
  • 网络SWAP;currency swap agreements;SWAP AGREEMENT
  1. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)拉美高级经济学家拉莫斯(AlbertoRamos)说,货币互换协议无法解决那些正在抽走外汇储备的深层次经济问题,再说,人民币也无法直接兑换成其他货币。

    The swap doesn 't resolve the underlying economic problems that are draining reserves nor can the yuan be converted into other currencies , says Alberto Ramos , senior Latin America economist for Goldman Sachs .

  2. 另一项重要成就当属强化清迈倡议(ChiangMaiInitiative)。这项协议的成员国共享一项1200亿美元的多边货币互换协议。

    Another important success was to strengthen the Chiang Mai initiative , whose member nations now share in a $ 120bn multilateral currency swap agreement .

  3. 上周,中国与欧洲央行(ECB)签署了一项货币互换协议,这是推动人民币国际化的又一步。

    Last week , it made another move to promote international use of the renminbi , signing a swap agreement with the European Central Bank .

  4. 市场一度传闻,英国央行(boe)和日本央行(boj)可能很快就会和中国签署货币互换协议。

    There has been talk that the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan could soon be in line for currency swaps with China .

  5. 另一方面,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,他尚未决定是否延长扩大日韩货币互换协议规模的措施。

    Separately , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said he hadn 't decided whether to extend the expansion of a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  6. 它常常与去年3月中国、日本、韩国和东盟(ASEAN)10国敲定的1200亿美元货币互换协议联系在一起。

    Often , it is linked with the finalisation last March of a $ 120bn currency swaps agreement between China , Japan , South Korea and the 10 countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations .

  7. 中国已和阿联酋(UAE)签署了一项价值数十亿美元的货币互换协议,这是中国和海湾地区加强政治和经济联系的最新迹象。

    China and the United Arab Emirates signed a multibillion-dollar currency swap deal in the latest indication of the growing political and economic links between Beijing and the Gulf .

  8. 会议结束后,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,日本政府尚未决定是否延长韩日两国间的一项货币互换协议。

    After the meeting , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said a decision has yet to be made on whether to extend a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  9. 中日两国央行签署货币互换协议

    The Central banks of China and Japan signed a Currency Reciprocal Agreement

  10. 我们同有关发展中国家签署双边货币互换协议。

    We have signed bilateral currency swap agreements with some developing countries .

  11. 场景一:中国今年以来已经与6个国家签署了货币互换协议。

    Exhibit a : China sets up currency swaps with six nations so far this year .

  12. 各国央行之间的货币互换协议也已经终止。

    The currency swap lines that central banks set up among themselves have also been shut down .

  13. 中国人民银行宣布,中国已与南韩签署一项涉资20亿美元的货币互换协议。

    China and South Korea have signed a2-bln-usd currency-swap agreement , the People 's Bank of China said .

  14. 上周末,中英两国央行签署了规模为2000亿元人民币的货币互换协议。

    Last weekend China and Britain signed a currency swap line with an upper value of £ 21 billion .

  15. 与此同时,大多数和中国签署货币互换协议的国家都尚未将换得的人民币投入使用。

    Meanwhile , most of the countries that have entered swap agreements with China haven 't used them yet .

  16. 两国领导人将商讨价值300亿美元的货币互换协议。

    The two leaders have also overseen the signing of a currency-swap agreement worth some 30 billion US dollars .

  17. 清迈倡议之类的地区性货币互换协议,在反击金融保护主义方面起到了有益的作用。

    Regional swap line networks such as the Chiang Mai initiative have played a useful role in countering financial protectionism .

  18. 中国和日本签署货币互换协议,表明中日两国中央银行的合作进一步加强。

    The signing of the Currency Reciprocal Agreement between China and Japan indicates further cooperation between the two Central Banks .

  19. 安住淳上周五暗示,日本可能会让日韩两国间的货币互换协议规模扩大措施在10月底到期后不再续延。

    On Friday , Mr. Azumi signaled that Japan might let the expansion of the currency swap expire at the end of October .

  20. 这些分析人士说,韩国还可以依赖它与亚洲其他国家达成的货币互换协议,或是求助于亚洲地区的防火机制。

    It can also rely on swap deals with other nations as well as Asia 's regional firewall mechanism , these analysts say .

  21. 人行并指,上述协议为该行所签订的第3项货币互换协议,人行较早前已分别与泰国及日本签订同类协议。

    This is China 's third currency-swap agreement , following the signing of similar agreements with Thailand and Japan , the central bank said .

  22. 我们同有关国家和地区签署了总额达6500亿元人民币的双边货币互换协议,共同应对国际金融危机冲击。

    We signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth RMB650 billion yuan with relevant countries and regions in a joint response to the financial crisis .

  23. 两国共签订了20项协议,其中包括两国央行签署的人民币700亿元(相当于约110亿美元)货币互换协议。

    The two governments approved 20 agreements , including a 70 billion yuan currency swap between central banks , equivalent to about $ 11 billion .

  24. 充分发挥双边货币互换协议作用,研究扩大互换额度和签约国范围。

    We should take full advantage of the bilateral currency swap agreements and study the possibility of expanding the swap size and number of participating countries .

  25. 印度政府昨日证实称,它将成立一个专家小组,研究与贸易伙伴签署货币互换协议以支持外汇储备。

    The government confirmed yesterday that it would establish a panel to examine the possible use of currency swaps with trading partners to bolster foreign exchange reserves .

  26. 中国驻日本大使武大伟出席了中国人民银行与日本银行货币互换协议的签字仪式。

    China 's ambassador to japan , Wu da-wei , attended the currency reciprocal agreement signing ceremony between people 's Bank of China and Bank of japan .

  27. 这些都是试点方案,还尚未启动,而且也不清楚它们会和已经实施的货币互换协议在实际应用上有何不同。

    These are trial schemes that have yet to start , and it is still unclear how they will differ in practice from the swap agreements already in place .

  28. 会议记录对于要求签订货币互换协议的国家一笔带过,但从语境和其他信息判断,显然有不少国家曾提出这一要求。

    The transcripts redact the other countries that requested swap lines , but it is clear from the context and from other sources that it was a large number .

  29. 阿根廷与中国签署了一项货币互换协议,而据《中国日报》报道,秘鲁已经成为首个开立人民币清算账户的拉美国家。

    Argentina has a swap agreement with China , and Peru has become the first Latin American country to open renminbi-denominated settlement accounts , according to the China Daily newspaper .

  30. 过去一年人民币加快了国际化的步伐。数国与中国签订了新的货币互换协议、建立起清算行,几个世界金融中心间也就人民币投资配额达成协议。

    The pace of internationalisation has picked up in the past year with new currency swap agreements , clearing banks and renminbi investment quotas being agreed in several financial centres .