
  • 网络fine dining;fancy restaurant;high-class restaurant
  1. 我们要去高级餐厅吃晚餐吗?

    Are we going to a fancy restaurant for dinner ?

  2. 去调查这些高级餐厅?

    For the fancy restaurant beat ?

  3. 苏离开拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的高级餐厅,在一个小型购物中心美发店的一角做包子,独自开启自己的事业。

    Mr. Su is a refugee from fine-dining kitchens on the Las Vegas Strip who started a solo career making bao in a corner of a strip-mall hair salon .

  4. kee俱乐部平时是高级餐厅,周末的时候则是时髦的夜总会,这是我们有意选定的概念。

    Kee is a sophisticated restaurant during the week and a trendy nightclub on weekends , which is a concept we chose on purpose .

  5. Nahm是一家位于曼谷的高级餐厅,主要供应传统泰式美食,由澳大利亚厨师戴维·汤普森(DavidThompson)掌勺,今年它的排名上升19个名次,至第13位。

    Nahm , the region 's top restaurant which serves traditional Thai cuisine in Bangkok by Australian chef David Thompson , moved to No. 13 , up 19 places from last year 's list .

  6. 许多高级餐厅还可以使用信用卡。

    Credit cards are also accepted by most first class restaurants .

  7. 看看那些你能去的高级餐厅吧。

    Look at all the high-class restaurants you can go to .

  8. 今天,我到一家高级餐厅吃午餐。

    Today , I went to a gourmet restaurant for lunch !

  9. 注意礼貌!我们在一家高级餐厅用餐。

    Mind your manners ! We are eating in a nice restaurant .

  10. 能看懂高级餐厅的菜单。

    To be able to read the menus in the posh restaurants .

  11. 这是北京和上海所有高级餐厅的设计。

    This is a fixture at all good restaurants in Beijing and Shanghai .

  12. 附近有不少豪华的酒吧、画廊与高级餐厅。

    Nearby , residents frequent posh bars , art galleries and high-end restaurants .

  13. 瑞克在情人节时带他的女朋友到一间高级餐厅。

    Rick took his girlfriend to a classy restaurant on Valentine 's Day .

  14. 高级餐厅可以只送一份沙拉或一小块蛋糕;

    Upscale restaurants will deliver a salad or a single slice of cake ;

  15. 他带我去高级餐厅,深情又体贴

    He took me to Scalinatella , and he was affectionate and sweet .

  16. 情人节当天道格和萨莉在一家高级餐厅约会。

    Doug and Sally are at an expensive restaurant on a Valentine 's Day date .

  17. 如果上高级餐厅或有名的饭店去吃晚饭,最好是先打电话预定。

    It ' 's best to call for a reservation in expensive or well-known restaurants .

  18. 高级餐厅[旅馆]

    An exclusive restaurant [ hotel ]

  19. 科尔曼被询及,在一家高级餐厅举行的高级职员的宴会上是否有任何妇女。

    Coleman was asked whether there were any women in the party of executive at one fancy restaurant .

  20. 除此之外还包含1万间客房,70家高级餐厅。

    The rest of the building , meanwhile , will contain around 10000 bedrooms and over 70 high-class restaurants .

  21. 开心点!我没有忘。咱们待会儿就到高级餐厅吃饭。

    Snap out of it ! I didn 't forget . We 're going to eat out at a fancy restaurant .

  22. 她坚信,中餐能够完美地融入西方高级餐厅,这为下一代大厨铺平了道路。

    her stubborn conviction that Chinese food can flow seamlessly into Western fine dining smoothed the path for this next generation .

  23. 嗯,我想就到一家高级餐厅好好吃一顿早午餐慰劳一下自己,他自言自语地说。

    Well , I think I will treat myself to a nice brunch in a nice restaurant , @ he said to himself .

  24. 当不用与银行客户在高级餐厅暴饮暴食时,便会以「没有卡路里」的快餐式食物糊口了事。

    When we were not overeating at fine restaurants with bank customers , then were grabbing quick meals of " empty-calorie " foods .

  25. 没有人喜欢在高级餐厅看到别人穿着睡衣或者是在健身房看到别人画着妆出现。

    Nobody likes to see someone in home clothes at a fancy restaurant or someone with make up caked on their face at the gym .

  26. 当然,他喜欢好车、高级餐厅和好酒,不过这没什么不对,好东西我也喜欢啊!

    Sure , he likes nice cars , fancy restaurants , and good wine . But what 's wrong with that ? I like nice things , too .

  27. 帕尔默说:泰坦尼克2号将极尽舒适和奢华,配备船上健身房、游泳池、图书室、高级餐厅和豪华舱室。

    Titanic II will be the ultimate in comfort and luxury with on-board gymnasiums and swimming pools , libraries , high class restaurants and luxury cabins , he said .

  28. 当然,我在他的餐厅的用餐经历强化了一位驻上海对冲基金经历的观点,他认为,拉里斯餐厅是上海最协调的高级餐厅。

    Certainly , my meal at his restaurant reinforced the opinion of a hedge fund manager based in Shanghai that laris was the most consistent high-end restaurant in the city .

  29. 我不知道怎么说,过去的几个月里,我在高级餐厅用餐,去了爵士俱乐部,看了好些精彩的电影,听了美妙的音乐。

    I don 't know , these last few months , I 've eaten in wonderful restaurants and been to jazz clubs and watched wonderful films , heard beautiful music .

  30. 许多文化中围绕食物和吃都有很多规矩礼仪,而在高级餐厅用餐的礼仪就不言自明了。

    As in all cultures , there are many rules of etiquette surrounding food and eating , and nowhere is this more pronounced than when eating in a smart restaurant !