
huò wù liú zhì quán
  • lien on cargo
  1. 海上货运人货物留置权浅析

    Plain Analyzation of Lien on Cargo of the Party of Carrying Goods by Sea

  2. 在分析了无船承运人基本特征的基础上,就无船承运人的识别、无船承运人海事赔偿责任的限制、无船承运人的货物留置权、无船承运人履约能力保证等问题进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the basic characteristics of non-vessel-operating carrier , the paper confers its identification and its limitation of liability for maritime claims and its lien on cargo and so on .

  3. 第五章比较了两种货物留置权行使的方式。

    Chapter V compares two methods of exercising lien on goods .

  4. 海上货物留置权制度功能主义比较研究

    Comparative Study of Functionalism in Respect of Lien on Cargo

  5. 海运货物留置权若干问题的探讨

    Discussions of Lien on Marine Goods The Study on Several Question of Lien

  6. 海上货物留置权所担保的债权

    On the Debt Secured by Cargo Lien by Sea

  7. 论无船承运业务下的海上货物留置权

    On Lien On Cargo Under Non-vessel-operating Services ; Claims Secured by Maritime Lien

  8. 第三章探讨了物权性的海运货物留置权的成立条件。

    Chapter III discusses effective conditions of lien on marine goods with real right .

  9. 论我国海上货物留置权的行使

    On the exercise of lien on marine cargoes

  10. 从约翰轮案谈我国实施海上留置权的海事审判实践&与毛浚纯先生商榷论我国海上货物留置权的行使

    On the Enforcement of Maritime Lien In China On the exercise of lien on marine cargoes

  11. 第六章运用留置权的法理分析了有关海运货物留置权的几个特别问题。

    Chapter VI gives analysis on particular issues about lien on marine goods through lien nomology .

  12. 论海上货物留置权

    Lien on the Cargo

  13. 论海上货物留置权根据货物和舱位情况,使货舱的空间和载量利用最大化。

    It can maximize the capacity of space and load , according to the instance of the cargo and hold .

  14. 从我国现行法律规定出发,揭示了留置权的含义并归纳出海运货物留置权的概念。

    Based on the current laws of our country , it concludes the meaning of lien as well as lien on marine goods .

  15. 本文对海运货物留置权的性质、范围、留置权与诉前扣货、般舶留置权与货物留置权等问题作了探讨。

    The paper aims at exploring the nature , scope of the marine cargo lien , the lien right and the cargo seizure before litigation and the problem about marine lien and cargo lien .

  16. 无船承运人具有承运人的法律地位,并继续享有海上货物留置权,但其签发的提单有别于一般的海运提单。

    The NVOCC ( None Vessel Operating Common Carriers ) belongs to carrier and still enjoys marine cargo lien , but the bill of lading it issues is something different with the normal bill of lading .

  17. 引言主要说明理论界对于货物留置权的争论和我国对于该问题的立法体例,阐述了作者研究的方向和写作目的。

    Preface briefly concerns the hot disputes on the possessory lien on goods in theory and the legal system of which in our country , illustrate the power of study and the intention of writing this dissertation .

  18. 论述了我国承运人行使团置权的环节及法律后果,并针对航运实务中错误地行使货物留置权的情况提出了预防措施。

    This paper expounds the links between the exercise of lien on marine cargoes by carriers and the legal consequences in China , and proposes the measures to prevent and eliminate the errors made during the exercise of the lien accordingly .

  19. 海上货物留置权制度作为重要的海上贸易法律制度之一,其关乎到能否保障债权人的债权,还对能否维护债务人的正当权益起到影响。

    The possessory lien on cargo in carriage by sea , as one of the important maritime trade legal system , whose exercise is not only for the protection of creditors , but also for safeguarding the legitimate interests of debtors .

  20. 论承运人在目的港对船载货物的留置权

    Ocean Carrier 's Lien on Cargo at the Discharging Port

  21. 仓库主张对拖欠合法仓储保管费的货物享有留置权。

    The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charge for storage and preservation of the goods .

  22. 此外,还从海上货物运输留置权的成立要件、行使条件限制、效力范围、留置权人的权利义务、留置物所有人的权利义务、货物留置权的实行、消灭以及留置方式等方面进行阐述。

    In addition , Chapter II elucidates the establishment conditions , restriction on exercising conditions , effective scope , the lien or 's rights and obligations , the acquisition , the extinguish and the means of possessory lien on goods .

  23. 论我国海上货物运输中货物留置权的性质及其影响

    On the Nature and Influence of the Lien on Cargo in Carriage of Goods by Sea

  24. 第三章货物所有权转移对货物留置权的影响。

    Chapter 3 Influence on lien on goods by the transference of title to goods .

  25. 承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使留置权。

    The carrier shall have a lien on the goods for freight , dead freight , demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo .

  26. 近年来银行逾期放款总额剧增,连带使银行生成处理庞大不动产担保品之难题。承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使留置权。

    Recently , the non-performing loans have become serious problems due to the trouble of the real estate collaterals faced by the financial institutions . The carrier shall have a lien on the goods for freight , dead freight , demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo .

  27. 对货物的权利包括拒绝交付货物的权利、留置权、停止货物送运、转卖货物的权利。

    The rights against the goods include a right to withhold delivery of goods , to a lien , to stop the goods in transit and a right to resell the goods .

  28. 有关货物检疫的所有费用,不论性质或种类,均应由货主承担,否则作货物的留置权。

    Quarantine expenses of whatever nature or kind upon or in respect to property shall be borne by the owners of the property or be a lien thereon .