
Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate , equivalent to the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies .
Seigniorage is really a tax on holders of money and government debt which is paid via inflation .
But a surprising number are flirting with the Stiglitzian prescription : they are issuing more currency and selling more hot cakes .
Faced with recession in both the periphery and the core , and with interest rates already close to zero , the European Central Bank may have to bite the bullet and begin a programme of quantitative easing , using newly-created money to buy government bonds .
An Analysis about the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Yield Curve of Bond
But it is equally possible that there could be nasty shocks ahead , particularly if money market or treasury rates rise .
But is there a political consensus that the much larger Obama deficits will not pressure the Fed to expand reserves to buy Treasury bonds ?
The inter-bank bond market was established in June of 1997 , it is the important component of the money market and the national debt market .
Fear the Fed will reduce monetary stimulus has pushed bond yields and in turn mortgage rates up sharply .
QE creating money and using it to buy bonds is coming to an end , or at least pausing .
They are moving more cash to safety in bank accounts , money-market funds and Treasurys , despite declining interest rates .
The Fed has been running ultra-loose monetary policies since late 2008 and interest rates on long-term bonds are already extremely low .
Introducing the effect of our national debt market when our country has implemented fiscal and monetary policies from 1998 to 2001 . ( 3 ) the present conditions of our national debt market .