
  • 网络power supply enterprise;mis;electric power supplier
  1. 供电企业滥用市场支配地位行为的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Electric Power Supplier 's Behavior Relating to Abuse Dominant Market Position

  2. 基于Agent的供电企业管理信息系统

    Management Information System of Supplying-power Enterprise Based on Agent

  3. 基于Web的供电企业安全性评价系统就是在这样的背景下产生的。

    The security evaluation system of the power supply enterprise has come into being under such a background .

  4. X供电企业培训策略研究

    Research on Training Tactics in Electic Power Company X

  5. 基于J2EE平台的供电企业营销管理系统

    The Marketing DSS of Power Supply Enterprise Based on J2EE Platform

  6. TH供电企业普通员工绩效评体系价优化研究

    TH Power Supply Enterprise Employee Performance Evaluation System of Ordinary Optimization

  7. 管理信息系统(MIS)在县级供电企业中的应用

    Application of Management Information System in Prefectural Power Supply Enterprises

  8. 供电企业电力营销MIS研究

    The Research of Sailing MIS of Power Supply Enterprise

  9. 基于IE理论的供电企业运营研究

    Studying on operating management in Power Supply Enterprise base on IE theory

  10. 基于PI数据库的供电企业实时数据中心的设计与实现

    Design and Development of Power Supply Enterprise Real-time Data Center System Based on PI Database

  11. 该系统与供电企业内的MIS系统紧密连接,实现信息资源共享。

    This system and MIS system in the power supply enterprise are close-connected , has realized information sharing .

  12. 基于PLS的供电企业顾客忠诚知识缺口分析

    The Knowledge Gaps Analysis of Customer Loyalty of Power Supply Enterprise Based on PLS

  13. 该体系结构要求在应用过程中应当与供电企业办公信息化特点紧密结合,并反映出J2EE技术和组件技术应用特点。

    This architecture requires close integration with the workflow of power supply companies , indicates the characteristics of J2EE and components technology .

  14. 简述X供电企业事故统计分析的意义,着重阐述论文的研究意义,研究方法,基本思路和逻辑结构。第二章,事故理论和电力生产事故的特点。

    It briefly describes the purpose and significance of the accident analysis and statistic for power enterprise . Chapter 3 . Statistic and Analysis of power accident .

  15. 结合供电企业MIS综合查询系统,介绍了基于组件技术的B/S模式设计和实现的过程。

    In light of the MIS comprehensive inquiring system of a power supply corporation , the designing and realizing processes are also introduced .

  16. 分析供电企业上报数据远程传送的必要性和现有传送方法的不足,提出利用广域网(WAN)技术远程传送数据的方法。

    A new approach to transmit remote data based on the WAN ( Wide Area Network ) technique is proposed .

  17. 以保定市各县供电企业专家评价数据作为BP神经网络的训练样本,进行仿真试验,得到了满意的结果。

    Simulation tests were carried out with evaluation data given by experts from power supply enterprises in Baoding taken as training samples for BP neural network , and the results are good .

  18. 介绍了MIS在县级供电企业的应用现状、MIS开发建设中应该注意的问题,同时讨论了MIS与SCADA系统的结合问题。

    This paper introduces the actuality of MIS application , explains issues which need to be noticed in MIS construction , and discusses the combination of MIS and SCADA .

  19. 本文提出了一个基于SOA架构的供电企业运营支撑系统模型,该模型包含了一个信息集成平台、一个企业门户和一系列业务应用系统。

    This paper proposes a power supply enterprise OSS ( Operation Support System ) model based on SOA , which includes an information integration platform , an enterprise portal and a series of business application systems .

  20. 本文以广东电网公司的县级供电企业SS供电局为例,对县级供电企业人力资源规划理论和过程进行了演示。

    In this paper , taking SS Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation as a case , it demonstrates the process of human resources planning of power supply enterprise .

  21. 最后,指出了供电企业要实现业务流程再造的目的所必须进行的企业文化、薪酬制度和组织机构方面的变革,从而保障BPR顺利实施。

    In the end , it points out that the power supply enterprises should reform further on enterprise culture , salary policy and organization design to implement the BPR project successfully .

  22. ERP财务管理系统作为企业提高财务管理水平的有效手段之一,对供电企业实现财务集约化、信息化,提高经济效益都有着现实和深远的意义。

    ERP financial management system as enterprises to improve the financial management level one of the effective means of , the power supply enterprise to realize financial information intensive , improving economic efficiency has a real and profound significance .

  23. 分析了传统DSS存在的问题,提出了基于Web和数据仓库的DSS体系结构,并以电力营销为背景,对供电企业用电营销DSS进行了分析和设计。

    This paper analyzes some deficiencies that have exited in traditional DSS , and then brings forward the archi-tecture of the DSS based on Web and Data Warehouse . The analysis and design of power marketing decision support system are given in this paper .

  24. 供电企业综合信息管理平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Information Platform in Electric Power Company

  25. 安徽省供电企业绩效评估研究

    A Study on Performance Assessment of Power Supply Enterprises in Anhui

  26. 6σ管理在供电企业中应用的必要性和可行性

    Necessity and Feasibility about 6 σ Management in Power Supply Corporation

  27. 供电企业信息系统的数据集成技术研究

    Study of Data Integration Technology of Power Suppliers ' Information System

  28. 供电企业关系营销运作体系的设计

    Design of the Relationship Marketing Operation System for Power Supply Enterprises

  29. 县供电企业电压无功管理的研究与探索

    County Power Supply Enterprise Voltage Idle Work Management Research and Exploration

  30. 绩效管理信息系统在供电企业中的开发研究

    Development Research of Performance Management Information System in Power Supply Enterprise