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  • Monetary school;monetarism
  1. 新自由主义是伦敦学派、货币学派、理性预期学派等几个学派的统称。

    Neo-liberalism is collectively referred to London school , Monetarism and Rational expectations school .

  2. 然后就凯恩斯的权变模式和货币学派的规则模式的优劣给予评析。

    Second , give a comment and analysis about Keynes " discretion pattern " and monetarism " rules pattern ";

  3. 在为期三天的会议上,有数位演讲者公开指责诺贝尔奖获得者、货币学派经济学家米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)是个江湖骗子,称他在过去40年里给资本主义带来了恶劣的影响。

    Several speakers at the three-day conference denounced the Nobel prize-winning monetarist economist , Milton Friedman , as a charlatan who had had a pernicious influence on capitalism over the past four decades .

  4. 作为货币学派的领军人物,米尔顿·弗里德曼坚信在浮动汇率制里可以更容易地进行经济调整。

    Milton Friedman , a monetarist economist , argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system .

  5. 凯恩斯学派主要倡导利率中介目标,而货币学派主张以货币供应量为中介目标。

    The Keynesians advocate interest rate target while the monetarists support money supply target to be the intermediate target .

  6. 主要流派有伦敦学派、现代货币学派和理性预期学派等。

    Its main schools include : the London school , the Modern Monetary School , Rational Expectation School and so on .

  7. 货币学派的货币主义思想自20世纪80年代传入我国,对我国货币政策的制定产生了一定的影响。

    Since 1980 's monetarism thought of monetary schools is brought to China , it has made a certain impact upon formulation of China monetary policies .

  8. 无论是一代还是二代,向国民经济撒钱以对抗通缩的理念,数十年来一直是一条得到认可的货币学派信条。

    Whether father or child , the concept of showering money over national economies to combat deflation has been an accepted principle of monetarism for decades .

  9. 70年代的滞胀打破了这一稳定,货币学派、供给学派、理性预期等应运而起,这种百家争鸣的景象一直持续到今天。

    The stagflation broke the stabilization in 1970s , the Monetary School , the Supply-Side School and other schools follow the need of ages and become flourishing .

  10. 第二章是文章的理论部分,介绍经典经济学理论包括凯恩斯的半通货膨胀理论、新剑桥学派的理论、货币学派的通货膨胀理论和瑞典学派的通货膨胀理论。

    Chapter 2 will outline classic macroeconomics theory , including Semi-Keynesian theory of inflation , New theory of the Cambridge School , Monetary theory of inflation School and Swedish School of inflation theory .

  11. 货币学派则在代表人物弗里德曼的带领下以货币数量论和永久收入加说为基础,提出了以货币政策能解决所有问题的结论。

    Monetary school is in the representative figure in monetary led Friedman number theory and permanent income plus said as the foundation , put forward by the monetary policy can solve all problems conclusion .

  12. 历史上,关于税收思想的理论学派主要包括古典学派、凯恩斯学派、货币学派和供给学派,这些经济学流派从不同的角度论述了税收的性质、特点和对经济的影响。

    Historically , the theoretical school of thought on the major taxes , including classical school , Keynesian , monetarist and supply-side , the schools of economics are discussed from different angles , the nature of taxation , characteristics and impact on the economy .

  13. 货币主义学派的公平、效率和分配观

    Views on Fairness , Efficiency and Distribution of the Monetarist School

  14. 货币主义学派坚持机会平等、效率优先的公平效率观。

    The monetarist school sticks to the idea of fair efficiency by the principles of equal opportunity and efficiency priority .

  15. 古典学派、早期凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派和理性预期学派认为货币政策无效。

    Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .

  16. 然而,经济学中存在多个与凯恩斯经济学相关的学术流派,至少包括新古典综合派、新凯恩斯主义经济学、后凯恩斯经济学和货币流通学派。

    But there has many Keynesian schools in economics , including Neoclassical Synthesis , New Keynesians , Post Keynesians and the Monetary Circuit Approach , at least .

  17. 与现代货币主义学派的公平效率观基本相同,但它是以理性预期理论为基础,通过否定凯恩斯主义的公平效率观而建立起来的。

    Although this school of thought shares some similarities with the modern monetarist school it is based on the theory of rational anticipation through the negation of Keynes'equalitarian efficiency .

  18. 主要介绍了凯恩斯学派理论、货币主义学派理论、理性预期学派理论和宏观金融博弈理论,阐述了这些学派对货币政策数量效果的理论观点。

    I introduce the west theoretic view about the quantitative effect of the monetary policy , which include Keynesian school , Monetarism , Rational expectations school and game theory of macro finance .

  19. 与此同时,货币经济学的主流学派认为,央行调节利率应首先以两个因素为指引:消费物价通胀率与其目标之间的差值,以及经济产出与其均衡水平之间的差值。

    Meanwhile , the dominant school of monetary economics argued that central banks should be guided in setting interest rates above all by two factors : the gap between consumer price inflation and its target and the gap between output and its equilibrium level .

  20. 的确,货币供应强劲增长与深度衰退的组合,令人怀疑货币学派对大萧条的解释。

    Indeed , the combination of strong monetary growth with deep recession raises doubts about the monetarist explanation for the Great Depression .

  21. 在理论分析部分,本文分析了货币政策中介目标的性质和功能,之后,比较分析凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派以及后凯恩斯主义学派的相关理论,各学派的相关理论都有其合理之处。

    First , for the part of theoretical analyses , the author analyzes the properties and functions of intermediate target of monetary policy . Later on , the author makes a comparative study of some related theories coming from Keynesian school , Monetarism school and Post - Keynesian school .

  22. 政府资金运动与货币供给量之间是否相关,以及政府存款是否应该计入货币供给量成为国外货币金融理论界争论的一个焦点,特别是货币学派和奥地利学派的观点分歧较大。

    Whether there is relation between the government funds and money supply and the government deposits should be included into the money supply are the hot topics in the financial circle .