
  • 网络core area;core region;nuclear area
  1. 中国西部城市核心区域无线网络解决方案

    Wireless Network Solution for Core Area in Western China Cities

  2. 南贵昆经济区核心区域研究

    A Study of Core Area of Nanning-Guiyang-Kunming Economic Area

  3. 利用ΔR(n)/Δn界定核心区域的探讨

    Exploration of Defining Core Areas with Δ R ( n ) / Δ n

  4. CBD,是中央商务区的英文简称,是集中进行商务活动及商务相关活动的核心区域。

    CBD as the abbreviation of central business district is the core place for business activity and others concerned .

  5. 通常而言,许多应用程序都可以通过调优以下三个核心区域实现一定程度的性能改进:JVM、线程池和连接池。

    In general , a large number of applications will realize some improvement from tuning in three core areas : the JVM , thread pools , and connection pools .

  6. JCS定义了4种类型的核心区域:内存区域、磁盘区域、外围区域和远程区域。

    JCS defines four types of core regions : memory , disk , lateral , and remote .

  7. 漂移管组件为EBIT提供约束离子的轴向电势阱,是EBIT装置的核心区域。

    The drift tube assembly provides the axial trap for ions in an electron beam ion trap ( EBIT ) .

  8. 公司行政总裁张欣表示,土地价格不断下滑不一定就预示着商业地产市场的总体滑坡,尤其是在soho中国重点开发的北京核心区域。

    Zhang Xin , chief executive , said falling land prices would not necessarily presage a general slump in the commercial property market , especially in central Beijing , the area SOHO focuses on .

  9. JF水泥集团位于江苏省经济最发达地区&苏南地区,地处长江三角洲核心区域。

    JF Cement Group lies in south of Jiangsu Province , one of the most developed regions in China , located in the core of Yangtze River Delta region .

  10. 基于核心区域信息和经验知识的道路理解算法

    A Road Understanding Algorithm Based on Kernel Region Information and General Knowledge

  11. 就是它的核心区域了。

    Is in the central area of the site .

  12. 关于工业用地置换模式探讨&以株洲市石峰区核心区域城市更新规划为例

    A Discussion on the Displacement Patterns of Industrial Land

  13. 历史上,河南省是中华民族发源的核心区域。

    Historically , Henan Province is the core original area of the Chinese nation .

  14. 其定位是继南昌八一广场之后的第二个核心区域。

    Its localization is the second core region after the Nanchang eighty one square .

  15. 宁海县火车站站前核心区域城市设计竞赛方案创作

    The Urban Design of Core Area in front of the Railway Station , Ninghai County

  16. 长三角16个城市作为我国的核心区域,经济份量举足轻重。

    The 16 cities of Yangtze River Delta are the economic core areas of China .

  17. 当前,江苏沿江地区已成为其经济社会发展的核心区域。

    Yangtze River Drainage Area has become the core of economic and social development in Jiangsu Province .

  18. 未来反应堆设计使这种转换发生在包围聚变反应核心区域的一个被称为“再生区”的地方。

    Future reactor designs make the conversion in a region surrounding the fusion core called the blanket .

  19. 在蜗舌一侧存在偏心涡,由核心区域和外围区域组成。

    The eccentric vortex exists near the tongue , which includes kernel vortices region and periphery vortices region .

  20. 核心区域保护是数字营区对于其所属重要部位进行高要求安全防范。

    The protection of core area is the high-security requirements for the important parts of the digital barrack .

  21. 区域创新战略是欧盟旨在帮助非核心区域在科研、技术开发和创新等领域进行赶超的重要举措。

    The configuration of regional innovation space strategy of areas along Yangtze River in Jiangsu province is analyzed .

  22. 作为清政府钱粮基地的江南地区,是康熙帝实施社会教化的核心区域。

    As the government base of money and food , Jiangnan region was the central area of edification .

  23. 而亚洲也是目前乒乓球运动发展的核心区域,尤其是以中国、日本、韩国为代表的亚洲国家更是为乒乓球运动的发展贡献了不竭的力量。

    Asia is the core region of table tennis , especially in China , Japan , and South Korea .

  24. 针对同一个网站的页面,可重用核心区域路径,以提高处理效率。

    Reusing the path of core area at the pages in the same e-commerce websites can increase the treatment efficiency .

  25. 大河流域是国家经济发展的核心区域,影响和制约着区域经济以及国家整体经济的发展。

    River valley is the core region of national economic development , which affects the regional economic and national development .

  26. 其三,通古斯人的萨满教具有萨满文化核心区域的典型特征,它突显出研究中国通古斯语族民族萨满教的重要意义。

    Third , the shamanism of the Tunguses has its typical trait , so it is important to study it .

  27. 以往的研究认为,射流存在一个处于层流状态的核心区域。

    Most of the previous investigations believed that there is a laminar flow region in the core of the jet .

  28. 对于很多到城市核心区域之外的地方游玩的居民来说,牛往往是他们首先看到的野生动物。

    For many residents venturing outside the city 's urban core , cattle are the first wild animals they encounter .

  29. 酒店简介酒店位于“中华第三商圈”&南京新街口核心区域,商家林立;

    The hotel is located at the core district of Xinjiekou in Nanjing which is the Third Chinese Commercial Loop .

  30. 在电子芯片厂房中,洁净室是其关键部位与核心区域。

    In the electric industry , clean room becomes the base area in the construction of the electric COMS chip manufactory .