
  1. 美联储就可以放松货币政策来偿还这些负债。

    The Federal Reserve will thus be able to ease monetary policy then to offset the fiscal drag .

  2. 负债是指将来需用货币或服务偿还的债务或履行的义务。

    Liabilities are the obligations or debt that a business must pay in money or services at some time in the future .

  3. 在脱维亚贷款中占比超过90%的外汇贷款特别令人担忧,因为借贷者原本依靠本国货币的收益偿还贷款,而本币的贬值给他们带来了额外的压力。

    Foreign exchange loans , ranging to 90 per cent of lending in Latvia , are a particular concern because of the extra burden on borrowers who make repayments out of local currency earnings .

  4. 当市场拒绝向联邦政府提供资金的时候,美联储就会进行干预,通过印发货币的方式来偿还国家债务。

    When the market stops giving money to the federal government , the Fed can step in and print it , to monetise national debt .

  5. 信用卡不是货币,它是短期借款,必须用货币来偿还。

    Credit cards are not money-they are short-term loans which must be paid off using money .