
  • 网络Core Service;Service
  1. Dream提供了一系列通用的Features,可用于所有的服务和一个核心服务库“在编写任何有意思的Webservice和Web应用程序的时候来处理常规问题”。

    Dream provides a set of generic features , available to all services and a core service library " that address common problems when writing any kind of interesting web-services or web-applications " .

  2. RationalSOMA解决了服务识别、服务规范和制定服务实现决策的核心服务解决方案设计活动。

    Rational SOMA addresses the core service solution design activities of service identification , service specification , and making service realization decisions .

  3. 为了支持运行时编译和迟绑定,由VisualBasic编写的核心服务的部分版本也是存在的。

    A partial version of core services written in Visual Basic also exists for runtime compilation and late binding .

  4. NET的开发框架及其核心服务,对开发人员和今后的数据库软件开发与应用都具有十分重要的意义。

    NET is significant for the developer and database software development and application in the future .

  5. netFramework提供的层模式设计了分层体系结构,并为其添加了易于扩展和重用的底层核心服务功能;

    NET framework , meanwhile the expandable and reusable core - service functions has been added as well .

  6. 这些核心服务可能代表了企业核心的知识产权(IP)。

    The services in the core may represent intellectual property ( IP ) critical to the business .

  7. Platform项目包含构建基于Eclipse的应用程序所需的常用服务和核心服务集。

    The Platform project contains the set of common and core services needed to build Eclipse-based applications .

  8. Linux核心服务机制分析

    The Analysis of Linux Kernel Service Mechanism

  9. CORBA事件服务就是CORBA核心服务之一。

    CORBA event service is one of CORBA core services .

  10. 未来版本的VB可能会包含适合运行时使用的完整版本的核心服务。

    The future version of VB may contain the full version of core services suitable for runtime use .

  11. BPC是IBM的SOA堆栈的一个核心服务,实际上比SOA更早。

    BPC is one of the core services of IBM 's SOA stack and is actually older than SOA itself .

  12. 分析工作包括确定出创建满足商业需求的面向服务的体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)所必需的核心服务。

    Part of the analysis consists of identifying core services that are necessary to create service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) solutions to meet business requirements .

  13. 对Linux的内核源代码进行了分析,且着重于其核心服务机制的组织结构、进程调度、任务队列机制、同步机制、系统定时机制的剖析。

    Linux ′ s kernel source code , its architecture , process scheduler , task queue , synchronization , system timer are analyzed in great detail .

  14. 正如在前面的几个部分中所述,基础结构和运行时层提供了用于运行SCA应用程序的核心服务。

    As described in the previous sections , the Infrastructure and the Runtime layer provide core services for running SCA applications .

  15. 他继续表示,EA应当以两种方式进行衡量:所交付的业务能力与核心服务的成本

    He then continues by saying that EA should be measured in2 ways : business capabilities delivered and costs of core services

  16. VB编译器的核心服务的完整版本是由非托管(unmanaged)C++代码编写的。

    The full version of core services for VB compiler is written in unmanaged C + + code .

  17. DNS作为互联网中的一项核心服务,能够提供域名和IP地址映射信息的存储、管理以及响应域名的解析请求。

    DNS as a core services in the Internet , can store and manage domain name and IP address mapping information and response the domain name resolution request .

  18. 与别的为了榨干用户每一分钱的服务不同的是,我们只提供我们的核心服务:PS修改。

    Instead of a huge and confusing array of xiangmu designed to milk every last cent out of customers , we offer one core service : PS editing .

  19. 他们说,最好是为苹果的iOS操作系统、谷歌的Chrome浏览器和Windows等核心服务,打开自动更新。

    Best to switch on automatic updates , they said , for core services like Apple 's iOS operating system , Google 's Chrome browser and Windows .

  20. 核心服务平台上的虚拟机中运行着开源的Linux操作系统,该系统上运行着核心网络服务器,为Mesh网络提供强大的网络服务支持。

    Core services platform in the virtual machine running the Linux open source operating system , the system runs on a central network server for Mesh networks provide a strong support network services .

  21. 梅尔在斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)计算机科学专业毕业后,于24岁之龄加入谷歌。她在谷歌负责管理主页和Gmail等其他一些核心服务。

    She joined Google aged 24 after studying computer science at Stanford University , becoming custodian of the homepage as well as other core services such as Gmail .

  22. 对于那些希望为UDDI操作入口站点提供作为核心服务的附加行为的增值服务的第三方实体,将存在很多机会。

    Many opportunities exist for third parties who wish to provide value-added services as adjuncts to the core behaviors of UDDI Operator Sites .

  23. CORBA核心服务的实现:研究实现信道服务、命名服务,提高系统效率,便于开发人员对系统进行更新和维护的方法。

    Core services of CORBA : Study the accomplishment of Event Service , Naming Service in order to improve system efficiency and allow developers to perform system upgrade and maintenance .

  24. 在现有的逻辑资源(如计算、存储、数据库系统等)之上构建核心服务层、高级服务层、API层和应用层。

    It builds core service layer , advanced service layer , API layer and application layers on the top of existed logical resources , such as computing resource , storage resource and database management system .

  25. 作为一种主要的分布式计算技术,RPC(远过程调用)技术已应用于包括从操作系统核心服务到应用服务器程序设计的各个方面。

    As a technology in distributed computational environment , RPC has been applied to many aspects from key service in operate system as Microsoft windows to network gateway .

  26. 论文构建了元数据目录服务MDS,将结构化、半结构化和非结构化的水利数据的元数据与目录服务结合,为水利信息共享提供核心服务,使得物理上分布的水利数据在逻辑上实现共享。

    This paper fabricates metadata directory service ( MDS ) which integrates directory service and metadata of water resources data which are structural or semi-structural or non-structural .

  27. 我也不知道这些问题的答案,但是我希望Uber能发扬它在开发核心服务时展现出的智慧,来解决这些棘手的问题。

    I don 't know but I hope Uber uses the same ingenuity it has shown in developing their core service in tackling these questions .

  28. 在采购融资、存货融资、保理业务等核心服务的基础上,3PL开始了自己的金融服务。

    On the basis of the core serrices such as purchase financing , inventory financing and insurance indemnity business , 3PL starts its own financial serrices .

  29. 本次论文重点研究设计了EJB服务器的内核技术和主体框架,另外,我们的研究小组中的同学做了EJB服务器核心服务的研究与设计。

    The paper focuses on the research and design of the core technology and body frame of the EJB server . My partner makes research and design on the core service of the EJB server .

  30. 该系统地理信息服务的组成部分和可以为服务互操作提供接口的核心服务的界面,都将依照OGC标准设计和说明,以提高服务的协作能力。

    The service components and service interactions in the system will be designed according OGC standards , to improve interoperability of service .