
  • 网络high-tech enterprise
  1. 高新企业知识型员工全面薪酬体系设计

    The Total Compensation System Design of Knowledge Staff in High-tech Enterprise

  2. 本公司是一家专业以生产、销售、研发有机硅、有机氟系列产品的现代化高新企业。

    Our company is a modernized high-tech enterprise specialized in producing , selling , and researching on organo-silicon and organo-fluorine products .

  3. 高新企业营销风险分析与预警管理

    Analyzing and Warning Management of Marketing Risk in High-Tech Enterprises

  4. 高新企业生产运作管理研究

    Research on Production Operations Management of High-Tech Enterprises

  5. 然而,对于高新企业来说,技术创新涉及的方面和环节较多,也很复杂。

    However , for many enterprises , technological innovation involve in many and complicated taches .

  6. 技术创新是高新企业长期发展战略的重要组成部分。

    Technological innovation is an important component of the long-term development strategy of high-tech companies .

  7. 中小高新企业信贷风险控制研究

    Research on the Controlling of Credit Risk of the Small and Medium Sized Technological Enterprises

  8. 随着全球一体化经济体系格局的形成,做为高新企业面临着更加激烈残酷的竞争,市场机遇千变万化,稍纵即逝。

    With the formation of the pattern of economy globalization , the high-tech enterprises are facing more intense and brutal competition .

  9. 随着经济的全球化,科学技术的迅猛发展,国际上高新企业之间的竞争空前激烈。

    With the globalization of economy and the rapid development of scientific technology , the competition between the international high-tech enterprises is as hot as ever .

  10. 进区高新企业数目、总收入、总产出、职工人数、出口额、上缴利税额、科研人员数和科研投入都有巨大增长;

    The number of innovative enterprises , gross earnings , general output , employment , exports , tax contributions , research staff and research input therein have undergone some striking growth .

  11. 目前,中小高新企业已成为推动产业结构升级、新兴产业发展、拓展就业渠道,进而实现经济快速发展的重要力量,在我国国民经济中的地位日益凸显。

    Today , High-tech Small and Medium enterprises ( SMEs ) have been important forces which could promote industrial structure , new industry , employment channels , and the development of economy , which have been increasingly important in national economy .

  12. 最后,通过对滨海高新企业核心竞争力的综合评价分析,指出了基于区域创新网络的制约滨海高新企业核心竞争力提升的主要因素,并提出了提升滨海高新企业核心竞争力的对策思路。

    Finally , the Core competence of the coastal high-tech analysis of the comprehensive evaluation pointed out the constraints on the regional innovation network Binhai High-tech enterprise Core competence of the main factors , and proposed to enhance the Core competence of the coastal high-tech countermeasures .

  13. 纳米技术是21世纪新兴的惠泽人类的技术,纳米企业也是21世纪出现的高新企业,其产业平台相当宽广,而公众对纳米技术的了解及对纳米产品的接纳需要一个漫长的教育过程。

    The nanotechnology is technology beneficial to the humanity in the 21st century , and the nanometer enterprise is the rising enterprise , whose industrial platform is quite broad . However , it would take quite a long time to make the public understand and accept the technology .

  14. 对于“双创人才”,北京将给予优惠政策,“双创人才”包括得一定规模创业投资的创业人才、投资团队以及投资公司,高新技术企业以及文化产业市场领军人物。

    Beijing will give priority to what it calls " innovative2 and entrepreneurial talent " , which includes startups with a certain level of investment , investors3 and investment companies , high-tech4 companies and market leaders in the cultural industry .

  15. 参加首批“云选会”活动的包括全球500强企业、大型国企、知名外企、高新技术企业、科创板上市企业等,还有亟须高层次人才的事业单位。

    The first batch1 of recruiters included Fortune 500 companies , large State-owned enterprises , well-known foreign enterprises , high-tech2 firms , those listed on the sci-tech innovation board , as well as public institutions in urgent need of high-level talent .

  16. 基于BP神经网络的高新技术企业综合评价方法及应用研究

    Research on the Integrated Evaluation Methods and its Application of High-tech Enterprises Based on BP Artificial Neural Network

  17. 高新技术企业RD绩效测度与控制的研究

    The Research on RD Performance Measurement and Control of High-Tech Enterprises

  18. 文章借助GIS手段,实证研究了上海市高新技术企业,深入探讨了具有高投入、高产出、高风险、产品生命周期短等特点的高新技术产业区位选择的特殊性。

    This paper takes Shanghai high-tech enterprises as a case and discussed the particularity of high-tech industry 's location choice by GIS .

  19. 经济增加值(EVA)体系在我国高新技术企业中的应用研究

    Application Study on Economic Value Added ( EVA ) System in High-tech Enterprises of Our Country

  20. 基于C-D生产函数的深圳市高新技术企业自主创新效率研究

    Shenzhen new hi-tech enterprise independent innovation efficiency research basing on C-D productive function

  21. 随着中国加入WTO,每个国内企业,特别是象钢铁企业这样的高新技术企业,没有技术创新便很难立足于激烈的市场竞争。

    With the accession to the WTO , any domestic enterprise , especially high-tech enterprise such as the iron and steel enterprise , is difficult to survive the fierce market competition without technical innovation .

  22. 本部分主要用SPSS统计分析软件对我国深沪两市194家高新技术企业2000年到2004年五年的资本结构与企业业绩数据进行二次方曲线分析;

    The real purpose is to build a model of our country 's high-technique enterprise 's capital structure and the enterprise 's achievements by using the SPSS statistical analysis software .

  23. 在中国加入WTO全球经济一体化和知识经济时代到来的大环境下,高新技术企业的发展无疑已经成为我国经济新的增长点。

    Under the macro-environment of the entering WTO of China , economic integration of wide world and the arrival of knowledge economy , the development of new high-technique enterprises has become the new point of economic growth in our country .

  24. 然后运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对初创期高新技术企业进行价值评估,最后选取初创期高新技术企业H公司,通过实际案例证明该模型的适用性及可操作性。

    Then use AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on the value assessment of the start-up stage high-tech enterprise , finally choose the start-up stage high-tech enterprise H Corporation to show the applicability and operability of the model through actual case .

  25. 第三,研究了高新技术企业RD投资的显著特点和发展趋势,RD投资资金的分配规律及在实践中应注意的问题。

    Third , the paper studied notable characteristic and the development trend of high and new technology enterprise R D investment , the distribution law of R D 's investment fund and the problem should paid attention to in the practice .

  26. 高新技术企业RD活动的特有属性和RD生命期的作用,使得国内外学术界和企业界都十分关注RD的绩效。

    In view of the specificity of RD activities as well as its lifetime function , RD performance has gained prominence within academic circle at home and abroad and business circle as well .

  27. YG公司是BJ市中等规模的高新技术企业,具有中小型高新科技企业的一些典型特点,因此本文的研究将对该类企业具有一定的参考价值。

    It is having some topical characteristic of moderate and small size high-tech enterprise . So what the paper discusses with offer a valued reference to this type of enterprise .

  28. 相对于国有企业、外资企业和其他行业的民营企业,民营高新技术企业有它独特的特点和财务问题。

    Private high-tech corporations have their special characters and financial affairs .

  29. 我国高新技术企业风险资金来源及融通问题研究

    Research on Risk Financing Problems of New High-Tech Corporation in China

  30. 高新技术企业知识转化扩散效率研究

    Efficiency of diffusion and transformation of enterprise knowledge in high-tech enterprises