov chain theory to do risk analysis and forecast .

  5. 借助于粗集理论、模糊理论和马尔可夫链理论,按供应商风险关键因素,利用SAP系统中的大量业务数据,对供应商进行综合评估和趋势预测。

    With the help of rough set theory , fuzzy theory and the theory of Markov chains , according to supplier risk factors , using the large number of business data of SAP system to comprehensively evaluate and forecast supplier risks .

  6. 基于模糊积分的供应商风险评价

    Evaluation on the Suppliers ' Risk in Supply-Chain Based on Fuzzy Integral Technique

  7. 初步确立了供应商风险评估指标体系。

    Preliminarily establish supplier risk assessment index system .

  8. 提出了以分形理论为基础构建供应商风险预警模型的思想。

    Put forward the method of using fractal theory to construct supplier risk early warning model .

  9. 本文为同类型的汽车零部件企业提供了一个解决供应商风险管理问题的参考方法。

    It provides a reference way to solve the problem of supplier risk management for automotive parts company .

  10. 我们认为零售商和供应商风险产生的根本原因是客户需求的不确定性和供需双方的不平衡性。

    We believe that the fundamental cause of the risk of retailers and suppliers is the uncertainty of customers ' demand and the imbalance between supply sides and demand sides .

  11. 由于供应链本身的脆弱性,对供应链的管理逐渐开始关注供应链的风险问题,尤其对供应商风险管理得到了众多企业的重视。

    As the supply chain itself is fragile some how , the research of supply chain management began to focus on supply chain risks . Especially for many companies , they are think highly of supplier risk management .

  12. 由于最优效率信息空间具有分形特征,因而按分形特征构建的供应商风险预警模型可以有效地优化信息空间的维数,降低构筑整个预警机制耗用的信息成本。

    Because the optimal efficiency of information space have fractal characteristics , therefore supplier risk early warning model with fractal characteristics can effectively optimize the information space dimension , reduce the information cost to construct the whole early warning mechanism .

  13. 最后通过实证研究,以某物流公司为例,对为其提供服务的供应商风险进行评价,验证了物元和可拓理论在供应商风险评价中的应用。

    Last , the thesis made a demonstrative research with ZY Company , to evaluate the risk of supplier cooperating with ZY , by which the feasibility of the application of matter-element and extension-set theories to the supplier risk evaluation field was testified .

  14. 面向过程能力的供应商质量风险评估研究

    Research on Supplier Quality Venture Evaluation Based on Process Capability

  15. 通信电源制造企业供应商的风险管理研究

    Supplier 's Risk Management in Manufacturer of Communication Power

  16. 对现有及新的供应商进行风险评估。

    Performs risk assessment of current and new suppliers .

  17. 中国企业作为全球采购供应商的风险分析及控制策略研究

    Study on Risk Analysis and Controlling Strategies Regarding on Suppliers of Global Sourcing from China

  18. 当供应商为风险厌恶与零售商为风险中性,或供应商为风险中性与零售商为风险厌恶时,联合契约无法实现协调。

    When supplier is risk-aversion and retailer is risk-neutral , or supplier is risk-neutral and retailer is risk-aversion , the combined contract can not make the system reach to coordination .

  19. 进一步通过均值-方差分析,考虑供应商是风险规避者时,建立直销渠道的条件,直销渠道下的定价和协调供应链的批发价契约。

    Through mean-variance analysis , this paper studies the condition of adding a direct channel for a risk averse supplier , the price of direct channel and the optimal wholesale price .

  20. 第二阶段,根据战略性供应商的风险分析,首先建立战略性供应商指标评价体系,然后对第一阶段筛选后的供应商进行深入的调查分析,运用模糊综合评价方法对其排序,供企业选择合适的合作伙伴。

    In the second stage deep investigation and analysis about the supplier have been carried on after screening at the first stage , and use the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method to appraise them , for enterprises to choosing the suitable cooperative partner .

  21. 应用模糊机会约束目标规划,建立了基于模糊需求、模糊运输成本和价格折扣,考虑供应商失效风险和财务风险的多产品、多原材料三级供应链网络优化设计模型。

    We apply fuzzy chance-constrained goal programming theory to an optimal model for supply chain network design with fuzzy demand , fuzzy transportation costs and price discounts , considering of supplier failure and financial risk under multi-product , multi-material three-echelon supply chain network optimization models .

  22. 本文还研究了供应商的道德风险。

    Third , this article researches the suppliers ' moral hazard .

  23. 基于供应链环境下企业供应商选择的风险评价

    Risk Assessment of Supplier Selection of Enterprises in Consideration of Supply Chain

  24. 供应商选择的风险分析

    Analysis of Risk in Choosing Suppliers

  25. 本文建议,首先要对项目风险及供应商进行全面风险评估,才能有针对的进行风险监控。

    It is important to have the overall risk assessment on the project and suppliers and set up the risk monitoring system with pointed countermeasure .

  26. 本文通过对国际采购特点和内容的论述,基于流程分析的方法,针对国际采购所涉及的环节和因素,探讨了国际采购在运输、供应商管理和风险管理方面的问题。

    Based on procedure analysis , this thesis offers introduction of international sourcing and conduct research on its main issues : transportation , suppliers and risk management .

  27. 不仅如此,基于手机的全新医疗技术正逐渐被医院所采用,但是供应商对感染风险的认知并不一致。

    Not only that , but a whole new generation of cell phone-based medical technology is coming to hospitals and not every vendor is thinking about the infection risk equally .

  28. 采用定量和定性相结合的方法对供应商选择的风险因素作了分析,并以此为基础,分析了供应商选择风险对企业决策行为的影响以及有效的选择风险防范。

    This paper makes a deep analysis of risk factors in choosing suppliers through both quantity and quality methods . Based on the analysis , the authors analyze its influence to company 's decision making and propose effective risk prevention measures .

  29. 本文借助金融领域相对成熟的风险度量方法研究供应链管理中供应商选择的风险问题,为企业科学决策提供了一种先进、实用的理论支持。

    The paper put the application of a risk management method widely used in finance into the supplier selection problem in supply chain management , in the hope of discovering an advanced , practical and theoretical support for the scientific enterprise decision-making process in the future .

  30. 然后分析在可调数量策略下,供应商分担部分库存风险时,供需双方的利润模型,在此基础上得出供应链Pareto优化模型;

    Then the paper discusses the profit models of supplier and buyer under ( adjustable-quantity ) strategy in which the supplier partakes part of inventory risk , and based on these , presents the Pareto ( optimization ) model of supply chain .