
  • 网络Core value;value;end value
  1. 这是IBMIT治理方法的核心价值主题。

    This is the core value proposition for the IBM IT Governance Approach .

  2. WhatsApp联合创始人简•库姆(JanKoum)表示,保护私人通信是WhatsApp的核心价值观之一,部分原因是他在苏联长大的经历。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp co-founder , said protecting private communication was a core value at WhatsApp , partly because of his own experience growing up in the Soviet Union .

  3. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  4. Flickr和Twitter等企业就是核心价值和业务模型来自用户生成的数据的企业。

    Companies like eBay , Amazon . com , Flickr , and Twitter are examples of businesses whose core values and business models comes from user-generated data .

  5. 企业资源基础论的主要代表人物巴尼(JayBarney,1991)强调那些能动的、整合性的无形资源或组织资源是企业竞争优势的核心价值和关键意义。

    The enterprise resources foundation discusses representative personage Jay Barney , emphasized these could move , merges " the invisible resources " or " the organization resources " was the key factor in enterprise competition superiority .

  6. 接着以广东SK学院为研究对象,分析其人力资源管理的现状和存在的问题,如人力资源管理尚未形成自身核心价值观等。

    Then , electing Guangdong university of SK as the research object , this paper analyzes the state of the art of human resources and the existing problems , such as lacking the core value of human resources management .

  7. 品牌延伸策略中的品牌核心价值中心论

    Theory of Brand 's Essential Value in Strategy of Brand Extension

  8. 公平正义是和谐社会的核心价值。

    Justice and fairness are core values of a harmonious society .

  9. 以品牌的核心价值为中心进行整合营销传播

    IMC Must be the Center of the Core Worth of Brand

  10. 共生,是子墨的核心价值观。

    Mutual existence is therefore the core value of Zimo Group .

  11. 因而,公正是公共决策的核心价值。

    Therefore , justice is the core value of public decision-making .

  12. 中国电影的精神地图&论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径

    Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core

  13. 其三,基于特色定位打造核心价值。

    Third , based on characteristic localization making core value .

  14. 任何社会都有其独特的核心价值体系和文化认同。

    Any society owns its unique core value system and cultural identity .

  15. 然后,确定品牌的核心价值,建立企业识别;

    Furthermore confirm the core value of brand , form the CI ;

  16. 如何更好的对大学生进行社会主义核心价值体系教育?

    How to better educate university students with the socialist core value ?

  17. 核心价值及其视野中的学校道德教育

    The Pursuit of Core Value and School Moral Education in the Perspective

  18. 基于核心价值的品牌规划研究

    The Study on the Program about Brand Based on the Key Value

  19. 摘要社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化的根本。

    A core value system of socialist is building a harmonious culture .

  20. 抗震救灾精神是社会主义核心价值体系的伟大实践

    Aseismatic Spirit is the Core Value System of Socialist Practice

  21. 品牌没有核心价值,就只会是一个商标

    Without core Vale , The Brand Is Only A Logo

  22. 高校图书馆核心价值的学理思辨及实践研究

    Academic Thinking and Practice on Core Value of University Library

  23. 坚持核心价值体系,就是坚持正确导向。

    Persisting core value system is persisting correct direction .

  24. 图书馆核心价值;文献计量学;定量分析。

    Library'core value ; Literature metrology ; Ration analysis .

  25. 体育的核心价值在于个人通过努力取得成就,失去这一点,体育就没有任何意义。

    Sport is about achievement through personal effort or it is about nothing .

  26. 社会主义核心价值的多维探源

    On the Originations of the Core Value of Socialism

  27. 而品牌的个性就是品牌的核心价值。

    And the personality is actually the core value .

  28. 当代中国核心价值观的外延为:平等、自由、包容。

    Extension of contemporary Chinese core values : equality , freedom , tolerance .

  29. 和文化:昭君文化的核心价值及其当代意义

    " Harmony Culture ": The Key Value and Contemporary Meaning of Zhaojun Culture

  30. 试论中国传统文化核心价值观及其当代回归

    Discussion of the Core Values of Chinese Traditional Culture and its Contemporary Resumption