
  1. 本款之规定不适用于已给予正式通知之部分承兑。

    The provisions of this subsection do not apply to a partial acceptance , whereof due notice has been given .

  2. 如外地汇票经部分承兑者,则未获承兑之余额,须作拒绝证书证明之。

    Where a foreign bill has been accepted as to part , it must be protested as to the balance .

  3. 如付款人承兑多过一部分,而此等承兑部分转到不同适时执票人之手,则该付款人须对每一此等部分负责,一如其为独立汇票无异。

    If the drawee accepts more than one part and such accepted parts get into the hands of different holders in due course , he is liable on every such part as if it were a separate bill .

  4. 论文共分六部分:第一部分汇票承兑制度的概述。

    Thesis is divided into six parts : Part I is overview about draft acceptance system .