
  • 网络senior security;senior issue
  1. 在一个典型的CDO里,高级证券可以获得比相关债务高得多的评级&有时是AAA级,与美国政府证券评级相同。

    In a typical CDO , senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt - sometimes triple-A , the same rating as US government securities .

  2. 美国国际集团最初是在近10年前开始投资这种超高级证券的。在这种理念发明后不久,美国国际集团就开始从摩根大通(JPMorgan)等集团获取此类风险。

    AIG first started becoming exposed to these super-senior securities almost a decade ago when it began to acquire this type of risk from groups such as JPMorgan , soon after the concept was first invented .

  3. cdo证券的设计意图是,如果任何相关债务出现违约,某些证券首先蒙受损失,而另一些“高级”证券,只在风险更大的部分出问题之后才蒙受损失。

    CDO securities are de-signed so that some take the first loss if any of the underlying debt defaults , while other " senior " securities only suffer losses after the riskier tranches are wiped out .