
xīnɡ fèn zhuànɡ tài
  • excitement
  1. 本周,股市创下了危机后的新高,暗示市场处于极度兴奋状态。

    Stock markets hit new post-crisis highs this week . Cue immense excitement .

  2. 结论:丙戊酸钠缓释剂德巴金可以协助治疗精神分裂症以及分裂情感障碍的兴奋状态齐拉西酮是一种安全、有效的非典型性抗精神病药,用于治疗精神分裂症和分裂情感性障碍。

    Conclusion : Depakine can be used for the supplementary therapy of excitement state in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder . Ziprasidone is a safe and effective drug for the schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder .

  3. 弗朗西丝不停地说着,头脑处于极度兴奋状态。

    Frances kept talking , her mind at fever pitch

  4. DCS的膜效应不受心肌兴奋状态的影响;

    The membrane effects of DCS existed regardless of the state of excitation of the myocardium .

  5. 研究表明,以5~25Hz频率变化的磁场进行TMS可以诱导人脑产生兴奋状态。

    The research indicated that , 5 ~ 25Hz magnetic field could induce excitability .

  6. 睡前不要让大脑处于兴奋状态。

    Don 't do anything to arouse the brain before sleep ;

  7. 人兴奋状态的脑波模型及脑内敏感区定位

    EEG Model and the Location in Brain when Person Excited

  8. 但他当时已经处于兴奋状态

    but he was already in a state of arousal ,

  9. 她仍处在巨大成功后最初的兴奋状态。

    She was still in the first flush of her huge success .

  10. 这些天我一直处于兴奋状态。

    I 'm on a permanent high these days .

  11. 由肾上腺素引起的兴奋状态。

    The state of arousal produced by adrenalin .

  12. 人接受某种激励的刺激,就会处于兴奋状态。

    People will be in the excited state when they receive certain motivational stimuli .

  13. 编织衣物需要专注力和良好的控制力,这些都能让大脑处于兴奋状态。

    Knitting takes focus and fine motor control , which seriously keeps your brain active .

  14. 就像酒精麻痹了我的神经,却保持着我的兴奋状态。

    It works like alcohol ? That ? Numbs my nerves , but keeps me excited .

  15. 狂暴的心理兴奋状态。

    State of violent mental agitation .

  16. 一是让思维处于兴奋状态,人为加快节奏。

    Firstly , let your brain be in an excited status , make the rhythm quicker youself .

  17. 音乐能使瞳孔扩大,并提高血压,使人达到“兴奋状态”。

    Music can cause the pupils to dilate and increase blood pressure , inducing a ' state of arousal . '

  18. 他已经穿上了赭色的僧袍,头脑处于一种兴奋状态,总是吸收性的。

    He had put on the ochre robe of a monk and was in an exalted state of mind , always indrawn .

  19. 使用基于结构的设计计算对这一模型进行了测试,确定点突变预测稳定处于兴奋状态,相对于地面状态来说。

    The model was tested using structure-based design calculations identifying point mutants predicted to stabilize the excited state relative to the ground state .

  20. 读完你的问题后,好一会儿我都处于一种兴奋状态,感觉好像已故的、受备缅怀的马丁卢克斯复活了!

    For a few moments after reading your conundrum I had the exhilarating sense that the late , lamented Martin Lukes had returned from the dead !

  21. 艺术类学生的心理问题主要是兴奋状态(19.48%)、脱离现实(19.01%)和抑郁(15.02%)。

    The main psychological problems of art school students were hypomania ( 19.48 % ), unreality ( 19.01 % ) and depression ( 15.02 % ) .

  22. 相当多的女性对一种压力下释放的关键荷尔蒙反应敏感。研究表明,即使微量的荷尔蒙也能够使女性的情绪处于异常兴奋状态。

    Members of the fairer sex are more sensitive to a key stress hormone-with even small amounts sending their emotions into a whirl , research shows .

  23. 虽然饮酒超量可能会让员工们处于微醺的兴奋状态,但开放和充满机遇的工作环境才是让他们真正享受工作的原因。

    Though the excess of alcohol may keep workers giddy with delight , the open and opportunity-filled work environment is really what keeps them happy in the office .

  24. 研究表明,如果员工能够在工作中追求自己的爱好,其大脑会一直处于兴奋状态,而此时的效率是正常效率的五倍。

    Studies have shown that people who are able to pursue their passions at work experience flow , a euphoric state of mind that is five times more productive than the norm . 8 .

  25. 但喝到青春之泉更有趣(更美味)的方法实则是多吃些富含营养的高度抗氧化食物,它们能使你的皮肤细腻光滑,让你的大脑处于兴奋状态。

    But a much more fun ( and delicious ) way to sip from the fountain of youth is to actually nibble on a couple of nutrient-packed , antioxidant-heavy foods to keep your skin smooth and your brain buzzing .

  26. 总之,直到1893年10月,也就是在我从参观世界博览会的疲劳和兴奋状态中恢复平静之后,我才开始在固定时间内学习一些特殊的课程。

    It was not , however , until October , 1893 , after I had recovered from the fatigue and excitement of my visit to the World 's Fair , that I began to have lessons in special subjects at fixed hours .

  27. 战争期间异于寻常的职业年覆一年;异常兴奋的状态。

    Years of supernormal employment during the war ; a phase of supernormal excitability .

  28. 处于极度兴奋的状态。

    In a state of feverish excitement .

  29. 我处于一种永久兴奋的状态中:一封令人激动的电邮会在我下次查信时出现。

    I live in a permanent state of excitement that some thrilling e-mail will have arrived next time I check .

  30. 研究人员检测研究对象的脑电模式后发现,很多人面对堆得乱七八糟的产品和栗米脆的橙色粉末时脑电波呈现出异常兴奋的状态。

    Examining EEG patterns , researchers determined that many subjects got a subversive thrill from the messiness of the product and its famous finger-coating orange dust .