
  1. 就市场营销而言,包装承担促销和广告的功能。

    In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising .

  2. 把设计者的名字印在包装上来促销。

    Still greater sales are racked up by putting the designer 's name on the package .

  3. 二十世纪四十年代以来,美国商人一直在借助调查手段来研制、命名、包装和促销产品。

    The American businessmen always develop , name , pack and promote their products with the help of survey since the1940s .

  4. 营销过程中充满了文化的因素,产品概念、品牌、包装、促销都包含了深刻的文化内涵。

    The marketing procedure is full of cultural factors and all the product concept , brand , package and promotion contains profound connotation of culture .

  5. 你会看到议程上有三个事项。会议要讨论决定产品的价格、包装及促销品这几个事项。

    On the agenda , you will see there are three items . On the table are the deciding price , packaging , and promotional items .

  6. 在这繁荣的市场背后,可口可乐、百事可乐等国际化品牌与我国本土品牌在价格、包装、促销手段等方面展开了激烈的竞争。

    Behind this prosperous market , Coca-Cola , Pepsi and other international brands engaged in fierce competition with our local beverage brands in terms of price , packaging , promotions and so on .

  7. 由于产品同质化和品牌竞争的全球化,包装除了促销和帮助建立品牌形象之外,它更重要的一个功能就是增加和强化品牌的附加值。

    Due to the product homogeneity and brand competition globalization , except for promotion and help build packaging brand image , except that it is more important to a function is increased and strengthened brand value .

  8. 商品包装策略与促销

    Commodity Packing Tactics and Sales Promotion

  9. 情感诉求,主要包括情感设计、情感包装、情感促销和情感广告;

    Emotional claim , which mainly includes emotion design , emotion packing , emotion promotion as well as emotion advertisement ;

  10. 吸烟和健康行动的研究经理阿曼达·桑福德说,现在包装是烟草促销的主要形式,并且说素包将是阻止误导信息的第一步。

    Ash research manager Amanda Sandford said packaging was now the main form of tobacco promotion and said plain packaging would be a first step to stop misleading information .

  11. •MyriadSet字体不得用于网站、产品、包装、手册、促销或广告资料及其它相关文字材料。

    • you may not use the myriad set font on or in connection with web sites , products , packaging , manuals , or promotional / advertising materials .

  12. 本文从讲解包装设计的要求和如何充分发挥包装的促销功能出发,介绍了产品包装设计应遵循的原则,并列举了几种当前企业经常使用的包装策略。

    With the discussion of the requirements of packing design and how to utilize the promotion function of packing , this article introduces the principle of packing design and presents several packing methods applied frequently by some businesses .

  13. 论述了化妆品的包装设计不仅要符合审美要求,还要注重与市场紧密相关的影响因素,只有这样才能使化妆品的包装更有市场促销力。

    The proposition was that the packaging design of cosmetics should not only be keeping with aesthetic standards , but attaching importance to the influencing factors that are closely related to the market as well , and only in this way can packaging design promote sales .