
  1. 高技术企业经营业绩的评价应结合高技术企业的特点,借鉴BSC基本原理,构建财务、成长性、价值链流程、产品与技术创新、智力资本开发五个维度的评价指标体系。

    Performance evaluation to high-tech enterprise should be taken into its characteristics account . By means of BSC principles , we can construct five dimension evaluation indices : financial , growth , value-chain process , production and technology creation , intelligence capital developing .

  2. 企业智力资本开发风险研究

    Research on risk of enterprise Intellectual Capital development

  3. 我们在公司内发现了一些冗余的或者重叠的智力资本开发努力。

    We discovered numerous redundant or overlapping intellectual capital development efforts across our organization .

  4. 区域智力资本开发:振兴东北老工业基地的战略选择

    Regional Intellectual Capital Development : The Strategic Choice of the Rejuvenation of Northeast Old Industrial Base

  5. 智力资本开发仓。

    Silos of intellectual capital development .

  6. 智力资本开发是21世纪知识型企业持续健康成长的重要保障。

    Intellectual Capital ( IC ) development is an important safeguard for knowledge enterprise to sustaining growth healthily .

  7. 市场导向或学习导向的文化有助于某些行为的发生,以建立或保持一定的技巧和能力,增强企业的智力资本开发。

    Market orientation or Learning orientation culture is expected to encourage certain behaviors and build / maintain certain skills and capabilities .

  8. 21世纪是知识经济时代,智力资本开发已经成为这一历史时期商业领域的热点问题。

    The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy , in this historical period , intellectual capital development has become a hot issue business .

  9. 本文从个体智力资本开发和组织智力资本开发两个方面分别进行讨论,提出个体智力资本向组织智力资本转化模型,以及企业智力资本开发的有效途径。

    We discuss in this paper , from two areas , that is , the individual intelligent capital and the organizational capital , and present some methods to explore intelligent capital .

  10. 论文给出了企业智力资本存量开发的基本模式。

    The thesis establishes the basic mode of IC stock development .

  11. 从自组织理论视角看智力资本的开发

    Intellectual Capital Development in View of Self-organization Theory

  12. 现代企业,尤其是信息技术企业更依赖于智力资本的开发和管理来创造价值。

    Modern enterprises , especially information technology companies dependent more on intellectual capital development and management to create value .

  13. 公司坚持科技领先,人才先导的人才战略,更加注重知识型员工,特别是研发人员的智力资本的开发。

    Companies adhere to the " advanced technology , talents pilot " talent strategy , focus more on knowledge workers , particularly R & D intellectual capital development .

  14. 通过实证研究探讨市场导向、学习导向和智力资本对新产品开发绩效的影响,并鉴别各因素的影响程度,便于企业采取行为促进这种影响。

    Explore market orientation , learning orientation and intellectual capital on new product development performance and identify the degree of the influence factors to facilitate this effect .

  15. 在借鉴、分析国内外智力资本领域理论的基础上,本文做了以公司智力资本开发理论为主题的系统性探索和研究。

    On the base of referencing and analysing the field of intellectual capital theory at home and abroad , the paper makes the theme of company intellectual capital development of systematic theory exploration and research .

  16. 准确地评价智力资本在价值创造中的作用,对于有效地进行智力资本开发和管理,提升组织绩效具有重要的理论意义和现实战略意义。

    Accurately assessing the role of the intellectual capital in the value creation has theoretical and practical , important , strategic significance for the effective development and management of intellectual capital to improve organizational performance .