
jīnɡ jì qū yù
  • economic region
  1. 主要经济区域中的货币错位和贸易不平衡

    Funny Money Currency Misalignments and Trade Asymmetries in Main Economic Region

  2. 试论经济区域及其发展

    A few views of economic region and it 's development

  3. 经济区域对经济的带动作用是显著的。

    The driving roll of economic regions to economy is remarkable .

  4. 可持续发展经济区域性一体化

    RISE Regional Integration for Sustainable Economies

  5. 自2000年的里斯本峰会开始,欧盟(EU)便制定了成为知识经济区域的目标。

    Since the Lisbon summit in 2000 , the European Union has set itself the goal of becoming a knowledge-based economy .

  6. 论世界经济区域一体化与APEC的发展

    On Regional Integration of the World Economy and the Development of APEC

  7. 正文的最后部分将文中的一些方法应用于该问题,主要使用的数据为近年来的GDP和人均GDP,通过对数据的处理分析将中国大陆地区划分为若干个经济区域,并列出结果。

    Using the data of GDP and Per Capital GDP , the last part of the article applies some of the methods to the question of division . By treating and analyzing data , the zones are decided and the results are given .

  8. 世界经济区域一体化、集团化趋势的进一步发展,以及APEC在缓解金融危机方面的表现差强人意,促使了东亚“10+3”合作框架的形成。

    The growing trend toward the integration and collectivization of the regional economic in the world and the just passable performance of APEC in moderating financial crisis , motivated the formation of the " 10 + 3 " cooperating frame .

  9. 本文是在世界经济区域一体化的大背景下,通过对APEC进行实证研究,为我国如何适时地制定自己的亚太战略、如何积极地参与亚太地区经济合作以共享亚太繁荣提出建议。

    This article , with the background of regional integration of the world economic and through the concrete evidence research on APEC , proposes how to make our own Asia-pacific strategy and how to take part in APEC in order to share Asia-pacific prosperity .

  10. 第一部分是国际经济区域化的理论与实践分析。

    Section One Theory and practical analyses on world economy regions .

  11. 关于世界经济区域集团化发展的思考

    Meditation about the Collectivized Development of the Economic Regions of the World

  12. 河北省农村经济区域差异与协调发展研究

    Study on Districts Diversity and Coordinated Growth of Rural Economy in Hebei

  13. 论我国经济区域内的政府间关系

    On the Intergovernmental Relationship among the Economic Zones in China

  14. 乡镇企业经济区域发展不平衡问题研究

    Studies on the Unbalanced Development of the Township Enterprises in Various Regions

  15. 城市经济区域理论及其发展研究

    Study on the Urban Economic Regional Theory and Its Development

  16. 首先利用聚类分析法,对经济区域进行重新划分。

    Firstly , apply cluster analysis to redistrict economic regions .

  17. 政府导向是现代经济区域形成的主要途径。

    The government directs is the main avenue that modern economy area forms .

  18. 合理划分经济区域具有十分重要的意义。

    It is necessary to divide economic region .

  19. 西北地区经济区域的形成和发展是一个历史过程。

    The formation and development of the Northwest economic region is a historical process .

  20. 西方经济区域化的发展趋势剖析

    Analysis of the Regionalizing Trend in Western Economy

  21. 关于山东经济区域划分的思考

    Thinkings about the division of Shandong economic region

  22. 河南外向型经济区域差异及对外开放度空间格局研究

    Regional Difference of Out-Oriented Economy and Spatial Pattern of Opening Rate in Henan Province

  23. 制造业基地是一种具有一定特征的经济区域。

    The base of manufacturing industry is a kind of economic area with certain characteristic .

  24. 西安市临潼区生态经济区域划分与分区建设的设想

    An Idea of Area Division of Ecological Economy and Its Construction of Lintong District in Xi'an City

  25. 近代之前,西北地区的经济区域主要表现农牧业区域,因此,一定程度上,农牧业区域可以指代经济区域。

    Therefore , to some extent , the agriculture and animal husbandry areas can refer to economic regions .

  26. 区域主体的确立是经济区域有效运转的前提。

    The establishment of the regional body is the precondition of the effective management of the economic region .

  27. 在此基础上,对信贷资源在不同经济区域的配置情况及影响因素进行分析。

    Base on the relation , the paper studies the collocate of credit resource and the infection factors .

  28. 提出国家利益是经济区域化及经济全球化的根本出发点;

    It is pointed out that the goal of regionalization and globalization is to improve the national economic welfare .

  29. 辽宁虽然是我国东部沿海比较发达的省份,但同样存在内部经济区域之间的差异问题。论文试图系统和深入研究90年代以来辽宁区域经济差异问题。

    Liaoning is Chinese more developed eastern coastal provinces , but also the existence of internal economic disparities between regions .

  30. 由唐至宋,它从一个相对落后的边缘地区逐渐发展成为一个以州城为中心的亚经济区域。

    It 's developed gradually from a relatively backward rim - land to a city - centered sub - economic area .