
  • 网络Interest testing;Interest Test;Interested in testing
  1. 如果你不确定你的工作个性是什么,你可以通过做职业兴趣测试来定位。

    If you are unsure of what your work personality is you can take a career interest test to find out .

  2. 如果你还没弄明白自己真正的职业兴趣是什么,那就做一个职业兴趣测试吧。

    If you 're still trying to figure out what your true calling is , a free career interest test can help .

  3. 所以我们很有兴趣测试,60s,但是我们最好,比较很多的角。

    So we 're not really interested in testing the60 seconds , but we would rather like to compare the various angles that we give it .

  4. 您只需识别一系列的类型,它能增加快速定位您所感兴趣测试用例的能力。

    Just identify a set of category types and categories that adequately facilitates the user 's ability to rapidly locate test cases of interest .

  5. TestPlanExecution状态窗口小部件(参见图3)可显示在仪表盘中,以便查看您所感兴趣的测试规划的整体执行状态。

    The Test Plan Execution status widget ( see Figure 3 ) can be displayed in the dashboard to view overall execution status of test plans that interest you .

  6. 它提供了功能强大的分类和筛选功能,这一您就可以组织并快速找到您所感兴趣的测试用例了。

    Powerful categorization and filtering capabilities are provided so that you can organize and rapidly find test cases of interest .

  7. 键入grailstest-app-unitUser定位到您感兴趣的特定测试类。

    Type grails test-app-unit User to target the specific test class you are interested in .

  8. 所有有兴趣参加该测试的CITP证书持有人均可报名,该考试免费开放,不保留考试结果,无任何失败风险。

    Beta testers will take the exam at no charge , without risk of failure , and will be unable to find out their results .

  9. 在2003年开始增加的科学兴趣一项测试中,美国学生表现出来的科学兴趣则处于比较高的位置。

    Began at 2003 , a test in the performance of American students scientific interest is at a relatively high position .

  10. Britz提到,我们现在对发光二极管的作用是如何产生的非常感兴趣,并且正在测试究竟需要多大的暴露量,以及光线是否应当是脉冲或者持续不断的。

    " We 've been pleasantly surprised to see how effective the LEDs are , and are now testing how much exposure is required , and whether the light should be pulsed or continuous ," says Britz .