
  • 网络Liberalism;Economic liberalism;economical liberalism
  1. 国民待遇原则作为WTO体制的支柱之一,强调内外国主体法律地位的平等,昭示着经济自由主义的理念。

    As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .

  2. 经济自由主义理论:困境及其发展

    Theory of Economic Liberalism : a Dilemma and its Development

  3. 目前,欧洲委员会(europeancommission)仍为经济自由主义者把持。

    At the moment the European Commission is still in the hands of economic liberals .

  4. 19世纪的经济自由主义者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)引申了这一论点,指出自由贸易的原则不仅将消除人们建立帝国、陆军和海军的欲望,还能引领人们实现良好的全球治理。

    In the 19th century , the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument , saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires , armies and navies but lead to benign global government .

  5. 早期经济自由主义者将这一矛盾的解决归于市场过程,黑格尔主义则寄望于国家权力。

    The forepart liberalism hoped to resolve the conflict in market ;

  6. 她将此视为输出经济自由主义的尝试。

    This she saw as an attempt to export liberal economics .

  7. 新经济自由主义研究中应该注意区分的若干问题

    Some Problems should be Understood When We Research Neo - liberal Economics

  8. 从生态哲学看经济自由主义的困境与出路

    The Plight and Outlet of Economy Liberalism from the View of Ecological Philosophy

  9. 德国的经济自由主义被政治联盟掣肘;

    Liberalisation in Germany is blocked by coalition politics ;

  10. 20世纪中国三次经济自由主义思潮述评

    Review on the Three Waves of Economic Liberalism of China in the 20th Century

  11. 存异主要体现在国家干预主义和经济自由主义理论与政策取向之间的互不相容,趋同表现为两者之间互相吸收对方合理的理论并进行综合。

    " Seeking differences " reflects itself in the inconsistency between the country interventionism and economic liberalism .

  12. 司马迁的经济自由主义是以其国家主义的至治理想为宏旨的。

    Sima Qian s economic liberalism is based on the keystone of nationalistic ideal of best administration .

  13. 排除新经济自由主义思潮干扰,国民收入初次分配不能完全由市场调节;

    People must clear the confuse of new economy liberalism , national income can not be adjusted entirely by the market ;

  14. 西方著名经济学家哈耶克对其经济自由主义思想的阐释,首先着眼于它的哲学基础。

    Hayek who is a famous economist in the world explains the theory of economical liberalism from the vision of philosophy .

  15. 但对金融市场而言,经济自由主义(至少就目前所知的形式而言)已被证明存在致命的缺陷。

    But for financial markets economic liberalism , at least in the form we have known it , has proved fatally flawed .

  16. 作为新经济自由主义最新发展阶段代表的真实经济周期理论,再结合我国国情的语境之下,对我国经济法基础理论的发展产生一定冲击。

    In the paper the author thinks that True Economic Circle Theory will conflict with actual Economic Law Theory foundation in China .

  17. 西方经济学长期以来一直存在着两大主要流派的分歧,即凯恩斯主义和经济自由主义的争论。

    There has long existed divergence between two major schools in Western economics , that is , controversy between Keynesianism and economic liberalism .

  18. 对之造成冲击的事件当然是爆发于2007年至2008年的金融危机,它对经济自由主义造成了致命的打击。

    The traumatic event was of course the financial crisis that broke out in 2007-08 and administered a fatal blow to economic liberalism .

  19. 他是经济自由主义者,但他认为,国家必须在能源和军工等产业中扮演重大角色。

    He is an economic liberal , but believes the state must play a big role in sectors such as energy and defence .

  20. 几乎所有国家政府和央行都致力于改革经济自由主义,而我现在宁愿将重点放在其他方面。

    As almost every government and central bank is committed to its reform , I would for the present concentrate on other aspects .

  21. 同时,随着中国的崛起,国家调控而不是经济自由主义正在受到新兴市场的追捧。

    And with the rise of China state control , not economic liberalism , is being hailed as a model for emerging markets .

  22. 经济自由主义思想主要贯穿在竞争理论中,竞争理论的变化发展过程也是反垄断的立法与实践的变化发展过程。

    The theory of economic liberalism lies in competitive theory , whose development also reflects the process of legislation and practice of the theory .

  23. 人们普遍认定,用欧洲人的话说,萨尔科奇先生是位经济自由主义者:支持低税收和放松监管。

    He is widely judged to be an economic liberal in the European sense of the word : in favour of lower taxes and less regulation .

  24. 各国政府奔波于政府干预和经济自由主义两种理论之间,以不同的理论为指导,就形成了不同的政府职能。

    All the governments run from government-intervene to the economic freedom between two theories , fellow the difference theory and then take shape the different government function .

  25. 这个定型化的契约模式是盛行于十八、十九世纪的经济自由主义、个人自由主义和实证主义交相影响的产物。

    The standardized contract mode is a product of economic liberalism , individual liberalism and positivism that have been popular from the 18th century to the 19th century .

  26. 经济自由主义理论自其产生以后,一直在经济理论发展中占主流地位,并深刻影响着人们的经济政策和经济活动。

    Economic liberalism has played a dominant role in the development of economic theory and influence people 's economic policy making and activities as it came into being .

  27. 相应地,一般论者也把经济自由主义错误地狭限于放任(自由)经济制度以满足一小撮人的经济自由。

    The qeneral scholars correspondingly mistake economical liberalism as noninterference ( freedom ) economical system , in order to satisfy the freedom of economy of a handful of persons .

  28. 巴西在20世纪90年代大力推行以“华盛顿共识”为基础的新经济自由主义,在一定程度稳定和恢复了巴西的经济。

    In 1990s , Washington Consensus-based New Economic Liberalism was widely adopted by Brazil government in its policies , which contributed to national economic stabilization and recovery in some degree .

  29. 经济自由主义与国家干预主义这两大经济学说的争论,在很大程度上主导了经济学学派的兴衰更替,监管理论的演变就是在这一争论的背景下发生的。

    The arguments of economic liberalism and state interventionism largely dominated the rise and fall of different schools of economics . The evolution of regulation theory is carried out in this context .

  30. 有一种观点被反对者称为新自由主义,而至少部分支持者称之为经济自由主义,目前正是探讨这种观点前景的好时机。

    This is a good time to ask what is left of an outlook known to its enemies as neoliberalism and by at least some of its friends as just economic liberalism .