
  • 网络higher-order thinking;high order thinking
  1. 以案例教学为载体培养学生的高阶思维能力

    Case teaching as a carrier to cultivate students ' higher-order thinking skills

  2. 分析了教育信息化进程中由于绩效目标编写方法的落后,已经不适应发展学生高阶思维能力的要求。

    The method of compiling up performance objectives can not adapt to the demand of developing the higher-order thinking of learner any longer .

  3. 其次,本文尝试在C++课程中应用PBL教学模式,来提高学生解决现实问题的能力、促进学生高阶思维能力的发展、提高学生自主学习与合作学习的能力。

    Secondly , this thesis applies in C + + courses to improve the ability to solve practical problems , promotes the students ' ability of high-order thinking ability , improves learning ability students ' autonomous learning and cooperative .

  4. 培养学生的数学高阶思维能力是国际数学教育界共同关注的问题之一。

    It is become a common concern to cultivate the students ' mathematical high-level thinking ability .

  5. 新课程改革十分重视对学生高阶思维能力的培养。

    The new curriculum reform emphasizes on the cultivation of students ' higher order thinking skills .

  6. 其中分析、综合、评价、创造为高阶思维。

    We classified analysis and synthesis , application and appraisal , create are higher thinking ability .

  7. 语义网络的构建学习能促进学习者高阶思维能力发展。

    Construction of the semantic network learning can promote learners ' development of higher order thinking skills .

  8. 最后的问卷调查和闭卷测试结果显示,本教学方案有效的提高了学生的学习成绩以及高阶思维能力。

    The questionnaire survey and the test results showed that It effectively improved the students ' grades and the higher thinking ability .

  9. 个案研究表明,改进的教学设计模式能更有效地促进学生高阶思维能力的发展。

    Case studies showed that the improved model of instructional design can be more effective in promoting the development of students HOTs .

  10. 高阶思维能力绝不仅仅是一种智力特征,更是一种人格特征,是综合素质的体现。

    High-order thinking ability is not only a kind of intelligence characteristic , but also the synthetical quality of personality characteristic and mental outlook .

  11. 人工学习制品在一个协作的共同体中具有与人类参与者同等重要的地位1,能够促进学习者的知识建构、技能获得以及高阶思维能力的发展。

    In a collaborative learning community , artifacts has equal importance and status as the human participants , which promote the learners to construct knowledge , acquire skills , and develop higher thinking skills .

  12. 本论文研究的目的是将美术高阶思维能力自然的应用于小学美术的课程设计中,从而能将这种思维学习方式带入到小学美术中的课堂中来。

    The purpose of this thesis is a natural art higher order thinking skills in elementary art curriculum design , learning to turn this thinking into the elementary school classroom in the Fine Arts to .

  13. 需要大学生同时具备职业实践能力和高阶思维能力,而传统的教学模式教育出来的学生往往式只懂理论、不同操作,思维固化,缺乏创新精神。

    Students also need to have the ability and professional practice higher order thinking skills , and traditional teaching education students are out of style only know theory , different operations , thinking curing , lack of innovation .

  14. 随着时代的发展,现代社会对于人才的需求发生了变化,高阶思维能力成为现代人所必备的能力。

    With the time change , the demand for talented people has been changed . Modern society demands talented people with higher order thinking skills . At past , the curriculum in China neglect students ' ability develops .

  15. 同时相关理论研究表明,在学科课程学习中,有效培养高阶思维能力需要利用信息技术构建合适的学习环境,这一观点在现实的实践教学中得到了印证。

    The relevant theoretical studies have shown that in the curriculum learning , the effective development of higher order thinking skills needs information technology to build appropriate learning environment , and this view has been confirmed in practice .

  16. 最终目的是让小学生能够主动的来上好美术课,让小学生真正体会到美术课的快乐,并且在快乐中培养小学生的美术高阶思维能力。

    The ultimate goal is to enable students to take the initiative to come to art class , so students truly understand the joy of art classes , and students in the joy of art to foster higher order thinking skills .

  17. 试图通过实例说明将高阶思维能力的培养渗透到实验教学设计和实验实施过程之中的思路和方法,为一线生物教师进行生物教学研究提供有益的思考与借鉴。

    It is trying to illustrate the ideas and methods of the infiltration of high order thinking skills in the experimental teaching design and the implementation process . We hope that this research could provide beneficial thinking and reference for biology teachers .

  18. 英国连锁学校ArkSchools的研发经理黛西•克里斯托杜卢(DaisyChristodoulou)称,除非掌握这些基本技能,否则我们无法建立起创造性解决高阶问题的思维框架。

    Daisy Christodoulou , research and development manager at the UK 's Ark Schools chain , says that , unless we have these foundations in place , we will not have the mental frameworks to solve higher-order problems creatively .

  19. 二十一世纪,是一个对人才高标准要求的新世纪,是否具有高阶思维能力是社会对人才的根本要求。

    The 21st century , is a new time to require talents in a high level , whether having the high order thinking skills is a standard to measure talents .