
  • 网络Partial repayment;partial payment
  1. 因此,该股利是对股东缴入资本的全部或部分偿还。

    Thus , the dividend returns to stockholders all or part of their paid-in capital investment .

  2. 各国政府能在多大程度上履行它们的社会承诺?它们如何及何时偿还或部分偿还自己的欠债?

    How far are governments able to meet their social promises , and how and when will they settle or partially default on their ious ?

  3. 破产程序开始后,明确许诺全部或部分偿还因破产已被免除或者可以免除的债务的,该诺言有拘束力。

    An express promise to pay all or part of an indebtedness of the promisor , discharged or dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings which begun before the promise is made , is binding .

  4. 尽管超过40%的女性用月收入的一部分偿还信用卡,但同时约有70%的女性受访者认为持有一张以上的信用卡容易导致负债,这说明女性在这方面的意识较强。

    And although more than 40 percent of women use part of their monthly income to pay off credit cards , some 70 percent of female respondents also said that having more than one credit card could lead to financial debt , revealing women 's higher awareness .

  5. 截至3月份,Avaya尚欠61.76亿美元债务,该公司表示将用上市筹集的部分资金偿还一些债务。

    The company ended the March quarter with $ 6.176 billion in debt ; Avaya said it would use a portion of the proceeds of the deal to pay down some of the borrowings .

  6. 商业贷款通常可以定期分部分的偿还。

    Business loans are usually repayable in regular installments .

  7. 以阿尔及利亚、尼日利亚和俄罗斯为主的一小部分国家偿还了对官方债权人的外债。

    A handful of countries , led by Algeria , Nigeria and Russia , repaid their external debt to official creditors .

  8. 部分债务得到偿还,同时预先支付货款。

    Part of the debt is repaid and deliveries are paid in advance .

  9. 布兰卡说,遗产管理小组将利用迄今获得的一部分收入来偿还债务。

    Mr. Branca said the estate will use some of the money generated so far to refinance the debt .

  10. 有人认为,波兰将通过向西方出口这些新产品的部分产品来偿还贷款。

    It is said that Poland will repaid the loans by exporting some of the new products back to the west .

  11. 或许希腊可以出租部分岛屿以偿还它在国外的债务,进而缓解它的债务危机。

    Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt .

  12. 所谓住房抵押贷款提前还贷行为,是指借款人未按照抵押贷款原定偿付计划进行支付,而是在抵押贷款到期日之前的任何时点,部分或者全部偿还贷款余额的行为。

    The mortgage prepayments behavior refers to the borrower is not in accordance with the original repayment schedule mortgage payments , but the mortgage before the maturity date of any point in time , some or all of the acts of balance to repay the loan .

  13. 其中的一部分资金被用于偿还债务。

    Some of that cash is being used to pay down debt .

  14. 一方面,由于社会保障基金的巨大的缺口,作为一种历史欠债,只能通过变现部分国有资产来偿还。

    For one thing , as a sort of historical debt , the great insufficiency of security funds can only be paid by transforming part of state capi-tal ;