
  • 网络Intellectual capital
  1. 此外,企业经理人与投资人在认知上最大的差异在于:企业经理人重视「创造企业未来价值」的智能资本项目;

    Another finding of this study is that business executives and investors differ in the desired disclosure of intellectual capital .

  2. 商业原因:这通常发生在智能资本已经以论文,演讲,技术文档,等等形式存在,但是正式的培训不存在的情况下。

    Business reason : This is usually done when intellectual capital already exists in the form of whitepapers , presentations , technical documents , and so on , but no formal training exists .

  3. 他们还希望将其产品能够客户需求和偏好相符,这是增值应用程序提供商(以及必须保护其智能资本免受未授权使用的用户)的一种共同需求。

    They also want to match their offerings to customer needs and preferences & a requirement that 's shared by providers of value-added applications ( who , in addition , must protect their intellectual capital from unauthorized use ) .

  4. 虚拟的技术基础是信息技术和电子网络,虚拟的内在基础是企业的智能资本,虚拟的动机是追求效率最大化。

    The virtual technique basis is the information techniques and the electronic networks . The interior foundation of the virtual system is the intelligent capital of the enterprise and the motivation of the system is to gain the utmost efficiency for the enterprise .

  5. 该文立足于经济知识化的时代背景,提出了“智能雇佣资本”的观点,建立现代综合激励模式。

    This paper builds a synthetic motive model on the basis of the economic times and intellectualization and intelligence hires capital .

  6. 智能体建模和资本市场复杂性

    Agent - based modeling and complexity of capital market