
  • 网络Partial Loss
  1. FPA条款并不承担一些特殊领域范围的部分损失,不过WPA条款会涉及。

    The FPA clause doesn 't cover partial loss of the particular coverage , whereas the WPA clause does .

  2. 平均条款仅适用于发生部分损失时。

    Average clauses only apply where there is a partial loss .

  3. 因此,经济的增长是以牺牲环境为代价的,实际的GDP要扣除这部分损失;

    Therefore , the economic development of Shangdong is in cost of air pollution and the losses should be deducted from GDP ;

  4. 史:为了补偿部分损失,可否请你们报给我们一个实盘,50000块釉瓷砖,cif马尼拉,包括破碎险,十一月装船?

    S : to compensate a part of the loss , may I ask you to make us a firm offer for50000 pieces glazed wall tile CIF Manila including the risk of breakage , November shipment ?

  5. 美国联邦巡回上诉法院(UnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheFederalCircuit)处理涉及专利诉讼的上诉,它表示,iPhone的整体美学造型——长方形的产品、圆角、黑色边框、平整的表面——不能受到保护,苹果的部分损失必须重新计算。

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , which deals with patent lawsuit appeals , said that the overall aesthetic of the iPhone - a rectangular product with rounded corners , black borders and a flat , clear surface - could not be protected and part of the damages would have to be recalculated .

  6. 他希望至少挽回一部分损失。

    He hoped to recuperate at least some of his losses .

  7. 险不包括单独海损性质的部分损失。

    The f.p.a.doesnt cover partial loss of the nature of particular average .

  8. 水渍险保单可承保各种情况下的部分损失。

    A wpa policy cover you against partial loose in all cases .

  9. 想办法补救部分损失还为时不晚。

    It 's not too late to try and undo some of the damage .

  10. 公司被迫出售土地以弥补部分损失。

    The company has been forced to sell land to recoup some of the losses .

  11. 大宗商品出口商将通过提价,弥补在汇率方面的部分损失。

    What commodities exporters lose on the currency , they regain in part from rising prices .

  12. 制造商将从进口的零部件上,找回在竞争力方面的部分损失。

    What manufacturers lose in competitiveness , they regain in part on the components they import .

  13. 另一方面,水渍险保险单保你在各种情况下遭受的部分损失险。

    On the other hand , a W.P.A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases .

  14. 如果被保险人未发送委付通知,损失只能被视为部分损失。

    If he fails to do so the loss can only be treated as a partial loss .

  15. 根据热力学第二定律知道这部分损失是不可避免的。

    According to the second law of thermodynamics , the loss is unavoidable , and is only reduced .

  16. 这部分损失的质量便以热能或其它形式的能量辐射出去。

    The lost mass is radiated out in the form of heat energy or other forms of energy .

  17. 当被保险人因为损害到他人或他人的财产而造成经济损失时,责任保险则负责这部分损失。

    Liability insurance protects against financial losses resulting from injuries to other persons or damage to their property .

  18. 水渍险范围广一些,除了平安险的范围外,还包括自然灾害引起的部分损失。

    W.P.A. has a broader coverage . It covers everything in F.P.A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities .

  19. 我理解平安险不保水渍险性质的部分损失,对吗?

    Then am I right in understanding that f.p.a.does not cover partial loss of the nature of partucular average ?

  20. 鉴于这个骗局的本质和时间跨度,受害者也许只能挽回一小部分损失。

    Bcause of the nature and length of the scheme , victims may recover only a small fraction of their losses .

  21. 被保人有权根据推定全损对部分损失提出索赔。

    The Named Insured shall have the right to claim for a Partial Loss in lieu of a Constructive Total Loss .

  22. 对于那些造成损失的雇员来说,他们累积的往年奖金将用来弥补损失,至少是部分损失。

    The accrued past bonuses of those employees who lost money would be used to cover the losses , at least partially .

  23. 最终的灾害总损失等于上述3部分损失之和。

    The Final Cut At last , the disaster total loss can be got , which is the sum of the three losses .

  24. 平安险条款不包括单独海损性质的部分损失,而水渍险条款则包括此类损失。

    The FPA clause does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average , whereas the WPA clause covers such losses .

  25. 有序违约相当于债务重组,也就是债权人接受部分损失,同时债务人同意偿还大部分债务。

    An orderly default is equivalent to restructuring debt & whereby creditors accept a loss while debtors agree to pay most of its debts .

  26. 大体上说,平安险包括自然灾害和意外事故造成的全部损失和意外事故造成的部分损失。

    Well , roughly speaking , F.P.A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents , and partial loss caused by accidents .

  27. 并对干法和微波消解法的测定结果进行了比较,干法中某些元素可能因挥发而全部或部分损失。某些元素在氯化物大量存在时具有挥发性。

    Comparison was made between the two treatment methods , and dry-ashing method may lose as a whole or as a part for volatilizing .

  28. 对发生部分损失未经修复又发生全部损失的,保险人按照全部损失赔偿。

    The insurer shall only be liable for the total loss where the total loss occurs after the partial loss which has not been repaired .

  29. 它是中国人民,不仅对出口商品的那部分损失钱,即使在物质财富遭受贬值的损失。

    It is the Chinese people not only loss of export commodities that part money , even in the monetary wealth are suffering from depreciation loss .

  30. 诚然,中国的快速增长及其随之而来的对其它国家商品的需求,或许弥补了其中部分损失。

    Of course , some of these costs may have been alleviated by China 's rapid growth and the attendant demand for other countries ' goods .