
  • 网络social tension;social strains
  1. 首先,经济改革产生开放性经济结构,社会利益结构被分化重组,传播的社会张力形成;

    First , the economic reform produces open economic structure so that the structure of social interests is differentiated and reorganized , the social tension of communication takes shape ;

  2. 随着我国各项改革的不断深入,新旧规范制度、社会机制和价值观念的矛盾和冲突日益凸显,这导致社会张力表面化,社会的稳定性降低。

    Along with the deepening of the reform of China , the contradictions and conflicts of old and new normative system , social system and social values is increasingly obvious . This has led social tension to be superficial , social stability was reduced .

  3. 美国课程规划的社会张力

    Social Tensions of American Curriculum Planning

  4. 由移民现象带来的社会张力,在现代历史的各个阶段和现代世界各个地区都普遍存在。

    Social tensions along with immigration generally exist everywhere in the world and at every stage of history .

  5. 第四部分提出本文的主要观点,排除价值判断领域,仅从经验研究的范畴出发,从合理性概念的历史性出发,形式合理性与实质合理性之间存在着特有的社会张力;

    In the forth part , it will be the main idea of this paper : get rid of value 's worth , only consider with the research of experience , formal rationality and the essential rationality take on the proper social stain .

  6. 本文对现代健康观念进行了反思,从生物人类学的视角分析了人类生存的社会张力,进而提出了内隐性张力对健康的影响。

    The author introspected the current notion of health in this paper , analyzed the social stress of human being exist at view of biological anthropology , put forward a new conception , the implicit stress , which have a negative effect on health .

  7. 从想象到现实:艾滋病人社会关系张力与断裂的逻辑

    From Imagination to the Reality : the Logic of Social Relation Tension and Break of AIDS Patients

  8. 个人与社会之间的张力,由此产生个性发展观。

    The tension between individual and society generates the value of personality .

  9. 现代性境遇中个人主义与社会价值理想张力的哲学反思

    Exaggeration and Lose : Modernity Interpretation of the Tension between Individualism and Social Value Ideal

  10. 科学社会学的张力&默顿与贝尔纳研究传统的比较

    The Tension of Sociology of Science : Comparison between Bernal 's and Merton 's Research Methods on Tradition

  11. 值得注意的是,社会主义市场经济内在逻辑中还隐含了增大个人与社会之间内在张力、加剧二者矛盾不断升级的可能风险。

    Obviously , this change should evade the possible risk which pricked up by the continual upgrade inherent in the socialism market economy augment the tension between individual and society .

  12. 本文通过对从神话时代到中世纪的自然与自然法进行分析,认为自然法试图解决的是人与人之间,人与政治社会之间的张力的一套标准。

    This treatise analyzes the nature and the Law of Nature from the Myth Age to the Middle Age , concluding that the Law of Nature is the standard to resolve the contradiction between the humane and their political society .

  13. 本文在借助历史与逻辑相统一的方法进行梳理的基础上注意运用分析与综合的辩证分析方法,揭示出行动个体与抽象社会之间真正的张力关系。

    The paper reveals the real tension between them by dialectical analyze with the help that unify history and logic .

  14. 最近坊间人们议论纷纷,身为小市民者莫不埋怨社会前进的无形张力,颇有生活担子不胜负荷之感。

    A babble of grumbles has been buzzing among the people who , under pressure from a fast-changing society , are finding it hard to bear the burden of livelihood .

  15. 由于伊朗地处中东地区,外部势力斗争十分激烈,而伊朗国内政权与社会的矛盾和张力也十分突出。

    Located in the Middle East , Iran has been involved in the fierce competition with other countries . The tensions and controversies in the Iranian societal and political process are also prominent .

  16. 心性论是传统中国哲学乃至中国文化重要的组成部分,不过,因其内在性、形上性与现代社会形成强烈的张力,现在学界很少正面讨论心性问题了。

    Xin-xing theory is the important part of Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture . However , for the extreme tension between the modern society and its introversion and metaphysical pattern , it is abandoned by the main school .

  17. 《白鹿原》表现出相当的人性深度,它对生存的表现和道德的发掘都是具有力度的。它反映了深层的中国传统道德与人性的冲突与矛盾,揭示了中国社会的某种内在张力。

    The White-Deer Grassland expresses a profound human nature in depth , which embodies a force to express the existence and dig out the morality , reflecting a conflict and contradiction between the Chinese traditional morality human nature , and exposing a certain internal tension of Chinese society .

  18. 企业社会责任价值观有其内在张力,这种张力体现在市场价值与社会价值的张力、工具主义与规范主义的张力以及效率与公平的张力等方面。

    The value concept of CSR has its inherent tension , which is reflected by the tension between marketable value and social value , the tension between instrumentalism and standard doctrine , the tension between efficiency and impart .

  19. 功能主义导向的司法指法院除了以法律规则为裁判依据还追求社会效果,但是法律效果与社会效果之间存在张力。

    Judgment of the court must according to the statute and regulations , and pursuant of social influence results in the judicial tendency to the functionalism , but there is a conflict between the legal effect and social influence , social influence may impair the legal effect .

  20. 刑法也是存在于社会系统中的一个子系统,同样存在法的稳定与社会的发展之间张力的问题。

    Criminal law is one of the subsystems of social system , it exists the tension problem of the stability of law and the development of society .

  21. 构建和谐社会的基础和根本是建立合理的利益关系格局,利益均衡有利于社会保持适当的张力和活力。

    Establishing rational pattern of benefits is basic and essential in building a harmonious society , for the balance of benefits will be good for helping a society to keep appropriate vigor and tension .

  22. 同时,当代社会高度分化,异质性不断增强,人们对自由、自主的呼声越来越高,社会对人的规范与监控也不断加强,个人与社会的张力关系不断扩张,个体本性不断被压制。

    Meanwhile , the contemporary society was well differentiated , and the heterogeneity was increasing constantly . Besides , people more and more demanded for autonomy and the community . But the society also strengthened the norm and monitor to people .