
  • 网络rational choice;reasonable choice;rational decision;Rationale Choice
  1. 第三,形式模型从理性选择模型转向基于个体模型(ABM)。

    Thirdly , formal model transfers from rational choice model to agent-based model .

  2. 如果说克里夫兰医疗中心提供的简单、令人放松的体验满足了我们的感性需求,超市连锁TraderJoe's的尝试则简化了我们的理性选择。

    If Cleveland Clinic appeals to the emotional side of our brains to provide a simple , soothing experience , the supermarket chain Trader Joe 's tries to simplify rational choice .

  3. “相反,”研究人员继续说道,“很多没有假定人们会做出理性选择的规章条例已成功地应用于酒精管控:和食品一样,酒精是一种无节制摄取会导致严重健康问题的物质。”

    " In contrast , " the researchers continue , " many regulations that don 't assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol , a substance — like food — of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems . ' '

  4. 指出我国加入WTO后,面对国际金融业混业经营的世界趋势,发展商业银行混业经营是金融业应对挑战的必然选择,而实现这一目标的现实途径和理性选择是发展金融控股公司。

    After joined WTO , facing the trend of the joint management , to developing the joint management of the commercial bank is the necessary choice to cope with the challenge , while the transition way is to develop the banking holding companies .

  5. 在我国,律师与ADR的关系十分密切,律师对ADR的广泛参与和介入,既有利于促进对ADR的理性选择,也有利于ADR效率的提升以及正义功能的增进。

    Ln our country the relation between lawyer and ADR is very close , the lawyer participation in and involvement in to the ADR broad are both beneficial to promoting the reason choice to ADR and , beneficial to ADR efficiency lifting and functional enhancing of justice .

  6. 科尔曼理性选择理论简析

    A Review of James . S. Coleman 's Rational Choice Theory

  7. 河南省农业产业结构调整优化的理性选择

    The rational option to adjust and excel Henan agriculture industrial structure

  8. 风险租赁&高科技企业融资的理性选择

    Venture Lease & A Reasonable Choice of Financing of High-technology Enterprises

  9. 期待可能性&刑事政策的理性选择

    The Possibility of Expectation , the Rational Select of Criminal Policy

  10. 打造红三角经济圈的理性选择

    The Rational Option in the Construction of Red Triangle Economy Circle

  11. 关于犯罪经济学理性选择理论的一些探讨

    Some Probes into the Theory of Rational Choice of Criminal Economics

  12. 我国外贸企业支付方式的理性选择

    Our Business Enterprises ' Rational Choice of Payment Methods in International Trade

  13. 当代中国公共行政良性发展的理性选择

    The Rational Choice of Right Development of Contemporary China 's Public Administration

  14. 社区服务的理性选择:福利性与经营性的统一&以长春东站十委为个案分析

    The Rational Choice of Community Service : Unify in Welfare and Profit

  15. 理性选择与道德判断&第三种文化的视角

    Rational Choice and Moral Judgement : A perspective of the third culture

  16. 构建网络政府也是我国政府的理性选择。

    To construct network government is the rational choice for our government .

  17. 我国民营企业发展的理性选择:制度创新

    A Reasonable Choice of Chinese Civil Enterprises ' Development : System Innovation

  18. 公司治理模式的形成机理与理性选择

    The Formation Logic and Rational Choice of Corporate Governance Model

  19. 在学术流派上,奥尔森最终从理性选择主义走向制度经济学。

    His academic position finally changed from rational choice to institutional economics .

  20. 我国公共危机管理中税收政策的理性选择

    Rational Choices of Taxation Policy for Public Crisis Mangement in China Goverment

  21. 政府经济职能转变形态探析&从理性选择制度主义理论的角度

    Probing into the Changing Economic Function Form of the Government

  22. 金融一体化与经济稳定增长:机制、条件及理性选择

    Financial Integration and Steady Growth : Mechanisms , Conditions and Rational Choice

  23. 这是各种理性选择模型所基于的前提。

    This is the premise on which rational choice models are based .

  24. 论我国投资基金现阶段发展的理性选择

    Rational Choices of the Development of China 's Investment Funds at Present

  25. 现阶段我国农村养老保障的理性选择&家庭养老、土地保障与社会养老相结合

    Reasonable Selection of Current Rural Endowment Insurance in China

  26. 归核化:旅游上市公司的理性选择

    Refocusing : the Rational Choice of Listed Tourism Companies

  27. 从福利到工作:中国失业保险制度的理性选择

    From Welfare to Work : Rational Choice of Unemployment Insurance System in China

  28. 适度发展:湖南高等教育规模发展的理性选择

    Moderate Development : A Rational Choice of Higher Educational Scale in Hunan Province

  29. 关于理性选择函数描述方式等价性的分析

    An Analysis of Description Forms for Rational Choice Function

  30. 本土化:第三部门的理性选择

    Nativism : a rational selection for the third sector