
  • 网络quasi-experimental study;quasi-experimental research;quasi-experimental design;qusi-experimental method
  1. 本项研究是一项语用明示教学的准实验研究,旨在考察抱怨策略的明示教学对英语学习者语用能力发展的影响。

    The present study is a quasi-experimental study aiming to investigate the effects of explicit instruction of complaint strategies on the pragmatic competence development of Guizhou EFL learners .

  2. 元认知策略训练对语法学习影响力的准实验研究

    A Quasi-experimental Study of the Impact of Metacognitive Strategy Training for Grammar Learning

  3. 首先采用准实验研究法进行教学实验;

    First , put the Para experiment research method into practice .

  4. 优秀游泳运动员陆上力量训练的准实验研究

    Applicable Experimental Study of Strength Training on Land of Elite Swimmers

  5. 同时,笔者进行了一次准实验研究。

    In addition , a 14-week quasi-experimental research was carried out .

  6. 采用准实验研究,尝试将开放教学应用到初中科学课堂中。

    Quasi-experimental research , and try to open teaching to the junior high school science classrooms .

  7. 控制源与健康行为的干预&提高离退休人员生活满意度的准实验研究

    Interventions of Locus of Control and Healthy Behavior & A Quasi-Experiment on Retirees ' Life Satisfaction

  8. 本研究采用「单组前后测设计」之准实验研究方法,由教学前、后测的施测结果可以推断教学后的学习成效。

    The research adopts one-group pretest-posttest design to infer the learning performance from the pre-education and posttest results .

  9. 本研究采用准实验研究法,以台北市某一所国小六年级学生为研究对象,进行连续九周的实验教学。

    A quasi-experimental was conducted with four classes of sixth-graders participated in the research for nine consecutive weeks .

  10. 研究采实验组、控制组准实验研究前后测设计,资料以自编结构式问卷收集。

    A pretest-posttest control group study design was utilized and a self-developed structured questionnaire was used for data collection .

  11. 在准实验研究中,我们将课堂与网络相结合的教学与相对应的传统课堂教学进行了比较。

    In the quasi-experimental design , the adjunct instruction was compared to an equivalent version of traditional classroom instruction .

  12. 主要采用的研究方法有调查法(包括问卷调查、访谈调查和个案研究)和准实验研究。

    The primary methods we took were Instructional Experiment Studies and Survey Research including questionnaire survey , interview survey and case research .

  13. 方法:运用准实验研究方法,在甘肃省两个不同经济条件、不同自然环境的地区各选1所实验学校、1所对照学校共4所中学进行试点研究。

    Method Use the quasi & research method , develop the pilot work in 4 middle school students which in different economy and natural environment prefecture .

  14. 最后,运用准实验研究的方法分析和论证了合作探究性学习对于提高学生学业成绩的影响。

    At last , according to the analysis results and evidences , we found the method of cooperative and inquiry learning favorable for improving student performance .

  15. 针对职业学校计算机学科的不同授课类型,我设计了理论课和实践课的教学研究个案,并进行了准实验研究。

    In accordance with computer teaching type , we have designed teaching research cases of theory course , and practice course , and have performed experimental research .

  16. 本准实验研究以认知学习理论为基础,采用Chamot&O'Malley的认知性语言学习方法,调查了以元认知策略为基础的策略培训对语法学习的影响力。

    Based on cognitive learning theory , this quasi-experimental study adopts Chamot and O'Malley 's CALLA model to investigate the impact of metacognitive strategies-based instruction on grammar learning .

  17. 本研究旨在探讨数学科能力分组教学对国中八年级学生的数学成就与数学态度之影响。本研究采用准实验研究法之「不等组前后测实验设计」。

    The aim of this essay is to examine if the attitudes and the experiences of Ability Grouping are the same on different levels of the school organisation .

  18. 从探索性、描述性和解释性研究,非实验研究,实验与准实验研究等方面,对适于进行自立研究的方法进行了探讨,以期推动自立研究。

    This paper discusses self-supporting studies from the aspects of exploratory research , descriptive research , interpretative research , non-experimental method , experimental method , and quasi-experimental method .

  19. 通过准实验研究验证有效性选取重庆市北碚区中山路小学三年级的两个平行班为研究对象,其一为实验班,一为对照班。

    We select two parallel classes in Zhongshan Road Primary School in Beibei District Chongqing City as the research object , one for experimental class , one for control class .

  20. 本文呈现的是一项为时19周的准实验研究。受试者为山东师范大学生物专业60名本科生。

    This paper reports a quasi-experiment conducted in the biology majors of Shandong Normal University on the cultural introduction to 60 Chinese undergraduates in the English class for about 19 weeks .

  21. 该研究采用了准实验研究,选择了高一两个自然班作为被试,一个作为实验组,另一个作为对比组。

    The study was designed as a quasi-experiment , taking two intact classes of the first graders in a senior middle school as the subjects , experimental group and comparison group .

  22. 本研究采用的是准实验研究方法。选取呼和浩特市实验中学初一年级两个班级学生作为被试,进行了为期一个月的实验研究。

    This study used quasi-experimental research methods , chose two classes in grade one in NO 3 middle school as object in the experience to complete the test with one month .

  23. 通过文献资料调研和准实验研究法,对运动教育模式进行了深入研究,并运用此理论在国内首次开展了教学实验。

    Through using the method of literature and quasi-empirical experiment , this paper made deeply research on sports education model , developed the teaching experiment for the first time in China based on this theory .

  24. 整个研究采用了文献法、调查法、案例研究法和准实验研究法,在把握科学学科特点和双语教学理论的基础上,编制调查问卷,设计双语教案并实施教学,进行准实验研究。

    On the basis of grasping the characteristics of science and bilingual teaching theory , we carry out the quasi-experimental study with the preparation of the questionnaire and the design and implementation of bilingual teaching plan .

  25. 为检验以上假设,本文进行了一个由两组共40名词汇水平相当的高中生参加的准实验研究。

    To test the hypotheses that the effective use of bilingual dictionary can improve vocabulary learning , the author has designed an empirical study . Forty subjects were chosen from high school students with the similar vocabulary proficiency .

  26. 选择自己任教的两个高一年级平行班,分为实验组和对照组,根据设计方案,开展为期一个月的准实验研究,验证互动策略针对课程标准提出三维目标是否切实可行。

    Choosing two average classes and categorize them into 2 team : experimental group & control group . Conducting a one-month experimental research according to the design proposal to check whether or not the objective of the interactive strategy is feasible .

  27. 本研究运用质和量的研究方法,用准实验研究和调查研究等方法,对《刑事诉讼法》专题学习网站教学设计的教学应用进行实证研究。

    With the research method of quality and quantity , the methods of quasi-experiment and investigation , this article has carried out the research of substantial evidence on the Special Subject Learning WebSite of Criminal Procedure Law designed for teaching application .

  28. 以词汇学习调查表、词汇测试卷、综合考试试卷和访谈为工具,运用非等值控制组准实验研究,探讨连通主义词汇教学策略对大学英语词汇教学及综合提高学生英语水平的积极影响。

    Studied the positive effect of this strategy on college English vocabulary teaching and improvement of stu - dents ' English with vocabulary study questionnaire , papers of vocabulary , papers of comprehensive test and interview as tools , by means of non-equal value control group experiment .

  29. 本论文主要采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,具体为准实验研究法、问卷法、测试法、观察法、访谈法、行动研究法。

    This thesis has adopted the research approach that the ration combines together with determining the nature mainly during the process of studying , concreted for allow experiment research law , questionnaire law , test law , observe law , interview law , take action law of studying .

  30. 由于条件所限,该研究采用准实验研究方法,选择了兰化一中两个自然班作为被试。一个作为控制组,一个作为实验组。

    By reason of limited conditions , the study was designed as a quasi-experiment . To do it , two natural classes of the second graders in Lanhua No.1 high school were chosen as the subjects , one is the experimental group and the other was the comparison group .