
  • 网络Hybrid securities
  1. 混合型证券评级:框架与案例

    Rating on Hybrid Securities : Framework and Case Study

  2. 这些混合型证券可能提供6%至8%的收益率。

    These hybrid securities could offer yields between 6 and 8 per cent .

  3. 像优先股之类的混合型证券混合了债务和股份的成分。

    Hybrid securities , like preferred equity , combine elements of debt and equity .

  4. 二级股本增加了未公开储备、贷款损失准备金、重估价帐户以及其它奇怪的债务和混合型证券。

    Tier two capital throws in undisclosed and loan-loss reserves , revaluation accounts and other quirky debt and hybrid securities .

  5. 苏格兰皇家银行一直在为混合型证券派息或许是为了避免养老基金和保险公司投资组合中的连带效应。

    RBS has continued payments on hybrid securities perhaps to avoid knock-on effects in the portfolios of pension funds and insurance companies .

  6. 例如,如果停止向普通股股东派息,混合型证券持有者将面临只剩下僵尸债务未赎回的零息票债券的风险。

    For instance , if dividends to common stockholders were stopped , holders of hybrid securities risk being left with debt Zombies : uncalled bonds paying no coupon .

  7. 雷曼兄弟优先股的价格也创出了新低,这有可能损害该公司发行更多这类股票-债券混合型证券以进一步筹集资金的能力。

    Lehman 's preferred shares also tumbled to new lows , a development that could hamper the company 's ability to raise additional capital by issuing more of these hybrid stock-debt securities .