
  • 网络Core value;core-value;our core values
  1. WhatsApp联合创始人简•库姆(JanKoum)表示,保护私人通信是WhatsApp的核心价值观之一,部分原因是他在苏联长大的经历。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp co-founder , said protecting private communication was a core value at WhatsApp , partly because of his own experience growing up in the Soviet Union .

  2. 接着以广东SK学院为研究对象,分析其人力资源管理的现状和存在的问题,如人力资源管理尚未形成自身核心价值观等。

    Then , electing Guangdong university of SK as the research object , this paper analyzes the state of the art of human resources and the existing problems , such as lacking the core value of human resources management .

  3. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  4. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  5. 共生,是子墨的核心价值观。

    Mutual existence is therefore the core value of Zimo Group .

  6. 中国电影的精神地图&论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径

    Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core

  7. 论高职学生社会主义核心价值观的培养

    Discussions on the cultivation of college students ' socialist core values

  8. 地方革命传统与大学生核心价值观教育&以弘扬闽西革命传统为例

    Local Revolutionary Tradition and Education of Core Values for College Students

  9. 于是,你的核心价值观可能就成为了一种自我应验的预言。

    Therefore , your core beliefs may become a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  10. 和谐视域下构建社会主义核心价值观的迫切性

    The Urgency to Structure Socialism Core Values in the Harmony Horizon

  11. 永远不要让任何人去触犯你的核心价值观。

    Never let anyone force you to break your core values .

  12. 用核心价值观指导高职学生全面成长

    Directing the Overall Growth of Higher Vocational Students by Core Values

  13. 佳通公司核心价值观对管理制度实施效果的影响

    GT Company 's Core Values Affects the Effectiveness in System Execution

  14. 服务是图书馆永恒的主题,是图书馆的核心价值观。

    Service is the eternal subject and core values of library .

  15. 人文关怀视域下当代革命军人核心价值观的培育

    On the contemporary revolutionary servicemen ′ s core values in humanity care

  16. 论建构中国特色社会主义核心价值观的着力点

    On the Fundamental Point of Constructing the Chinese Characteristics Socialism Core Values

  17. 诚信&国有企业文化核心价值观研究

    Honesty-Faith & Study of the Key Values of the State-owned Enterprise Culture

  18. 雷锋精神与当代革命军人核心价值观

    Lei Feng Spirit and Contemporary Revolutionary Soldiers ' Core Values

  19. 自由是马克思主义的核心价值观之一。

    The freedom is one of core values of Marxism .

  20. 核心价值观为分析计算机伦理学提供了一个框架。

    The core values provide a framework for analysis in computer ethics .

  21. 当代中国核心价值观的外延为:平等、自由、包容。

    Extension of contemporary Chinese core values : equality , freedom , tolerance .

  22. 试论中国传统文化核心价值观及其当代回归

    Discussion of the Core Values of Chinese Traditional Culture and its Contemporary Resumption

  23. 开展理想信念教育构建当代大学生核心价值观

    College Students ' Education in Ideals and Beliefs and Their Core Value Concept

  24. 当代革命军人核心价值观的价值意蕴

    The value of cultivating contemporary soldiers ' core values

  25. 以社会主义核心价值观打造新疆文化软实力

    Developing Soft Cultural Strength with Core Value of Socialism

  26. 这个事例告诉我们:坚持你的核心价值观,不要变来变去。

    The lesson learned for us is : Stick with your core values ;

  27. 我们将完成核心价值观的制订,并让本地员工清楚地了解其意义。

    We will finalize the Core Values for local staffs and promulgate them .

  28. 西点军校核心价值观塑造的特点及启示

    The features and inspiration of core values shaping mode in the U.S.Military Academy

  29. 《我们街区的孩子们》与现代阿拉伯社会核心价值观的自我更新

    Children of the Alley and the Self-renewal of Core Values of Arabian Society

  30. 把社会主义核心价值观融入大学生思想政治教育中

    Merging the Socialist Core Values with Ideological and Political Education of University Students