
  • 网络packing;Packing Term;Packing Clause
  1. 泄漏是贵方为按合同规定的包装条款发货所致。

    The leakage was attributed to your failure to effect shipment according to the packing terms as stipulated in the contract .

  2. 我们同意关于包装的条款。

    We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing .

  3. 既然我们已经谈妥了此次交易的价格、包装和装运条款,我们现在是不是该谈谈支付条款呢?由于谷歌和贝宝争先恐后地简化付款手续,买家会发现完成交易越来越容易。

    Since we have settled the price , packing and shipment of transaction , shall we get down to terms of payment ? As Google and PayPal compete to make the checkout less cumbersome , shoppers will find it easier to complete their purchases .

  4. 此外,化妆品的包装,尽管已有条款考虑,也会包括受REACH约束的物质。

    In addition , the packaging of the cosmetics themselves , although considered articles , may contain substances that could be subject to REACH .

  5. 有关包装运输唛头的条款你们有什么异议吗?

    855 Do you have nay objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks ?

  6. 对于特定包装商品的特别条款

    Special provision for certain packages

  7. 银行只接受清洁运输单据,清洁运输单据指未载有明确宣称货物或包装有缺陷的条款或批注的运输单据。

    A bank will only accept a clean transport document . A clean transport document is one bearing no clause or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging .