
  • 网络monetary policy objectives;goal of monetary policy;inflation target;target of monetary policy
  1. 货币政策目标研究

    On goal of monetary policy

  2. 中央银行的独立性是指中央银行相对独立于政府去制定和执行货币政策,履行法定职责,实现货币政策目标。

    The independent character of Central Bank means that the Central Bank is independent of the government to make and carry out the monetary policy relatively , fulfil the legal duty , realize the goal of monetary policy .

  3. 简言之,中国人民银行(PBoC)的货币政策目标是保持货币稳定和推动经济增长。

    The People 's Bank of China 's one-line objective for monetary policy is to maintain currency stability and promote growth .

  4. 其次,货币政策目标应为保持物价稳定。

    Second , monetary policy should be geared towards price stability .

  5. 西方国家货币政策目标的选择;

    The choice of the Monetary Policy target which western countries make ;

  6. 开放进程中的货币政策目标和汇率制度选择

    Under Openness : choice of monetary policy target and exchange rate system

  7. 多重货币政策目标下的双目标制

    On Double Objectives System Under Multiple Objectives for Monetary Policy

  8. 香港的货币政策目标是维持货币稳定。

    Hong kong 's monetary policy objective is currency stability .

  9. 论理性预期条件下的货币政策目标选择

    The Choice of Monetary Policy Target under Rational Expectation Conditions

  10. 管理浮动汇率制度下货币政策目标模型及应用

    Monetary Policy Targets Model under Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Its Application

  11. 通货紧缩时期的货币政策目标:关于稳定币值的分析

    The currency Policy Aim in Deflation Period : the Analysis of Steady Currency

  12. 这个清晰的货币政策目标是通过联系汇率制度实现的。

    This clear monetary policy objective is achieved through the linked exchange rate system .

  13. 中国股票收益率与货币政策目标动态关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Dynamic Relationship Between China 's Stock Returns and Monetary Policy Objectives

  14. 各个货币政策目标要互相配合,发挥各自应有作用。

    Monetary policy objectives should complement each other to play their respective due role .

  15. 中央银行货币政策目标都是与当时所出现的社会经济问题紧密相关的。

    The monetary policy goal of central bank is related to current social economic problem .

  16. 2005中国货币政策目标预期与分析

    Comment On China 's 2005 Monetary Policy

  17. 欧央行货币政策目标、策略及工具研究

    The Research on the Objective , Strategy and Instruments of the ECB 's Monetary Policy

  18. 开放经济下我国货币政策目标的内在冲突性分析

    An Analysis on the Inherent Conflict of China 's Monetary Policy Goals in the Open Economy

  19. 货币政策目标是援助和教唆坚实经济增长与上升的生存标准一起。

    Monetary policy goals are to aid and abet solid economic growth along with rising living standards .

  20. 文章的第三章,重点研究了中国的货币政策目标、货币政策工具,并对中国的货币政策进行了回顾。

    In the third chapter , I research the targets and tools of monetary policy of China .

  21. 而在现代中央银行都将这四个目标列入基本的货币政策目标中。

    In the modern central bank to have four objectives included in the basic objectives of monetary policy .

  22. 公开市场业务是各国中央银行贯彻货币政策目标的主要工具之一。

    Open market operation is one of the most important tools for the Central Bank to achieve its monetary policy .

  23. 过去30年,物价稳定成为大多数国家最重要的货币政策目标。

    Over the past 30 years , price stability has been the most important objective of many countries ' monetary policy .

  24. 为了实现货币政策目标,在外汇储备持续增加和公开市场操作工具严重缺乏的情况下,央行票据成了人民银行的现实选择。

    In order to achieve the objectives of monetary policy , central bank bills become a choice based on the reality .

  25. 中西货币政策目标及中间目标选择之异同

    On the Similarities and Differences in the Choice of Currency Policy Targets and Intermediate Targets between China and the Western Countries

  26. 香港的主要货币政策目标,是在联系汇率制度下维持汇率稳定。

    The overriding monetary policy objective in Hong Kong is the maintenance of exchange rate stability under the linked exchange rate system .

  27. 我们首先研究了股票市场与货币政策目标的关系。

    We have studied the relation between the stock market and monetary policy goals at first . Stock market connects closely with inflation .

  28. 货币政策目标是选择多重目标还是单一目标,决定于一国政治、经济与金融体制。

    The choice making of monetary policy objective whether multiple or single depends on its politics , economic and financial system of a country .

  29. 开放条件下货币政策目标规则的比较&一个简单的理论框架与中国货币政策名义锚的选择

    The Comparison between Monetary Policy 's Targeting Rule in Open Economics : a Simple Theoretical Framework and the Choice of Nominal Anchor in China

  30. 自1999年欧元区建立起,欧洲中央银行就将物价稳定作为其首要的货币政策目标。

    Since the establishment of euro area in 1999 , European Central Bank has made its monetary policy target of price stability in priority .