
  • 网络SET MENU;fixed menu;Static Menu
  1. 业界显然出现了耶伦所说的混合捆绑的动向&将固定菜单和单点菜单结合起来。

    There is clearly a move to what Ms Yellen called mixed bundling – the combination of set menu and à la carte .

  2. 业界显然出现了耶伦所说的“混合捆绑”的动向——将固定菜单和单点菜单结合起来。

    There is clearly a move to what Ms Yellen called " mixed bundling " - the combination of set menu and à la carte .

  3. 如果人们决定按照单点的方式购买受欢迎的节目和频道,而不是按照固定菜单订阅500个频道,700亿美元的营收可能在美国就此蒸发。

    If people decide to buy popular programmes and channels à la carte rather than taking the 500-channel set menu , $ 70bn of revenue could vanish in the US .

  4. 耶伦和她的合著者进行了一项关于捆绑销售经济学的研究,结论是,如果一家餐厅在固定菜单以外提供顾客单点的选择,餐厅能得到相应的回报。

    The lesson that Ms Yellen and her co-author drew in a study of the economics of bundling was that it repays a restaurant to offer its customers an à la carte option alongside items on the set menu .

  5. 绝大多数人乐意通过比较便宜的固定菜单点菜,但单点菜单是为了捕捉那些对某些菜品有极高评价的美食家消费者。

    Most people will be happy to choose from a fixed list , with lower prices , but the à la carte menu is designed to capture consumer surplus from those gastronomes with extremely high valuations of particular dishes .

  6. 绝大多数人乐意通过比较便宜的固定菜单点菜,但“单点菜单是为了捕捉那些对某些菜品有极高评价的美食家消费者”。

    Most people will be happy to choose from a fixed list , with lower prices , but " the à la carte menu is designed to capture consumer surplus from those gastronomes with extremely high valuations of particular dishes . "

  7. 很多餐馆都提供价格固定的菜单。

    Many restaurants offer fixed-price menus .

  8. 你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(StéphaneJégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

    As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu , watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper ) of the chef , St é phane J é go , through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit .

  9. 6月份,它成为一个固定的菜单选项,上菜单的日子当然选在了全国甜甜圈日那天。

    It became a permanent menu item in June on -- of course -- National Donut Day .

  10. 开餐的时间是固定的,菜单也是套餐。

    Meals were served at fixed times , with set menus .

  11. 我努力(我真的努力了)在一个现代时髦、适合素食者的餐厅寻找一个合理的固定价格套餐菜单。

    Low I tried , really I did , to find a reasonably priced prix fixe at a contemporary , cool and vegetarian-friendly spot .

  12. 加上特浓咖啡,我的早餐总价为3.26欧元,不过我的确很想来一杯Carette糕点店固定价格套餐菜单上的鲜榨果汁(我知道它家的菜单上有这个)。

    With an espresso , my breakfast was 3.26 euros , but I did miss the glass of fresh juice I knew was in the Carette prix fixe .

  13. 比如,我很容易就创建了一个组标签为“生产力”的磁贴,把工作中最常用的一些软件固定在了主菜单上,包括用来查邮件和浏览网页的应用、Twitter、计算器和微软的文档处理软件Word。

    For example , I easily created a group of tiles labeled " Productivity " and pinned some of my most frequently used software for work , including apps for email , web browsing , Twitter , a calculator and Microsoft Word .

  14. 纽约的一些餐馆有固定的“电视菜单”供(人们)订购“带回家的食品”。

    Some restaurants in New York have regular television menus made up for take-home orders .