
  • 网络Hybrid Cloud;Mixed cloud
  1. VPN通信使用Internet等普遍可用的资产作为移动混合云数据的手段。

    VPN communication uses generally available assets such as the Internet as the means of moving the hybrid cloud 's data .

  2. Ethernet网络架构也非常适合于混合云,可带来更好的性能、更有效的利用率和更高级别的可用性。

    Ethernet fabric architecture is perfect for the hybrid cloud , providing better performance , more efficient utilization , and higher levels of availability .

  3. 在本文中,我将集中介绍如何向一个云提供商Amazon创建混合云应用程序。

    For this article , I narrowed the focus for creating a hybrid cloud application to one cloud provider : Amazon .

  4. VCL可以处理混合云模型。

    VCL can work on Hybrid cloud model .

  5. HP日前公布了它的HP混合云产品,这是一整套云计算基础设施。HP旨在通过它与AmazonAWS和Rackspace的产品抗衡。

    Yesterday HP announced HP Hybrid Delivery which is a complete compute infrastructure intended to compete with Amazon AWS or Rackspace 's offerings .

  6. 混合云允许私有云基础设施与公共云基础设施(比如Amazon)的集成以提供更高级别的伸缩。

    A hybrid cloud permits combining a private cloud infrastructure with a public cloud infrastructure ( such as Amazon ) to enable even higher degrees of scaling .

  7. 据大企业销售部的执行副总裁ThomasHogan介绍,HP正关注混合云计算模型,这一领域将迎来私有云和公有云两方面的巨大投资

    HP is focusing on the hybrid cloud computing model expecting significant investment in both private and public clouds , per Thomas Hogan , EVP Enterprise Sales

  8. 应用模式中的分析方法,分析了吉林省2003、2004年层状云(稳定的积层混合云)、对流云(暴雨、冰雹)降水PPI多普勒径向速度分布特征。

    The distribution characteristics of the sheet continuous precipitation , convection cloud precipitation Doppler velocity PPI in Jilin province in 2003-2004 were analyzed .

  9. (SLA)是一个合同,创建并阐述云服务提供商和购买混合云服务的代理机构之间的协议条款。

    ( SLA ) is a contract creating and elaborating the terms of the agreement between the cloud service provider and the agency purchasing the hybrid cloud services .

  10. 综合的身份识别和访问管理(IAM)是混合云获得成功的重要标准。

    Comprehensive identity and access management ( IAM ) is a vital criterion for success in the hybrid cloud .

  11. 事务类型的区别(工业vs.零售业)和公共云、私有云或混合云的选择都影响阈值策略的创建。

    The differences in transaction types ( industrial vs. retail ) and the choice of public , private , or hybrid clouds affects the creation of threshold policy .

  12. 当实现混合云时,您必须解决所有级别的版本控制,通过SLA和内部流程、基础结构和策略确保系统的可行性。

    When implementing a hybrid cloud , you must address versioning at all levels , securing system viability through SLAs as well as internal processes , infrastructure , and policy .

  13. 高德纳研究公司(Gartner)预测,到2017年,美国几乎半数大型企业都会建立起类似混合云的产品。

    By 2017 , Gartner estimates that nearly 50 % of all large enterprises in the U.S. will run off some kind of hybrid cloud set-up .

  14. 所以,不论是公有云、私有云亦或是混合云,CloudFoundry都能作为提高开发者生产率、业务敏捷以及使用OpenPaaS的起点。

    So whether it 's public , private , or hybrid , we think Cloud Foundry is a great start to developer productivity and business agility and the OpenPaaS .

  15. Atmosphere目前可用于on-premise部署模型,公共SaaS模型以及on-premise和公共SaaS云相结合的混合云模型。

    Atmosphere is now available as an on-premise deployment model , public SaaS model as well as in a hybrid cloud model with a mix of on-premise and public SaaS cloud .

  16. 第三步是理解SaaS、PaaS和IaaS是关于什么的,以及正在运行的是哪种云(私有云、公共云还是混合云)。

    The third step is to understand what SaaS , PaaS , and IaaS are about and which type of cloud it is running on ( private public or hybrid ) .

  17. 利用该参数化和UGAMP大气环流模式研究了混合云在GCM气候模拟中的重要性。

    The importance of mixed-phase clouds in GCM climate simulations is investigated using this scheme together with UGAMP general circulation model .

  18. 除了支持私有云结构之外,OpenNebula还支持混合云的概念。

    In addition to supporting private cloud construction , OpenNebula supports the idea of hybrid clouds .

  19. Stratos和StratosLive使得开发人员能够将他们的应用和服务在本地服务器、私有PaaS、公共PaaS以及混合云环境之间迁移。

    Stratos and StratosLive enable developers to migrate their applications and services between on-premise servers , a private PaaS , a public PaaS , and hybrid cloud environments .

  20. 使用混合云、XaaS和IT即服务,有许多方法可以增强您的业务模型。

    There are many ways to enhance your business model using the hybrid cloud , XaaS , and IT as a Service .

  21. 混合云技术及XaaS允许您为利用无处不在的设备以及管理随该设备涌现的大量资源和服务挖掘所需的多样化。

    Hybrid cloud technology along with XaaS allows you to tap into the requisite variety required to utilize ubiquitous devices and manage the mushrooming array of resources and services they make possible .

  22. 本系列讨论混合云的优势、每个组件即服务(XaaS)、无处不在的交付,以及智能工作负载管理(IWM),IWM提供了有效和安全地实现一切工作所需的功能。

    This series has discussed the advantages of the hybrid cloud , Every Component as a Service ( XaaS ), ubiquitous delivery , and Intelligent Workload Management ( IWM ), which provides the capabilities required to make it all work effectively and securely .

  23. 本文是混合云系列中的最后一篇文章。

    This article is the final in the hybrid cloud series .

  24. 混合云是公共云和私有云的混合。

    Hybrid clouds are a combination of public and private clouds .

  25. 应用云计算的金融市场数据解决方案:用于混合云。

    Cloud-enabled financial market data solution : For a hybrid cloud .

  26. 山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的过程分析

    Convective clouds merger into convective and stratiform mixed clouds in mountainous area

  27. 本文是这一混合云系列文章的结尾篇。

    This article concludes this series on the hybrid cloud .

  28. 混合云的使用并不会改变这个基本公理。

    Use of the hybrid cloud does not alter this fundamental axiom .

  29. 我国的降水云系多属混合云。

    The precipitation clouds in China are mainly mixed clouds .

  30. 混合云同时结合了公共云和私有云模型。

    Hybrid clouds combine both public and private cloud models .