
zhì lì cè yàn
  • intelligence test;puzzle;aptitude test;bug test
  1. 当我在部队服役时,曾接受过一种所有士兵都参加的智力测验。

    When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and .

  2. 儿童们接受了智力测验。

    The children were given an intelligence test .

  3. 多发性脑梗塞痴呆的临床与智力测验、CT、MRI相互关系的研究

    Relationship Among MID Clinics and Intelligence Test , CT , MRI

  4. 基于PASS模型的计算机施测智力测验题编制的研究

    Research on Item Designing of Intelligence Test Based on Pass Model and Computer Administrating

  5. 婚姻状况中的寡(鳏)居和智力测验中的智力损害为跌倒的危险因素,但未能进入logistic回归模型。

    Being widowed and mental impairment were identified as risk factors for falls in the Chi-square test but failed to enter the logistic regression model .

  6. 方法:对59名学习困难儿童进行韦氏智力测验I、llinois心理语言测试及Berry单项神经心理测试。

    Methods : 59 with children learning disability were tested with WISC , ITPA and Berry 's VMI .

  7. 讨论:在司法鉴定中的智残等级评定,智力测验是很重要的指标,但影响智力测验结果的因素很多,测得的IQ值应作为参考,成人智残评定量表更接近实际。

    Discussion : The IQ may be an important reference in the forensic psychiatry appraisal , but the scale is close to the reality .

  8. 半个世纪之前,英国社会学家迈克尔·扬(MichaelYoung)创造了贬义词“唯才是用”(meritocracy),用来形容未来社会通过标准化智力测验筛选来新的精英。

    Michael Young , a British sociologist , coined the pejorative term " meritocracy " over a half-century ago to describe a future in which standardized intelligence tests would crown a new elite .

  9. Fagan婴儿智力测验长沙市常模的初步制定

    Construction of Norm for Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence in Changsha

  10. 团体儿童智力测验(GITC)的修订及功能应用研究

    Revising and Clinical Use Research on Group Intelligence Test for Children

  11. 这份研究评估了著名的韦氏智力测验(Wechslerintelligencetest)的历史得分数据,将它们与数万人更近期的测试结果进行了比较。这些参与者在作者的网站上进行了简短的认知测试,网址分别是testmybrain.org和gameswithwords.org。

    The study evaluated historic scores from the popular Wechsler intelligence test , and compared them with more recent results from tens of thousands of people who took short cognitive tests on the authors " websites , testmybrain.org and gameswithwords.org .

  12. 经过初测、分析、筛选,最终编成了一个由四个分测验组成、共有10个大题,每个大题又分别由3~32个数目不等的小题组成的PASS模型计算机智力测验。

    After fore-testing , analyzing and selecting , a test is named " PASS Model Based Computer Administering Test " . The test is made up of 4 subtests , each of the subtests includes 2-3 measurements and each measurement composed of 3-32 items .

  13. 认知功能由韦氏成人智力测验量表-数字广度测验(DST)及简明智力状态检查(MMSE)得分评定。

    All the subjects were tested with the digit span subtest ( DST ) of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Mini - Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) .

  14. 结果:CT异常率913%,MRI异常率97%,EEG、TCD、BAEP均为100%异常,智力测验100%异常。

    Results : Abnormal rate of CT was 91.3 % , MRI was 97 % , EEG , TCD and BAEP were 100 % , intelligence test was 100 % . Conclusion : The changes of focus of iconography were smaller than the neurological manifestations .

  15. 方法采用队列研究方法,对两组儿童进行韦氏智力测验、精神运动能力测试、感觉统合功能评定、Conners儿童行为问卷调查和一般情况问卷调查研究。

    Methods Intelligence tests , JPB tests , conners questionnaire of child behavior , sensation integration function assessment , and normal condition questionnaire survey were conducted in the two groups .

  16. 方法对416例连续的慢性肝炎患者和409例连续的肝硬化患者进行数字连接试验(NCT)和数字符号试验(DST),356例正常人组成智力测验正常对照组。

    Methods 416 consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis and 409 consecutive patients with cirrhosis underwent number connection test ( NCT ) and digit symbol test ( DST ) . 356 healthy subjects were taken as normal controls .

  17. 瑞文标准推理测验是英国心理学家Raven设计的非文字智力测验,实践证明它是优秀的传统智力测验之一,目前仍在实践中发挥着重要作用。

    Raven standard reasoning test is the non-language intelligence test which is designed by English famous psychologists , Raven . As one of the outstanding traditional intelligence tests , it have been proved , and is still playing an important role in practice .

  18. 采用韦克斯勒学龄前智能量表(WPPSI)对203名学龄前儿童进行了智力测验,并对影响智力的因素作了调查。

    Psychometry with Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence ( WPPSI ) for 203 preschool children was conducted and the influence factors on their intelligence were investigated .

  19. 目的:探讨成人瑞文标准推理测验(RSPM)与韦氏成人智力测验(A-WISC)结果之间的差异。

    Objective : To investigate the difference between the Raven 's Standard Progressive Matrices ( RSPM ) and the Chinese Version of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adult ( A-WISC ) .

  20. 为了进一步明确视觉-运动整合发育测验(VMI)对儿童智能发育评估的应用价值,采用VMI测验和团体儿童智力测验(GITC),对210名9~18岁的被试者进行测查。

    To explore the validity of visual motor integration ( VMI ) for children 's intelligence development , using the development test of VMI and group intelligent test of children ( GITC ), we studied 210 normal children 9 ~ 18 years old , who were randomly selected and assessed .

  21. 聋儿与听力正常儿童智力测验的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Intelligence Test of Deaf Children and Hearing Children

  22. 智力测验在学业不良诊断中的作用探析

    Analysis of Roles of Intelligence Tests in Diagnosis of Learning Disability

  23. 计算机化智力测验的研制及其信度和效度的研究

    Development of computerized intelligence test and study on its reliability and validity

  24. 动态评估:对传统智力测验的挑战和超越

    A Dynamic Evaluation : Challenge to and Overtaking of traditional Intelligence Testing

  25. 请问您对智力测验有什么看法?

    Could I ask about your attitude to intelligence tests ?

  26. 智力测验真的能测出你有多聪明吗?

    Do IQ tests really measure how smart you are ?

  27. 动态测验:当代智力测验的新发展

    Dynamic Test : New Development in the Modern Intelligence Test

  28. 旨在抵消狭窄的专门化教学内容而设计了种种智力测验。

    Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization .

  29. 智力测验分数解释最基本的一个目的就是为了理解。

    Understanding is the fundamental purpose of interpretation of intelligence test score .

  30. 中国古代智力测验的方法与启示

    Methods and Enlightenments of Intelligence Test in Ancient Chinese Culture