
  • 网络acceptance of pledge
  1. 银行核押在性质上属于第三债务人对存单质押不保留异议的承诺。

    Bank 's acceptance , in nature , is the obligor 's acceptance of the pledge of deposit without defense .

  2. 贷款人有权向证券登记机构核实质押物的真实性、合法性,证券登记机构应根据贷款人的要求,及时真实地提供上述情况。

    The lender may shall be entitled to verify the truth and legality of the impawned substance from the securities registry institution , and the securities registry institution shall provide the aforementioned information timely and truly in accordance with the lender 's requirement .

  3. 总体上看,似乎美国政府已在核电业上押了550亿美元的巨额赌注,而由于福岛核危机事件,这一行业可能毁于一旦。

    In total , it looks like the US government has placed a $ 55 billion bet on an industry that could meltdown thanks to the Fukushima incident .